# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Dec 25 21:25:14 2020 @author: DJ2LS # GET COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # SET COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # "parameter" : " ..." # DATA COMMANDS # "command" : "..." # "type" : "..." # "dxcallsign" : "..." # "data" : "..." """ import atexit import base64 import queue import socketserver import sys import threading import time import wave import helpers import static from static import ARQ, AudioParam, Beacon, Channel, Daemon, HamlibParam, ModemParam, Station, Statistics, TCIParam, TNC, MeshParam import structlog from random import randrange import ujson as json from exceptions import NoCallsign from queues import DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT, RX_BUFFER, RIGCTLD_COMMAND_QUEUE, MESH_QUEUE_TRANSMIT, MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE SOCKET_QUEUE = queue.Queue() DAEMON_QUEUE = queue.Queue() CONNECTED_CLIENTS = set() CLOSE_SIGNAL = False TESTMODE = False log = structlog.get_logger("sock") class ThreadedTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer): """ the socket handler base class """ pass # noinspection PyTypeChecker class ThreadedTCPRequestHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler): """ """ connection_alive = False log = structlog.get_logger("ThreadedTCPRequestHandler") def send_to_client(self): """ function called by socket handler send data to a network client if available """ tempdata = b"" while self.connection_alive and not CLOSE_SIGNAL: # send tnc state as network stream # check server port against daemon port and send corresponding data if self.server.server_address[1] == TNC.port and not Daemon.tncstarted: data = send_tnc_state() if data != tempdata: tempdata = data SOCKET_QUEUE.put(data) else: data = send_daemon_state() if data != tempdata: tempdata = data SOCKET_QUEUE.put(data) threading.Event().wait(0.5) while not SOCKET_QUEUE.empty(): data = SOCKET_QUEUE.get() sock_data = bytes(data, "utf-8") sock_data += b"\n" # append line limiter # send data to all clients try: for client in CONNECTED_CLIENTS: try: client.send(sock_data) except Exception as err: self.log.info("[SCK] Connection lost", e=err) # TODO: Check if we really should set connection alive to false. # This might disconnect all other clients as well... self.connection_alive = False except Exception as err: self.log.debug("[SCK] catch harmless RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration", e=err) # we want to transmit scatter data only once to reduce network traffic ModemParam.scatter = [] # self.request.sendall(sock_data) threading.Event().wait(0.15) def receive_from_client(self): """ function which is called by the socket handler it processes the data which is returned by a client """ data = bytes() while self.connection_alive and not CLOSE_SIGNAL: try: chunk = self.request.recv(1024) data += chunk if chunk == b"": # print("connection broken. Closing...") self.connection_alive = False if data.startswith(b"{") and data.endswith(b"}\n"): # split data by \n if we have multiple commands in socket buffer data = data.split(b"\n") # remove empty data data.remove(b"") # iterate thorugh data list for commands in data: if self.server.server_address[1] == TNC.port: self.process_tnc_commands(commands) else: self.process_daemon_commands(commands) # wait some time between processing multiple commands # this is only a first test to avoid doubled transmission # we might improve this by only processing one command or # doing some kind of selection to determine which commands need to be dropped # and which one can be processed during a running transmission threading.Event().wait(0.5) # finally delete our rx buffer to be ready for new commands data = bytes() except Exception as err: self.log.info( "[SCK] Connection closed", ip=self.client_address[0], port=self.client_address[1], e=err, ) self.connection_alive = False def handle(self): """ socket handler """ CONNECTED_CLIENTS.add(self.request) self.log.debug( "[SCK] Client connected", ip=self.client_address[0], port=self.client_address[1], ) self.connection_alive = True self.sendThread = threading.Thread( target=self.send_to_client, args=[], daemon=True ) self.sendThread.start() self.receiveThread = threading.Thread( target=self.receive_from_client, args=[], daemon=True ) self.receiveThread.start() # keep connection alive until we close it while self.connection_alive and not CLOSE_SIGNAL: threading.Event().wait(1) def finish(self): """ """ self.log.warning( "[SCK] Closing client socket", ip=self.client_address[0], port=self.client_address[1], ) try: CONNECTED_CLIENTS.remove(self.request) except Exception as e: self.log.warning( "[SCK] client connection already removed from client list", client=self.request, e=e, ) # ------------------------ TNC COMMANDS def process_tnc_commands(self, data): """ process tnc commands Args: data: Returns: """ log = structlog.get_logger("process_tnc_commands") # we need to do some error handling in case of socket timeout or decoding issue try: # convert data to json object received_json = json.loads(data) log.debug("[SCK] CMD", command=received_json) # ENABLE