from message_system_db_manager import DatabaseManager from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker from threading import local from message_system_db_model import Base, Beacon, Station, Status, Attachment, P2PMessage from datetime import timezone, timedelta, datetime import os class DatabaseManagerBeacon(DatabaseManager): def __init__(self, db_file=None): if not db_file: script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) db_path = os.path.join(script_dir, 'freedata-messages.db') db_file = 'sqlite:///' + db_path super().__init__(db_file) def add_beacon(self, timestamp, callsign, snr, gridsquare): session = None try: session = self.get_thread_scoped_session() # Ensure the station exists or create it, and get the station object station = self.get_or_create_station(callsign, session) # Initialize location as an empty dict if None if not station.location: station.location = {} # Now, check and update the station's location with gridsquare if it has changed if station.location.get('gridsquare') != gridsquare: self.log(f"Updating location for {callsign}") station.location['gridsquare'] = gridsquare # Update directly without re-serialization session.flush() # Now, add the beacon new_beacon = Beacon(timestamp=timestamp, snr=snr, callsign=callsign) session.add(new_beacon) session.commit() self.log(f"Added beacon for {callsign}") except Exception as e: self.log(f"An error occurred while adding beacon for {callsign}: {e}", isWarning=True) if session: session.rollback() finally: if session and not session.is_active: session.remove() def get_beacons_by_callsign(self, callsign): session = self.get_thread_scoped_session() try: # Query the station by callsign station = session.query(Station).filter_by(callsign=callsign).first() if station: # Access the beacons directly thanks to the back_populated relationship beacons = station.beacons # Convert beacon objects to a dictionary if needed, or directly return the list beacons_data = [{ 'id':, 'timestamp': beacon.timestamp.isoformat(), 'snr': beacon.snr, 'gridsquare': station.location.get('gridsquare') if station.location else None } for beacon in beacons] return beacons_data else: self.log(f"No station found with callsign {callsign}") return [] except Exception as e: self.log(f"An error occurred while fetching beacons for callsign {callsign}: {e}", isWarning=True) return [] finally: session.remove() def get_all_beacons(self): session = None try: session = self.get_thread_scoped_session() # Query all beacons beacons_query = session.query(Beacon).all() # Optionally format the result for easier consumption beacons_list = [] for beacon in beacons_query: # Fetch the associated station for each beacon to get the 'gridsquare' information station = session.query(Station).filter_by(callsign=beacon.callsign).first() gridsquare = station.location.get('gridsquare') if station and station.location else None beacons_list.append({ 'id':, 'timestamp': beacon.timestamp.isoformat(), 'snr': beacon.snr, 'callsign': beacon.callsign, 'gridsquare': gridsquare }) return beacons_list except Exception as e: self.log(f"An error occurred while fetching all beacons: {e}", isWarning=True) return [] # Return an empty list or handle the error as appropriate finally: if session and not session.is_active: session.remove() def beacon_cleanup_older_than_days(self, days): session = None try: session = self.get_thread_scoped_session() # Calculate the threshold timestamp older_than_timestamp = - timedelta(days=days) # Query and delete beacons older than the calculated timestamp delete_query = session.query(Beacon).filter(Beacon.timestamp < older_than_timestamp) deleted_count = delete_query.delete(synchronize_session='fetch') session.commit() self.log(f"Deleted {deleted_count} beacons older than {days} days") return deleted_count except Exception as e: self.log(f"An error occurred during beacon cleanup: {e}", isWarning=True) if session: session.rollback() return 0 # Return 0 or handle the error as appropriate finally: if session and not session.is_active: session.remove()