# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ Created on 05.11.23 @author: DJ2LS """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long, c-extension-no-member # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, attribute-defined-outside-init import requests import threading import ujson as json import structlog import sched import time log = structlog.get_logger("explorer") class explorer(): def __init__(self, app, config, states): self.config = config self.app = app self.states = states self.explorer_url = "https://api.freedata.app/explorer.php" self.publish_interval = 120 self.scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) self.schedule_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_scheduler) self.schedule_thread.start() def run_scheduler(self): # Schedule the first execution of push self.scheduler.enter(self.publish_interval, 1, self.push) # Run the scheduler in a loop self.scheduler.run() def push(self): frequency = 0 if self.states.radio_frequency is None else self.states.radio_frequency band = "USB" callsign = str(self.config['STATION']['mycall']) + "-" + str(self.config["STATION"]['myssid']) gridsquare = str(self.config['STATION']['mygrid']) version = str(self.app.MODEM_VERSION) bandwidth = str(self.config['MODEM']['enable_low_bandwidth_mode']) beacon = str(self.states.is_beacon_running) strength = str(self.states.s_meter_strength) log.info("[EXPLORER] publish", frequency=frequency, band=band, callsign=callsign, gridsquare=gridsquare, version=version, bandwidth=bandwidth) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} station_data = {'callsign': callsign, 'gridsquare': gridsquare, 'frequency': frequency, 'strength': strength, 'band': band, 'version': version, 'bandwidth': bandwidth, 'beacon': beacon, "lastheard": []} for i in self.states.heard_stations: try: callsign = i[0] grid = i[1] timestamp = i[2] frequency = i[6] try: snr = i[4].split("/")[1] except AttributeError: snr = str(i[4]) station_data["lastheard"].append({"callsign": callsign, "grid": grid, "snr": snr, "timestamp": timestamp, "frequency": frequency}) except Exception as e: log.debug("[EXPLORER] not publishing station", e=e) station_data = json.dumps(station_data) try: response = requests.post(self.explorer_url, json=station_data, headers=headers) except Exception as e: log.warning("[EXPLORER] connection lost") # Reschedule the push method self.scheduler.enter(self.publish_interval, 1, self.push) def shutdown(self): # If there are other cleanup tasks, include them here if self.schedule_thread: self.schedule_thread.join()