TNC LISTENING STATE if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "listen": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_listen(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_listen(received_json) # START STOP AUDIO RECORDING if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "record_audio": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_record_audio(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_record_audio(received_json) # SET ENABLE/DISABLE RESPOND TO CALL if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "respond_to_call": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_respond_to_call(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_respond_to_call(received_json) # SET ENABLE RESPOND TO CQ if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "respond_to_cq": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_record_audio(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_record_audio(received_json) # SET TX AUDIO LEVEL if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "tx_audio_level": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_tx_audio_level(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_tx_audio_level(received_json) # TRANSMIT TEST FRAME if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "send_test_frame": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_send_test_frame(None, received_json) elif TNC.tnc_state in ['busy']: log.warning( "[SCK] Dropping command", e="tnc state", state=TNC.tnc_state, command=received_json, ) else: self.tnc_set_send_test_frame(received_json) # TRANSMIT FEC FRAME if received_json["type"] == "fec" and received_json["command"] == "transmit": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_fec_transmit(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_fec_transmit(received_json) # TRANSMIT IS WRITING FRAME if received_json["type"] == "fec" and received_json["command"] == "transmit_is_writing": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_fec_is_writing(None, received_json) elif TNC.tnc_state in ['busy']: log.warning( "[SCK] Dropping command", e="tnc state", state=TNC.tnc_state, command=received_json, ) else: self.tnc_fec_is_writing(received_json) # CQ CQ CQ if received_json["command"] == "cqcqcq": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_cqcqcq(None, received_json) elif TNC.tnc_state in ['BUSY']: log.warning( "[SCK] Dropping command", e="tnc state", state=TNC.tnc_state, command=received_json, ) else: self.tnc_cqcqcq(received_json) # START_BEACON if received_json["command"] == "start_beacon": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_start_beacon(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_start_beacon(received_json) # STOP_BEACON if received_json["command"] == "stop_beacon": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_stop_beacon(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_stop_beacon(received_json) # PING if received_json["type"] == "ping" and received_json["command"] == "ping": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_ping_ping(None, received_json) elif TNC.tnc_state in ['BUSY']: log.warning( "[SCK] Dropping command", e="tnc state", state=TNC.tnc_state, command=received_json, ) else: self.tnc_ping_ping(received_json) # CONNECT if received_json["type"] == "arq" and received_json["command"] == "connect": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_arq_connect(None, received_json) elif TNC.tnc_state in ['BUSY']: log.warning( "[SCK] Dropping command", e="tnc state", state=TNC.tnc_state, command=received_json, ) else: self.tnc_arq_connect(received_json) # DISCONNECT if received_json["type"] == "arq" and received_json["command"] == "disconnect": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_arq_disconnect(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_arq_disconnect(received_json) # TRANSMIT RAW DATA if received_json["type"] == "arq" and received_json["command"] == "send_raw": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_arq_send_raw(None, received_json) elif TNC.tnc_state in ['busy']: log.warning( "[SCK] Dropping command", e="tnc state", state=TNC.tnc_state, command=received_json, ) else: self.tnc_arq_send_raw(received_json) # STOP TRANSMISSION if received_json["type"] == "arq" and received_json["command"] == "stop_transmission": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_arq_stop_transmission(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_arq_stop_transmission(received_json) # GET RX BUFFER if received_json["type"] == "get" and received_json["command"] == "rx_buffer": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_get_rx_buffer(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_get_rx_buffer(received_json) # DELETE RX BUFFER if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "del_rx_buffer": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_del_rx_buffer(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_del_rx_buffer(received_json) # SET FREQUENCY if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "frequency": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_frequency(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_frequency(received_json) # SET