Update audio util to show crc id

This commit is contained in:
Mashintime 2023-11-11 12:23:58 -05:00
parent 9f7bdfbc2b
commit 95cecd2834

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@ -1,19 +1,114 @@
#!/usr/bin/python3 #!/usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pyaudio import crcengine
import sounddevice as sd
import multiprocessing
def list_audio_devices(): def list_audio_devices():
p = pyaudio.PyAudio() input_audio = []
print("--------------------------------------------------------------------") output_audio = []
devices = [ fetch_audio_devices(input_audio,output_audio)
f"{x} - {p.get_device_info_by_index(x)['name']}"
for x in range(p.get_device_count()) print ("-------------------- Input (RX) Audio Devices ----------------------------")
] print ("[ID]\t[CRC]\t " + "[Name]".ljust(50) + "[API]")
for device in (input_audio):
print(str(device["native_index"]) + "\t" + device["id"] + "\t" + device["name"].strip().ljust(50) + device["api"])
print ("\n-------------------- Output (TX) Audio Devices ----------------------------")
print ("[ID]\t[CRC]\t " + "[Name]".ljust(50) + "[API]")
for device in (output_audio):
print(str(device["native_index"]) + "\t" + device["id"] + " \t " + device["name"].strip().ljust(50) + device["api"])
for line in devices: def device_crc(device) -> str:
print(line) crc_hwid = crc_algorithm(bytes(f"{device}", encoding="utf-8"))
crc_hwid = crc_hwid.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big")
crc_hwid = crc_hwid.hex()
return crc_hwid
def get_audio_devices():
return list of input and output audio devices in own process to avoid crashes of portaudio on raspberry pi
also uses a process data manager
# we need to run this on Windows for multiprocessing support
# multiprocessing.freeze_support()
# multiprocessing.get_context("spawn")
# we need to reset and initialize sounddevice before running the multiprocessing part.
# If we are not doing this at this early point, not all devices will be displayed
# log.debug("[AUD] get_audio_devices")
with multiprocessing.Manager() as manager:
proxy_input_devices = manager.list()
proxy_output_devices = manager.list()
# print(multiprocessing.get_start_method())
proc = multiprocessing.Process(
target=fetch_audio_devices, args=(proxy_input_devices, proxy_output_devices)
# additional logging for audio devices
# log.debug("[AUD] get_audio_devices: input_devices:", list=f"{proxy_input_devices}")
# log.debug("[AUD] get_audio_devices: output_devices:", list=f"{proxy_output_devices}")
return list(proxy_input_devices), list(proxy_output_devices)
def fetch_audio_devices(input_devices, output_devices):
get audio devices from portaudio
input_devices: proxy variable for input devices
output_devices: proxy variable for output devices
devices = sd.query_devices(device=None, kind=None)
for index, device in enumerate(devices):
# Use a try/except block because Windows doesn't have an audio device range
name = device["name"]
# Ignore some Flex Radio devices to make device selection simpler
if name.startswith("DAX RESERVED") or name.startswith("DAX IQ"):
max_output_channels = device["max_output_channels"]
max_input_channels = device["max_input_channels"]
except KeyError:
except Exception as err:
max_input_channels = 0
max_output_channels = 0
if max_input_channels > 0:
hostapi_name = sd.query_hostapis(device['hostapi'])['name']
new_input_device = {"id": device_crc(device),
"name": device['name'],
"api": hostapi_name,
# check if device not in device list
if new_input_device not in input_devices:
if max_output_channels > 0:
hostapi_name = sd.query_hostapis(device['hostapi'])['name']
new_output_device = {"id": device_crc(device),
"name": device['name'],
"api": hostapi_name,
# check if device not in device list
if new_output_device not in output_devices:
crc_algorithm = crcengine.new("crc16-ccitt-false") # load crc16 library
list_audio_devices() list_audio_devices()