WIP: Proof of concept using BEACON and new BREPLY frames.

This commit is contained in:
Paul Kronenwetter 2022-04-15 10:49:40 -04:00
parent d6ad5d1a93
commit 08faa53f26

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@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class DATA():
#if bytes(bytes_out[1:3]) == self.mycallsign_CRC or bytes(bytes_out[2:4]) == self.mycallsign_CRC or frametype == 200 or frametype == 250:
_valid1, _ = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, bytes(bytes_out[1:3]))
_valid2, _ = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, bytes(bytes_out[2:4]))
if _valid1 or _valid2 or frametype in [200, 210, 250]:
if _valid1 or _valid2 or frametype in [200, 210, 250, 251]:
# CHECK IF FRAMETYPE IS BETWEEN 10 and 50 ------------------------
frame = frametype - 10
@ -315,6 +315,11 @@ class DATA():
structlog.get_logger("structlog").debug("BEACON RECEIVED")
# this is outdated and we may remove it
elif frametype == 251:
structlog.get_logger("structlog").debug("BEACON REPLY!")
elif frametype == 255:
structlog.get_logger("structlog").debug("TESTFRAME RECEIVED", frame=bytes_out[:])
@ -1477,6 +1482,11 @@ class DATA():
valid, mycallsign = helpers.check_callsign(self.mycallsign, data_in[1:3])
if not valid:
# PING packet not for me.
# But is it a "NO-CALL" PING? Check against an 'empty' callsign.
valid, _ = helpers.check_callsign(bytes(), data_in[1:3])
if valid:
structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] PING HEARD [" + "(NOCALL)" + "] <<< [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", snr=static.SNR )
# Either way, skip the remainder of received_ping.
structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] PING REQ [" + str(mycallsign, 'utf-8') + "] <<< [" + str(static.DXCALLSIGN, 'utf-8') + "]", snr=static.SNR )
@ -1621,6 +1631,53 @@ class DATA():
structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] BEACON RCVD [" + str(dxcallsign, 'utf-8') + "]["+ str(dxgrid, 'utf-8') +"] ", snr=static.SNR)
helpers.add_to_heard_stations(dxcallsign,dxgrid, 'BEACON', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY)
# TODO: Add configuration option to enable responding to beacons.
# Sleep a random amount of time before responding to make it more likely to be
# heard when many stations respond. Each DATAC0 frame is 0.44 sec (44ms) in
# duration, plus an offset for TX->RX at the beacon station, set the wait
# interval to be 6ms + (50ms * random).
time.sleep(randrange(6, 506, 50) / 100.0)
structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] Sending beacon response!", interval=self.beacon_interval)
beacon_frame = bytearray(14)
beacon_frame[:1] = bytes([251])
beacon_frame[1:9] = helpers.callsign_to_bytes(self.mycallsign)
beacon_frame[9:13] = static.MYGRID[:4]
txbuffer = [beacon_frame]
static.TRANSMITTING = True
structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("ENABLE FSK", state=static.ENABLE_FSK)
if static.ENABLE_FSK:
# wait while transmitting
while static.TRANSMITTING:
def received_beacon_reply(self, data_in:bytes):
Called if we receive a beacon reply
# here we add the received station to the heard stations buffer
dxcallsign = helpers.bytes_to_callsign(bytes(data_in[1:9]))
dxgrid = bytes(data_in[9:13]).rstrip(b'\x00')
jsondata = {"type" : "breply", "status" : "received", "uuid" : str(uuid.uuid4()), "timestamp": int(time.time()), "mycallsign" : str(self.mycallsign, 'utf-8'), "dxcallsign": str(dxcallsign, 'utf-8'), "dxgrid": str(dxgrid, 'utf-8'), "snr": str(static.SNR)}
json_data_out = json.dumps(jsondata)
structlog.get_logger("structlog").info("[TNC] BEACON REPLY RCVD [" + str(dxcallsign, 'utf-8') + "]["+ str(dxgrid, 'utf-8') +"] ", snr=static.SNR)
helpers.add_to_heard_stations(dxcallsign,dxgrid, 'BREPLY', static.SNR, static.FREQ_OFFSET, static.HAMLIB_FREQUENCY)
def transmit_cq(self):