MODE if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "mode": if TESTMODE: ThreadedTCPRequestHandler.tnc_set_mode(None, received_json) else: self.tnc_set_mode(received_json) # GET ROUTING TABLE if received_json["type"] == "get" and received_json["command"] == "routing_table": self.tnc_get_mesh_routing_table(received_json) # -------------- MESH ---------------- # # MESH PING if received_json["type"] == "mesh" and received_json["command"] == "ping": self.tnc_mesh_ping(received_json) except Exception as err: log.error("[SCK] JSON decoding error", e=err) def tnc_set_listen(self, received_json): try: TNC.listen = received_json["state"] in ['true', 'True', True, "ON", "on"] command_response("listen", True) # if tnc is connected, force disconnect when TNC.listen == False if not TNC.listen and ARQ.arq_session_state not in ["disconnecting", "disconnected", "failed"]: DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["DISCONNECT"]) # set early disconnecting state so we can interrupt connection attempts ARQ.arq_session_state = "disconnecting" command_response("disconnect", True) except Exception as err: command_response("listen", False) log.warning( "[SCK] CQ command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_set_record_audio(self, received_json): try: if not AudioParam.audio_record: AudioParam.audio_record_file = wave.open(f"{int(time.time())}_audio_recording.wav", 'w') AudioParam.audio_record_file.setnchannels(1) AudioParam.audio_record_file.setsampwidth(2) AudioParam.audio_record_file.setframerate(8000) AudioParam.audio_record = True else: AudioParam.audio_record = False AudioParam.audio_record_file.close() command_response("respond_to_call", True) except Exception as err: command_response("respond_to_call", False) log.warning( "[SCK] CQ command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_set_respond_to_call(self, received_json): try: TNC.respond_to_call = received_json["state"] in ['true', 'True', True] command_response("respond_to_call", True) except Exception as err: command_response("respond_to_call", False) log.warning( "[SCK] CQ command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_set_respond_to_cq(self, received_json): try: TNC.respond_to_cq = received_json["state"] in ['true', 'True', True] command_response("respond_to_cq", True) except Exception as err: command_response("respond_to_cq", False) log.warning( "[SCK] CQ command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_set_tx_audio_level(self, received_json): try: AudioParam.tx_audio_level = int(received_json["value"]) command_response("tx_audio_level", True) except Exception as err: command_response("tx_audio_level", False) log.warning( "[SCK] TX audio command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_set_send_test_frame(self, received_json): try: DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["SEND_TEST_FRAME"]) command_response("send_test_frame", True) except Exception as err: command_response("send_test_frame", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Send test frame command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_fec_transmit(self, received_json): try: mode = received_json["mode"] wakeup = received_json["wakeup"] base64data = received_json["payload"] if len(base64data) % 4: raise TypeError payload = base64.b64decode(base64data) try: mycallsign = received_json["mycallsign"] mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) except Exception: mycallsign = Station.mycallsign DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["FEC", mode, wakeup, payload, mycallsign]) command_response("fec_transmit", True) except Exception as err: command_response("fec_transmit", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Send fec frame command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_fec_is_writing(self, received_json): try: mycallsign = received_json["mycallsign"] DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["FEC_IS_WRITING", mycallsign]) command_response("fec_is_writing", True) except Exception as err: command_response("fec_is_writing", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Send fec frame command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_cqcqcq(self, received_json): try: DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["CQ"]) command_response("cqcqcq", True) except Exception as err: command_response("cqcqcq", False) log.warning( "[SCK] CQ command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_start_beacon(self, received_json): try: Beacon.beacon_state = True interval = int(received_json["parameter"]) DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["BEACON", interval, True]) command_response("start_beacon", True) except Exception as err: command_response("start_beacon", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Start beacon command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_stop_beacon(self, received_json): try: log.warning("[SCK] Stopping beacon!") Beacon.beacon_state = False DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["BEACON", None, False]) command_response("stop_beacon", True) except