import structlog import threading import helpers import time import modem import base64 import ujson as json from data_handler import DATA class DATABROADCAST(DATA): """Terminal Node Controller for FreeDATA""" log = structlog.get_logger("BROADCAST") def __init__(self, config, event_queue, states) -> None: super().__init__(config, event_queue, states) self.log = structlog.get_logger("DHDBC") self.states = states self.event_queue = event_queue self.mycallsign = config['STATION']['mycall'] self.fec_wakeup_callsign = bytes() self.longest_duration = 6 self.wakeup_received = False self.broadcast_timeout_reached = False self.broadcast_payload_bursts = 1 self.broadcast_watchdog = threading.Thread( target=self.watchdog, name="watchdog thread", daemon=True ) self.broadcast_watchdog.start() self.event_queue = event_queue def received_fec_wakeup(self, data_in: bytes): self.fec_wakeup_callsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[1:7])) self.wakeup_mode = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[7:8]), "big") bursts = int.from_bytes(bytes(data_in[8:9]), "big") self.wakeup_received = True modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = True self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", fec="wakeup", mode=self.wakeup_mode, bursts=bursts, dxcallsign=str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8") ) "[Modem] FRAME WAKEUP RCVD [" + str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8") + "] ", mode=self.wakeup_mode, bursts=bursts, ) def received_fec(self, data_in: bytes): print(self.fec_wakeup_callsign) self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", fec="broadcast", dxcallsign=str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8"), data=base64.b64encode(data_in[1:]).decode("UTF-8") )"[Modem] FEC DATA RCVD") def send_data_to_socket_queue(self, **jsondata): """ Send information to the UI via JSON and the sock.SOCKET_QUEUE. Args: Dictionary containing the data to be sent, in the format: key=value, for each item. E.g.: self.send_data_to_socket_queue( freedata="modem-message", arq="received", status="success", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, timestamp=timestamp, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8"), dxcallsign=str(Station.dxcallsign, "UTF-8"), dxgrid=str(Station.dxgrid, "UTF-8"), data=base64_data, ) """ # add mycallsign and dxcallsign to network message if they not exist # and make sure we are not overwrite them if they exist try: if "mycallsign" not in jsondata: jsondata["mycallsign"] = str(self.mycallsign, "UTF-8") except Exception as e: self.log.debug("[Modem] error adding callsigns to network message", e=e) # run json dumps json_data_out = json.dumps(jsondata) self.log.debug("[Modem] send_data_to_socket_queue:", jsondata=json_data_out) # finally push data to our network queue self.event_queue.put(json_data_out) def watchdog(self): while 1: if self.wakeup_received: timeout = time.time() + (self.longest_duration * self.broadcast_payload_bursts) + 2 while time.time() < timeout: threading.Event().wait(0.01) self.broadcast_timeout_reached = True "[Modem] closing broadcast slot [" + str(self.fec_wakeup_callsign, "UTF-8") + "] ", mode=self.wakeup_mode, bursts=self.broadcast_payload_bursts, ) # TODO We need a dynamic way of modifying this modem.RECEIVE_DATAC4 = False self.fec_wakeup_callsign = bytes() self.wakeup_received = False else: threading.Event().wait(0.01)