#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Dec 23 07:04:24 2020 @author: DJ2LS """ import json import sys import time from pprint import pformat import structlog sys.path.insert(0, "..") sys.path.insert(0, "../tnc") import data_handler import helpers import modem import sock import static FIRST_RX = True def t_setup( mycall: str, dxcall: str, lowbwmode: bool, t_transmit, t_process_data, ): # Disable data_handler testmode - This is required to test a conversation. data_handler.TESTMODE = False modem.RXCHANNEL = "/tmp/hfchannel2" modem.TESTMODE = True modem.TXCHANNEL = "/tmp/hfchannel1" static.HAMLIB_RADIOCONTROL = "disabled" static.LOW_BANDWIDTH_MODE = lowbwmode static.MYGRID = bytes("AA12aa", "utf-8") static.RESPOND_TO_CQ = True static.SSID_LIST = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] mycallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(mycall) mycallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(mycallsign) static.MYCALLSIGN = mycallsign static.MYCALLSIGN_CRC = helpers.get_crc_24(static.MYCALLSIGN) dxcallsign = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(dxcall) dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(dxcallsign) static.DXCALLSIGN = dxcallsign static.DXCALLSIGN_CRC = helpers.get_crc_24(static.DXCALLSIGN) # Create the TNC tnc = data_handler.DATA() orig_rx_func = data_handler.DATA.process_data data_handler.DATA.process_data = t_process_data tnc.log = structlog.get_logger("station2_DATA") # Limit the frame-ack timeout tnc.time_list_low_bw = [1, 1, 1] tnc.time_list_high_bw = [1, 1, 1] tnc.time_list = [1, 1, 1] # Create the modem t_modem = modem.RF() orig_tx_func = modem.RF.transmit modem.RF.transmit = t_transmit t_modem.log = structlog.get_logger("station2_RF") return tnc, orig_rx_func, orig_tx_func def t_highsnr_arq_short_station2( parent_pipe, freedv_mode: str, n_frames_per_burst: int, mycall: str, dxcall: str, message: str, lowbwmode: bool, ): log = structlog.get_logger("station2") orig_tx_func: object orig_rx_func: object def t_transmit(self, mode, repeats: int, repeat_delay: int, frames: bytearray): """'Wrap' RF.transmit function to extract the arguments.""" nonlocal orig_tx_func, parent_pipe t_frames = frames parent_pipe.send(t_frames) # log.info("S2 TX: ", frames=t_frames) for item in t_frames: frametype = int.from_bytes(item[:1], "big") log.info("S2 TX: ", TX=frametype) # Apologies for the Python "magic." "orig_func" is a pointer to the # original function captured before this one was put in place. orig_tx_func(self, mode, repeats, repeat_delay, frames) # type: ignore def t_process_data(self, bytes_out, freedv, bytes_per_frame: int): """'Wrap' DATA.process_data function to extract the arguments.""" nonlocal orig_rx_func, parent_pipe # global FIRST_RX # if FIRST_RX: # FIRST_RX = False # # Swallow the first frame # orig_rx_func(self, bytes_out, freedv, bytes_per_frame) # type: ignore t_bytes_out = bytes(bytes_out) parent_pipe.send(t_bytes_out) log.debug( "S2 RX: ", bytes_out=t_bytes_out, bytes_per_frame=bytes_per_frame, ) frametype = int.from_bytes(t_bytes_out[:1], "big") log.info("S2 RX: ", RX=frametype) # Apologies for the Python "magic." "orig_func" is a pointer to the # original function captured before this one was put in place. orig_rx_func(self, bytes_out, freedv, bytes_per_frame) # type: ignore tnc, orig_rx_func, orig_tx_func = t_setup( mycall, dxcall, lowbwmode, t_transmit, t_process_data ) # data = {"type": "set", "command": "send_test_frame"} # sock.process_tnc_commands(json.dumps(data, indent=None)) # time.sleep(0.5) # time.sleep(2) # This transaction should take less than 14 sec. timeout = time.time() + 20 while "ARQ;RECEIVING;SUCCESS" not in static.INFO or static.ARQ_STATE: if time.time() > timeout: log.warning("station2 TIMEOUT", first=True) break time.sleep(0.5) log.info("station2, first", arq_state=pformat(static.ARQ_STATE)) # Allow enough time for this side to receive the disconnect frame. timeout = time.time() + 10 while "ARQ;SESSION;CLOSE" not in static.INFO: if time.time() > timeout: log.error("station2", TIMEOUT=True) break time.sleep(0.5) log.info("station2", arq_state=pformat(static.ARQ_STATE)) # data = {"type": "arq", "command": "disconnect", "dxcallsign": dxcall} # sock.process_tnc_commands(json.dumps(data, indent=None)) log.info("S2 DQT: ", DQ_Tx=pformat(tnc.data_queue_transmit.queue)) log.info("S2 DQR: ", DQ_Rx=pformat(tnc.data_queue_received.queue)) log.info("S2 Info: ", info=static.INFO) assert "DATACHANNEL;RECEIVEDOPENER" in static.INFO # assert "QRV;SENDING" in static.INFO # assert "ARQ;SESSION;CLOSE" in static.INFO assert "ARQ;RECEIVING;SUCCESS" in static.INFO log.error("station2: Exiting!")