Exception as err: command_response("stop_beacon", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Stop beacon command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_mesh_ping(self, received_json): # send ping frame and wait for ACK try: dxcallsign = received_json["dxcallsign"] if not str(dxcallsign).strip(): raise NoCallsign # additional step for being sure our callsign is correctly # in case we are not getting a station ssid # then we are forcing a station ssid = 0 dxcallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcallsign) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(dxcallsign) # check if specific callsign is set with different SSID than the TNC is initialized try: mycallsign = received_json["mycallsign"] mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) except Exception: mycallsign = Station.mycallsign MESH_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["PING", mycallsign, dxcallsign]) command_response("ping", True) except NoCallsign: command_response("ping", False) log.warning("[SCK] callsign required for ping", command=received_json) except Exception as err: command_response("ping", False) log.warning( "[SCK] PING command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_ping_ping(self, received_json): # send ping frame and wait for ACK try: dxcallsign = received_json["dxcallsign"] if not str(dxcallsign).strip(): raise NoCallsign # additional step for being sure our callsign is correctly # in case we are not getting a station ssid # then we are forcing a station ssid = 0 dxcallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcallsign) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(dxcallsign) # check if specific callsign is set with different SSID than the TNC is initialized try: mycallsign = received_json["mycallsign"] mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) except Exception: mycallsign = Station.mycallsign DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["PING", mycallsign, dxcallsign]) command_response("ping", True) except NoCallsign: command_response("ping", False) log.warning("[SCK] callsign required for ping", command=received_json) except Exception as err: command_response("ping", False) log.warning( "[SCK] PING command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_arq_connect(self, received_json): # pause our beacon first Beacon.beacon_pause = True # check for connection attempts key try: attempts = int(received_json["attempts"]) except Exception: # 15 == self.session_connect_max_retries attempts = 15 dxcallsign = received_json["dxcallsign"] # check if specific callsign is set with different SSID than the TNC is initialized try: mycallsign = received_json["mycallsign"] mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) except Exception: mycallsign = Station.mycallsign # additional step for being sure our callsign is correctly # in case we are not getting a station ssid # then we are forcing a station ssid = 0 dxcallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcallsign) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(dxcallsign) if ARQ.arq_session_state not in ["disconnected", "failed"]: command_response("connect", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Connect command execution error", e=f"already connected to station:{Station.dxcallsign}", command=received_json, ) else: # finally check again if we are disconnected or failed # try connecting try: DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["CONNECT", mycallsign, dxcallsign, attempts]) command_response("connect", True) except Exception as err: command_response("connect", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Connect command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) # allow beacon transmission again Beacon.beacon_pause = False # allow beacon transmission again Beacon.beacon_pause = False def tnc_arq_disconnect(self, received_json): try: if ARQ.arq_session_state not in ["disconnecting", "disconnected", "failed"]: DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["DISCONNECT"]) # set early disconnecting state so we can interrupt connection attempts ARQ.arq_session_state = "disconnecting" command_response("disconnect", True) else: command_response("disconnect", False) except Exception as err: command_response("disconnect", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Disconnect command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_arq_send_raw(self, received_json): Beacon.beacon_pause = True # wait some random time helpers.wait(randrange(5, 25, 5) / 10.0) # TODO: carefully test this # avoid sending data while we are receiving codec2 signalling data interrupt_time = time.time() + 5 while ModemParam.is_codec2_traffic and time.time() < interrupt_time: threading.Event().wait(0.01) # we need to warn if already in arq state if ARQ.arq_state: command_response("send_raw", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Send raw command execution warning", e="already in arq state", i="command queued", command=received_json, ) try: if not ARQ.arq_session: dxcallsign = received_json["parameter"][0]["dxcallsign"] # additional step for being sure our