import { defineStore } from "pinia"; import { ref } from "vue"; export const useChatStore = defineStore("chatStore", () => { var callsign_list = ref(); var sorted_chat_list = ref(); var newChatCallsign = ref(); var newChatMessage = ref(); /* ------------------------------------------------ */ // Scroll to bottom functions const scrollTrigger = ref(0); function triggerScrollToBottom() { scrollTrigger.value++; } /* ------------------------------------------------ */ var chat_filter = ref([ { type: "newchat" }, { type: "received" }, { type: "transmit" }, { type: "ping-ack" }, { type: "broadcast_received" }, { type: "broadcast_transmit" }, //{ type: "request" }, //{ type: "response" }, ]); var selectedCallsign = ref(); // we need a default value in our ref because of our message info modal var selectedMessageObject = ref({ command: "msg", hmac_signed: false, percent: 0, is_new: false, _id: "2ead6698", timestamp: 1697289795, dxcallsign: "DJ2LS-0", dxgrid: "null", msg: "test", checksum: "", type: "transmit", status: "transmitting", attempt: 1, uuid: "2ead6698", duration: 0, nacks: 0, speed_list: "null", _attachments: { "": { content_type: "text", data: "", }, }, }); var inputText = ref(""); var inputFile = ref(); var inputFileName = ref("-"); var inputFileType = ref("-"); var inputFileSize = ref("-"); var sorted_beacon_list = ref({}); var unsorted_beacon_list = ref({}); var chartSpeedPER0 = ref(); var chartSpeedPER25 = ref(); var chartSpeedPER75 = ref(); // var beaconDataArray = ref([-3, 10, 8, 5, 3, 0, -5, 10, 8, 5, 3, 0, -5, 10, 8, 5, 3, 0, -5, 10, 8, 5, 3, 0, -5]) // var beaconLabelArray = ref(['18:10', '19:00', '23:00', '01:13', '04:25', '08:15', '09:12', '18:10', '19:00', '23:00', '01:13', '04:25', '08:15', '09:12', '18:10', '19:00', '23:00', '01:13', '04:25', '08:15', '09:12', '01:13', '04:25', '08:15', '09:12']) var beaconDataArray = ref([]); var beaconLabelArray = ref([]); var arq_speed_list_bpm = ref([]); var arq_speed_list_timestamp = ref([]); var arq_speed_list_snr = ref([]); return { selectedCallsign, newChatCallsign, newChatMessage, selectedMessageObject, inputText, chat_filter, callsign_list, sorted_chat_list, inputFileName, inputFileSize, inputFileType, inputFile, chartSpeedPER0, chartSpeedPER25, chartSpeedPER75, beaconDataArray, beaconLabelArray, unsorted_beacon_list, sorted_beacon_list, arq_speed_list_bpm, arq_speed_list_snr, arq_speed_list_timestamp, scrollTrigger, triggerScrollToBottom, }; });