#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Send-side station emulator for test frame tests over a high quality audio channel using a physical sound card or STDIO. Legacy test for sending / receiving connection test frames through the codec2 and back through on the other station. Data injection initiates directly through the codec2 API. Tests all three codec2 data frames simultaneously. Invoked from CMake, test_highsnr_stdio_P_P_multi.py, and many test_virtual[1-3]*.sh. @author: DJ2LS """ import argparse import ctypes import sys import time import numpy as np import pyaudio sys.path.insert(0, "..") from modem import codec2 def test_mm_tx(): MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE = codec2.api.FREEDV_FS_8000 AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX = 48000 assert (AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX % MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE) == 0 args = parse_arguments() if args.LIST: p_audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() for dev in range(p_audio.get_device_count()): print("audiodev: ", dev, p_audio.get_device_info_by_index(dev)["name"]) sys.exit() N_BURSTS = args.N_BURSTS N_FRAMES_PER_BURST = args.N_FRAMES_PER_BURST DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS = args.DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS / 1000 AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE = args.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE resampler = codec2.resampler() # Data binary string data_out = b"HELLO WORLD!" modes = [ codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac13.value, codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac1.value, codec2.FREEDV_MODE.datac3.value, ] if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE != -1: p_audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() # Auto search for loopback devices if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE == -2: loopback_list = [ dev for dev in range(p_audio.get_device_count()) if "Loopback: PCM" in p_audio.get_device_info_by_index(dev)["name"] ] if len(loopback_list) >= 2: AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE = loopback_list[1] # 0 = RX 1 = TX print(f"loopback_list tx: {loopback_list}", file=sys.stderr) else: sys.exit() # AUDIO PARAMETERS AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER = 2400 # pyaudio init stream_tx = p_audio.open( format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_TX, frames_per_buffer=AUDIO_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, # n_nom_modem_samples output=True, output_device_index=AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE, ) for mode in modes: freedv = ctypes.cast(codec2.api.freedv_open(mode), ctypes.c_void_p) n_tx_modem_samples = codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_modem_samples(freedv) mod_out = ctypes.create_string_buffer(2 * n_tx_modem_samples) n_tx_preamble_modem_samples = codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_preamble_modem_samples( freedv ) mod_out_preamble = ctypes.create_string_buffer(2 * n_tx_preamble_modem_samples) n_tx_postamble_modem_samples = ( codec2.api.freedv_get_n_tx_postamble_modem_samples(freedv) ) mod_out_postamble = ctypes.create_string_buffer( 2 * n_tx_postamble_modem_samples ) bytes_per_frame = int(codec2.api.freedv_get_bits_per_modem_frame(freedv) / 8) payload_per_frame = bytes_per_frame - 2 buffer = bytearray(payload_per_frame) # Set buffer size to length of data which will be sent buffer[: len(data_out)] = data_out # Generate CRC16 crc = ctypes.c_ushort( codec2.api.freedv_gen_crc16(bytes(buffer), payload_per_frame) ) # Convert CRC to 2 byte hex string crc = crc.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") buffer += crc # Append crc16 to buffer data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame).from_buffer_copy(buffer) for brst in range(1, N_BURSTS + 1): # Write preamble to txbuffer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatapreambletx(freedv, mod_out_preamble) txbuffer = bytes(mod_out_preamble) # Create modulaton for N = FRAMESPERBURST and append it to txbuffer for frm in range(1, N_FRAMES_PER_BURST + 1): data = (ctypes.c_ubyte * bytes_per_frame).from_buffer_copy(buffer) # Modulate DATA and save it into mod_out pointer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatatx(freedv, mod_out, data) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out) print( f"TX BURST: {brst}/{N_BURSTS} FRAME: {frm}/{N_FRAMES_PER_BURST}", file=sys.stderr, ) # Append postamble to txbuffer codec2.api.freedv_rawdatapostambletx(freedv, mod_out_postamble) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out_postamble) # Append a delay between bursts as audio silence samples_delay = int(MODEM_SAMPLE_RATE * DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS) mod_out_silence = ctypes.create_string_buffer(samples_delay * 2) txbuffer += bytes(mod_out_silence) # Resample up to 48k (resampler works on np.int16) audio_buffer = np.frombuffer(txbuffer, dtype=np.int16) txbuffer_48k = resampler.resample8_to_48(audio_buffer) # Check if we want to use an audio device or stdout if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE != -1: stream_tx.write(txbuffer_48k.tobytes()) else: # This test needs a lot of time, so we are having a look at times... starttime = time.time() # Print data to terminal for piping the output to other programs sys.stdout.buffer.write(txbuffer_48k) sys.stdout.flush() # and at least print the needed time to see which time we needed timeneeded = time.time() - starttime # print(f"time: {timeneeded} buffer: {len(txbuffer)}", file=sys.stderr) # and at last check if we had an opened pyaudio instance and close it if AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE != -1: time.sleep(stream_tx.get_output_latency()) stream_tx.stop_stream() stream_tx.close() p_audio.terminate() def parse_arguments(): # GET PARAMETER INPUTS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="FreeDATA TEST") parser.add_argument("--bursts", dest="N_BURSTS", default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument( "--framesperburst", dest="N_FRAMES_PER_BURST", default=1, type=int ) parser.add_argument("--delay", dest="DELAY_BETWEEN_BURSTS", default=500, type=int) parser.add_argument( "--audiodev", dest="AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE", default=-1, type=int, help="audio output device number to use", ) parser.add_argument( "--list", dest="LIST", action="store_true", help="list audio devices by number and exit", ) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() return args if __name__ == "__main__": test_mm_tx()