callsign is correctly # in case we are not getting a station ssid # then we are forcing a station ssid = 0 dxcallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcallsign) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(dxcallsign) command_response("send_raw", True) else: dxcallsign = Station.dxcallsign Station.dxcallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(Station.dxcallsign) base64data = received_json["parameter"][0]["data"] # check if specific callsign is set with different SSID than the TNC is initialized try: mycallsign = received_json["parameter"][0]["mycallsign"] mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycallsign) mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) except Exception: mycallsign = Station.mycallsign # check for connection attempts key try: attempts = int(received_json["parameter"][0]["attempts"]) except Exception: attempts = 10 # check if transmission uuid provided else set no-uuid try: arq_uuid = received_json["uuid"] except Exception: arq_uuid = "no-uuid" if len(base64data) % 4: raise TypeError binarydata = base64.b64decode(base64data) # check if hmac hash is provided try: print("looking for hmac salt...") hmac_salt = helpers.get_hmac_salt(dxcallsign, mycallsign) print(f" ... {hmac_salt}") except Exception: print("no hmac salt found...") hmac_salt = '' DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put( ["ARQ_RAW", binarydata, arq_uuid, mycallsign, dxcallsign, attempts, hmac_salt] ) except Exception as err: command_response("send_raw", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Send raw command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_arq_stop_transmission(self, received_json): try: if TNC.tnc_state == "BUSY" or ARQ.arq_state: DATA_QUEUE_TRANSMIT.put(["STOP"]) log.warning("[SCK] Stopping transmission!") TNC.tnc_state = "IDLE" ARQ.arq_state = False command_response("stop_transmission", True) except Exception as err: command_response("stop_transmission", False) log.warning( "[SCK] STOP command execution error", e=err, command=received_json ) def tnc_get_mesh_routing_table(self, received_json): try: if not RX_BUFFER.empty(): output = { "command": "routing_table", "routes": [], } for _, route in enumerate(MeshParam.routing_table): if MeshParam.routing_table[_][0].hex() == helpers.get_crc_24(b"direct").hex(): router = "direct" else: router = MeshParam.routing_table[_][0].hex() output["routes"].append( { "dxcall": MeshParam.routing_table[_][0].hex(), "router": router, "hops": MeshParam.routing_table[_][2], "snr": MeshParam.routing_table[_][3], "score": MeshParam.routing_table[_][4], "timestamp": MeshParam.routing_table[_][5], } ) jsondata = json.dumps(output) # self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) SOCKET_QUEUE.put(jsondata) command_response("routing_table", True) except Exception as err: command_response("routing_table", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Send RX buffer command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_get_rx_buffer(self, received_json): try: if not RX_BUFFER.empty(): output = { "command": "rx_buffer", "data-array": [], } for _buffer_length in range(RX_BUFFER.qsize()): base64_data = RX_BUFFER.queue[_buffer_length][4] output["data-array"].append( { "uuid": RX_BUFFER.queue[_buffer_length][0], "timestamp": RX_BUFFER.queue[_buffer_length][1], "dxcallsign": str(RX_BUFFER.queue[_buffer_length][2], "utf-8"), "dxgrid": str(RX_BUFFER.queue[_buffer_length][3], "utf-8"), "data": base64_data, } ) jsondata = json.dumps(output) # self.request.sendall(bytes(jsondata, encoding)) SOCKET_QUEUE.put(jsondata) command_response("rx_buffer", True) except Exception as err: command_response("rx_buffer", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Send RX buffer command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_set_del_rx_buffer(self, received_json): try: RX_BUFFER.queue.clear() command_response("del_rx_buffer", True) except Exception as err: command_response("del_rx_buffer", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Delete RX buffer command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_set_mode(self, received_json): try: RIGCTLD_COMMAND_QUEUE.put(["set_mode", received_json["mode"]]) command_response("set_mode", True) except Exception as err: command_response("set_mode", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Set mode command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) def tnc_set_frequency(self, received_json): try: RIGCTLD_COMMAND_QUEUE.put(["set_frequency", received_json["frequency"]]) command_response("set_frequency", True) except Exception as err: command_response("set_frequency", False) log.warning( "[SCK] Set frequency command execution error", e=err, command=received_json, ) # ------------------------ DAEMON COMMANDS def process_daemon_commands(self, data): """ process daemon commands Args: data: Returns: """ log = structlog.get_logger("process_daemon_commands") # convert data to json object received_json = json.loads(data) log.debug("[SCK] CMD", command=received_json) if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "mycallsign": self.daemon_set_mycallsign(received_json) if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "mygrid": self.daemon_set_mygrid(received_json) if ( received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "start_tnc" and not Daemon.tncstarted ): self.daemon_start_tnc(received_json) if received_json["type"] == "get" and received_json["command"] == "test_hamlib": self.daemon_test_hamlib(received_json) if received_json["type"] == "set" and received_json["command"] == "stop_tnc": self.daemon_stop_tnc(received_json) def daemon_set_mycallsign(self, received_json): try: callsign = received_json["parameter"] if bytes(callsign, "utf-8") == b"": self.request.sendall(b"INVALID CALLSIGN") log.warning( "[SCK] SET MYCALL FAILED", call=Station.mycallsign, crc=Station.mycallsign_crc.hex(), ) else: Station.mycallsign = bytes(callsign, "utf-8") Station.mycallsign_crc = helpers.get_crc_24(Station.mycallsign) command_response("mycallsign", True) log.info( "[SCK] SET MYCALL", call=Station.mycallsign, crc=Station.mycallsign_crc.hex(), ) except Exception as err: command_response("mycallsign", False) log.warning("[SCK] command execution error", e=err, command=received_json) def daemon_set_mygrid(self, received_json): try: mygrid = received_json["parameter"] if bytes(mygrid, "utf-8") == b"": self.request.sendall(b"INVALID GRID") command_response("mygrid", False) else: Station.mygrid = bytes(mygrid, "utf-8") log.info("[SCK] SET MYGRID", grid=Station.mygrid) command_response("mygrid", True) except Exception as err: command_response("mygrid", False) log.warning("[SCK] command execution error", e=err, command=received_json) def daemon_start_tnc(self, received_json): try: startparam = received_json["parameter"][0] mycall = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("AA0AA", startparam, "mycall")) mygrid = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("JN12ab", startparam, "mygrid")) rx_audio = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("0", startparam, "rx_audio")) tx_audio = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("0", startparam, "tx_audio")) radiocontrol = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("disabled", startparam, "radiocontrol")) rigctld_ip = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("", startparam, "rigctld_ip")) rigctld_port = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("4532", startparam, "rigctld_port")) enable_scatter = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("True", startparam, "enable_scatter")) enable_fft = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("True", startparam, "enable_fft")) enable_fsk = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("False", startparam, "enable_fsk")) low_bandwidth_mode = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("False", startparam, "low_bandwidth_mode")) tuning_range_fmin = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("-50", startparam, "tuning_range_fmin")) tuning_range_fmax = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("50", startparam, "tuning_range_fmax")) tx_audio_level = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("100", startparam, "tx_audio_level")) respond_to_cq = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("False", startparam, "respond_to_cq")) rx_buffer_size = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("16", startparam, "rx_buffer_size")) enable_explorer = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("False", startparam, "enable_explorer")) enable_auto_tune = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("False", startparam, "enable_auto_tune")) enable_stats = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("False", startparam, "enable_stats")) tx_delay = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("0", startparam, "tx_delay")) tci_ip = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("", startparam, "tci_ip")) tci_port = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("50001", startparam, "tci_port")) enable_mesh = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("False", startparam, "enable_mesh")) try: # convert ssid list to python list ssid_list = str(helpers.return_key_from_object("0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9", startparam, "ssid_list")) ssid_list = ssid_list.replace(" ", "") ssid_list = ssid_list.split(",") # convert str to int ssid_list = list(map(int, ssid_list)) except KeyError: ssid_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # print some debugging parameters for item in startparam: log.debug( f"[SCK] TNC Startup Config : {item}", value=startparam[item], ) DAEMON_QUEUE.put( [ "STARTTNC", mycall, mygrid, rx_audio, tx_audio, radiocontrol, rigctld_ip, rigctld_port, enable_scatter, enable_fft, low_bandwidth_mode, tuning_range_fmin, tuning_range_fmax, enable_fsk, tx_audio_level, respond_to_cq, rx_buffer_size, enable_explorer, ssid_list, enable_auto_tune, enable_stats, tx_delay, tci_ip, tci_port, enable_mesh ] ) command_response("start_tnc", True) except Exception as err: command_response("start_tnc", False) log.warning("[SCK] command execution error", e=err, command=received_json) def daemon_stop_tnc(self, received_json): try: Daemon.tncprocess.kill() # unregister