import threading import data_frame_factory import queue import arq_session class ARQSessionIRS(arq_session.ARQSession): STATE_CONN_REQ_RECEIVED = 0 STATE_WAITING_DATA = 1 STATE_FAILED = 2 STATE_ENDED = 10 RETRIES_CONNECT = 3 RETRIES_TRANSFER = 3 TIMEOUT_DATA = 6 def __init__(self, config: dict, tx_frame_queue: queue.Queue, dxcall: str, session_id: int, is_wide_band: bool): super().__init__(config, tx_frame_queue, dxcall) = session_id self.is_wide_band = is_wide_band self.speed = 0 self.version = 1 self.snr = 0 self.state = self.STATE_CONN_REQ_RECEIVED self.event_data_received = threading.Event() self.frame_factory = data_frame_factory.DataFrameFactory(self.config) # naming: # frame = single frame # burst = one or more frames. A burst will be acknowledged with a ACK # this is the buffer which holds received data temporarily for each burst self.arq_rx_burst_buffer = [] # this is our buffer, holding data, after we received a full burst self.arq_rx_frame_buffer = b"" # this variable holds the amount/size of data we've received the last time self.arq_burst_last_data_size = 0 def generate_id(self): pass def set_state(self, state): self.log(f"ARQ Session IRS {} state {self.state}") self.state = state def set_modem_decode_modes(self, modes): pass def runner(self): self.set_modem_decode_modes(None) retries = self.RETRIES_TRANSFER while retries > 0: if self.event_data_received.wait(self.TIMEOUT_DATA): retries = self.RETRIES_TRANSFER self.append_data_to_burst_buffer() self.send_data_nack() self.state = self.STATE_FAILED return self.log("Finished ARQ IRS session") def run(self): self.send_session_ack() self.state = self.STATE_WAITING_DATA self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.runner, name=f"ARQ IRS Session {}", daemon=True) self.thread.start() def send_session_ack(self): ack_frame = self.frame_factory.build_arq_session_connect_ack( self.is_wide_band,, self.speed, self.version) self.transmit_frame(ack_frame) def send_data_nack(self): nack = self.frame_factory.build_arq_burst_nack(self.session_id, self.snr, self.speed_level, 10, # WTF? 1) self.transmit_frame(nack) def on_data_received(self, frame): if self.state != self.STATE_WAITING_DATA: raise RuntimeError(f"ARQ Session: Received data while in state {self.state}, expected {self.STATE_WAITING_DATA}") self.event_data_received.set() def on_transfer_ack_received(self, ack): self.event_transfer_ack_received.set() self.speed_level = ack['speed_level'] def on_transfer_nack_received(self, nack): self.speed_level = nack['speed_level'] def on_disconnect_received(self): self.abort() def abort(self): self.state = self.STATE_DISCONNECTED self.event_connection_ack_received.set() self.event_connection_ack_received.clear() self.event_transfer_feedback.set() self.event_transfer_feedback.clear() def rx_data_chain(self, data_frame, snr: int, frequency_offset: int): """ Function for processing received frames in correct order Args: data_frame: {'frame_type': 'BURST_01', 'frame_type_int': 1, 'n_frames_per_burst': 1, 'session_id': 118, 'data': b'Hello world!'} Returns: """ # unpack some parameters from frame data = data_frame["data"] rx_n_frame_of_burst = data_frame["frame_type_int"] rx_n_frames_per_burst = data_frame["n_frames_per_burst"] session_id = data_frame["session_id"] self.init_rx_buffer(rx_n_frames_per_burst) self.append_data_to_burst_buffer(data, rx_n_frame_of_burst) # Check if we received all frames in the burst by checking if burst buffer has no more "Nones" if None not in self.arq_rx_burst_buffer: # Stick burst together in case we received multiple frames per burst burst_data = self.put_burst_together() # check if we already received the burst in a transmission before # use case: ACK packet from IRS to ISS got lost if self.arq_rx_frame_buffer.endswith(burst_data): self.log("[Modem] ARQ | RX | Burst already received - sending ACK again") else: # add burst to our data buffer self.add_burst_to_buffer(burst_data, rx_n_frames_per_burst) # Check if we didn't receive a BOF and EOF yet to avoid sending # ack frames if we already received all data if not self.check_if_last_data_received(data): self.acknowledge_burst() return else: # burst is missing some data...can happen for N > 1 frames per burst in case of