process from atexit to avoid process zombies atexit.unregister(Daemon.tncprocess.kill) log.warning("[SCK] Stopping TNC") Daemon.tncstarted = False command_response("stop_tnc", True) except Exception as err: command_response("stop_tnc", False) log.warning("[SCK] command execution error", e=err, command=received_json) def daemon_test_hamlib(self, received_json): try: radiocontrol = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["radiocontrol"]) rigctld_ip = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["rigctld_ip"]) rigctld_port = str(received_json["parameter"][0]["rigctld_port"]) DAEMON_QUEUE.put( [ "TEST_HAMLIB", radiocontrol, rigctld_ip, rigctld_port, ] ) command_response("test_hamlib", True) except Exception as err: command_response("test_hamlib", False) log.warning("[SCK] command execution error", e=err, command=received_json) def send_daemon_state(): """ send the daemon state to network """ log = structlog.get_logger("send_daemon_state") try: python_version = f"{str(sys.version_info[0])}.{str(sys.version_info[1])}" output = { "command": "daemon_state", "daemon_state": [], "python_version": str(python_version), "input_devices": AudioParam.audio_input_devices, "output_devices": AudioParam.audio_output_devices, "serial_devices": Daemon.serial_devices, # 'cpu': str(psutil.cpu_percent()), # 'ram': str(psutil.virtual_memory().percent), "version": "0.1", } if Daemon.tncstarted: output["daemon_state"].append({"status": "running"}) else: output["daemon_state"].append({"status": "stopped"}) return json.dumps(output) except Exception as err: log.warning("[SCK] error", e=err) return None def send_tnc_state(): """ send the tnc state to network """ encoding = "utf-8" output = { "command": "tnc_state", "ptt_state": str(HamlibParam.ptt_state), "tnc_state": str(TNC.tnc_state), "arq_state": str(ARQ.arq_state), "arq_session": str(ARQ.arq_session), "arq_session_state": str(ARQ.arq_session_state), "audio_dbfs": str(AudioParam.audio_dbfs), "snr": str(ModemParam.snr), "frequency": str(HamlibParam.hamlib_frequency), "rf_level": str(HamlibParam.hamlib_rf), "strength": str(HamlibParam.hamlib_strength), "alc": str(HamlibParam.alc), "audio_level": str(AudioParam.tx_audio_level), "audio_auto_tune": str(AudioParam.audio_auto_tune), "speed_level": str(ARQ.arq_speed_level), "mode": str(HamlibParam.hamlib_mode), "bandwidth": str(HamlibParam.hamlib_bandwidth), "fft": str(AudioParam.fft), "channel_busy": str(ModemParam.channel_busy), "channel_busy_slot": str(ModemParam.channel_busy_slot), "is_codec2_traffic": str(ModemParam.is_codec2_traffic), "scatter": ModemParam.scatter, "rx_buffer_length": str(RX_BUFFER.qsize()), "rx_msg_buffer_length": str(len(ARQ.rx_msg_buffer)), "arq_bytes_per_minute": str(ARQ.bytes_per_minute), "arq_bytes_per_minute_burst": str(ARQ.bytes_per_minute_burst), "arq_seconds_until_finish": str(ARQ.arq_seconds_until_finish), "arq_compression_factor": str(ARQ.arq_compression_factor), "arq_transmission_percent": str(ARQ.arq_transmission_percent), "speed_list": ARQ.speed_list, "total_bytes": str(ARQ.total_bytes), "beacon_state": str(Beacon.beacon_state), "stations": [], "routing_table": [], "mesh_signalling_table" : [], "mycallsign": str(Station.mycallsign, encoding), "mygrid": str(Station.mygrid, encoding), "dxcallsign": str(Station.dxcallsign, encoding), "dxgrid": str(Station.dxgrid, encoding), "hamlib_status": HamlibParam.hamlib_status, "listen": str(TNC.listen), "audio_recording": str(AudioParam.audio_record), } # add heard stations to heard stations object for heard in TNC.heard_stations: output["stations"].append( { "dxcallsign": str(heard[0], encoding), "dxgrid": str(heard[1], encoding), "timestamp": heard[2], "datatype": heard[3], "snr": heard[4], "offset": heard[5], "frequency": heard[6], } ) for _, route in enumerate(MeshParam.routing_table): if MeshParam.routing_table[_][1].hex() == helpers.get_crc_24(b"direct").hex(): router = "direct" else: router = MeshParam.routing_table[_][1].hex() output["routing_table"].append( { "dxcall": MeshParam.routing_table[_][0].hex(), "router": router, "hops": MeshParam.routing_table[_][2], "snr": MeshParam.routing_table[_][3], "score": MeshParam.routing_table[_][4], "timestamp": MeshParam.routing_table[_][5], } ) for _, entry in enumerate(MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE): output["mesh_signalling_table"].append( { "timestamp": MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE[_][0], "destination": MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE[_][1], "origin": MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE[_][2], "frametype": MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE[_][3], "payload": MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE[_][4], "attempt": MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE[_][5], "status": MESH_SIGNALLING_TABLE[_][6], } ) #print(output) return json.dumps(output) def command_response(command, status): s_status = "OK" if status else "Failed" jsondata = {"command_response": command, "status": s_status} data_out = json.dumps(jsondata) SOCKET_QUEUE.put(data_out) def try_except(string): try: return string except Exception: return False