packet loss self.log("[Modem] data_handler: missing data in burst buffer!",frame=rx_n_frame_of_burst + 1, frames=rx_n_frames_per_burst) # check if we have a BOF ( Begin Of Frame ) or EOF (End Of Frame) flag in our data bof_position, eof_position = self.search_for_bof_eof_flag() if bof_position >= 0: self.arq_extract_statistics_from_data_frame(bof_position, eof_position, snr) # now check if we received the entire data by BOF and EOF position if self.check_if_entire_data_received(bof_position, eof_position): # meanwhile we have our data + header information, we want't to separate them now data, checksum, size, compression_factor = self.deconstruct_arq_frame(bof_position, eof_position) self.states.set("arq_total_bytes", size) # do some HMAC and checksum related stuff # TODO We need to split the calculate checksums so the entire logics is visible here self.calculate_checksums(data, checksum) # Finally cleanup our buffers and states, self.arq_cleanup() else: print("something bad happened...") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # THIS AREA HOLDS RX CHAIN FUNCTIONS IN CHRONOLOGICAL PROCESSING ORDER def init_rx_buffer(self, rx_n_frames_per_burst): # The RX burst buffer needs to have a fixed length filled with "None". # We need this later for counting the "Nones" to detect missing data. # Check if burst buffer has expected length else create it if len(self.arq_rx_burst_buffer) != rx_n_frames_per_burst: self.arq_rx_burst_buffer = [None] * rx_n_frames_per_burst def append_data_to_burst_buffer(self, data, rx_n_frame_of_burst): arq_burst_header_size = 3 rx_n_frame_of_burst -= 1 # 1 == buffer position 0 # Append data to rx burst buffer self.arq_rx_burst_buffer[rx_n_frame_of_burst] = data[arq_burst_header_size:] # type: ignore def put_burst_together(self): # then iterate through burst buffer and stick the burst together # the temp burst buffer is needed for checking, if we already received data burst_data = b"" for frame in self.arq_rx_burst_buffer: burst_data += bytes(frame) # type: ignore # free up burst buffer self.arq_rx_burst_buffer = [] return burst_data def add_burst_to_buffer(self, burst_data, rx_n_frames_per_burst): # Here we are going to search for our data in the last received bytes. # This reduces the chance we will lose the entire frame in the case of signalling frame loss arq_burst_minimum_payload = 56 - 3 # TODO We shouldnt hardcode this or better: finding another way for this search_area = self.arq_burst_last_data_size * rx_n_frames_per_burst search_position = len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer) - search_area # if search position < 0, then search position = 0 search_position = max(0, search_position) # find position of data. returns -1 if nothing found in area else >= 0 # we are beginning from the end, so if data exists twice or more, # only the last one should be replaced # we are going to only check position against minimum data frame payload # use case: receive data, which already contains received data # while the payload of data received before is shorter than actual payload get_position = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[search_position:].rfind( burst_data[:arq_burst_minimum_payload] ) # if we find data, replace it at this position with the new data and strip it if get_position >= 0: self.arq_rx_frame_buffer = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[ : search_position + get_position ] self.log( "[Modem] ARQ | RX | replacing existing buffer data", area=search_area, pos=get_position, ) else: self.log("[Modem] ARQ | RX | appending data to buffer") # append data to our data store self.arq_rx_frame_buffer += burst_data # finally update the data size, so we can use it for the next burst self.arq_burst_last_data_size = len(burst_data) def check_if_last_data_received(self, frame): # Check if we didn't receive a BOF and EOF yet to avoid sending # ack frames if we already received all data #return bool( # self.rx_frame_bof_received # or self.rx_frame_eof_received # or frame.find(self.data_frame_eof) >= 0 #) # TODO WIP - I changed this, maybe we can get rid of some class wide variables.. return bool( frame.find(self.data_frame_bof) >= 0 and frame.find(self.data_frame_eof) >= 0 ) def acknowledge_burst(self): # TODO WIP self.arq_calculate_speed_level(snr) self.send_burst_ack_frame(snr) # Reset n retries per burst counter self.n_retries_per_burst = 0 # calculate statistics self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer), snr ) # send a network message with information self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="receiving", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, percent=self.states.arq_transmission_percent, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) def search_for_bof_eof_flag(self): # We have a BOF and EOF flag in our data. If we received both we received our frame. # In case of loosing data, but we received already a BOF and EOF we need to make sure, we # received the complete last burst by checking it for Nones bof_position = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer.find(self.data_frame_bof) eof_position = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer.find(self.data_frame_eof) return bof_position, eof_position def arq_extract_statistics_from_data_frame(self, bof_position, eof_position, snr): payload = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[ bof_position + len(self.data_frame_bof): eof_position ] frame_length = int.from_bytes(payload[4:8], "big") # 4:8 4bytes self.states.set("arq_total_bytes", frame_length) compression_factor = int.from_bytes(payload[8:9], "big") # 4:8 4bytes # limit to max value of 255 compression_factor = np.clip(compression_factor, 0, 255) self.arq_compression_factor = compression_factor / 10 self.calculate_transfer_rate_rx( self.rx_start_of_transmission, len(self.arq_rx_frame_buffer), snr ) def check_if_entire_data_received(self, bof_position, eof_position): return ( bof_position >= 0 and eof_position > 0 and None not in self.arq_rx_burst_buffer ) def deconstruct_arq_frame(self, bof_position, eof_position): # Extract raw data from buffer payload = self.arq_rx_frame_buffer[bof_position + len(self.data_frame_bof): eof_position] # Get the data frame crc checksum = payload[:4] # 0:4 = 4 bytes # Get the data frame length size = int.from_bytes(payload[4:8], "big") # 4:8 = 4 bytes compression_factor = int.from_bytes(payload[8:9], "big") # 8:9 = 1 byte data = payload[9:] # this is our data return data, checksum, size, compression_factor def calculate_checksums(self, data, checksum_expected): # TODO WIP, we need to fix this # lets do a crc calculation for our recevied data checksum_received = helpers.get_crc_32(data) # check if hmac signing enabled if self.enable_hmac: "[Modem] [HMAC] Enabled", ) if salt_found := helpers.search_hmac_salt( self.dxcallsign, self.mycallsign, checksum_expected, data, token_iters=100, ): # hmac digest received self.arq_process_received_data_frame(data, snr, signed=True) else: # hmac signature wrong self.arq_process_received_data_frame(data, snr, signed=False) elif checksum_expected == checksum_received: self.logger.warning( "[Modem] [HMAC] Disabled, using CRC", ) self.arq_process_received_data_frame(data, snr, signed=False) else: self.event_manager.send_custom_event( freedata="modem-message", arq="transmission", status="failed", uuid=self.transmission_uuid, mycallsign=str(self.mycallsign, 'UTF-8'), dxcallsign=str(self.dxcallsign, 'UTF-8'), irs=helpers.bool_to_string(self.is_IRS) ) duration = time.time() - self.rx_start_of_transmission self.logger.warning( "[Modem] ARQ | RX | DATA FRAME NOT SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED!", e="wrong crc", expected=checksum_expected.hex(), received=checksum_received.hex(), nacks=self.frame_nack_counter, duration=duration, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute, compression=self.arq_compression_factor, data=data, ) if self.enable_stats: self.stats.push(frame_nack_counter=self.frame_nack_counter, status="wrong_crc", duration=duration)"[Modem] ARQ | RX | Sending NACK", finished=self.states.arq_seconds_until_finish, bytesperminute=self.states.arq_bytes_per_minute) self.send_burst_nack_frame(snr) def arq_process_received_data_frame(self): # TODO We need to port arq_process_received_data_frame function from deprecated_protocol_arq_session_irs to this place # A smiley for the brave ones reading until this area # :-) :-) :-) :-) pass