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Enhance tests (#185) * Initial attempt to create unit tests for DATA class (tnc). * Completed initial set of tests. * Adding pytest to install packages. * Corrects issue #173 fix I didn't look carefully enough at `helpers.check_callsign` to see that it returns a list. The first element of the list is `True`/`False`. * Making check_callsign evaluation more consistent. * Update .gitignore this is more a test commit to see if GitHub Client for MacOS is working, * mkfifo test prototype First partially working prototype for testing the full tnc with mkfifo named pipes. * single tnc test file moved to a single file for running tnc tests * fixed typo * Added parameters to tests. Make other minor tweaks and documentation. * Clean up two existing tests. Adapted both tests to pytest and maintained compatibility with existing ctest method. Tweaked CMakeLists.txt . * Adding pure python highsnr_stdio_P_P_multi test. Intended to replace highsnr_stdio_P_P_multi which uses POSIX shell. * Adding pure python highsnr_stdio_P_P_datac0 test. Intended to replace highsnr_stdio_P_P_datac0 which uses POSIX shell. * Parameterize recent tests. Renamed datac0 to datacx after including all data codecs in test. * Parameterize mode as well. Add ability to run tests from main directory as well as within test/. * Add list of tests and brief descriptions. * Add more native python tests conversions. * Update README with new tests. * Tweak README again. * Rename test to be findable by pytest. * Rename test for ctest. * Update correct file this time. * Minor test tweaks. * Add modem test proof-of-concept. * Adjustment to ARQ short test. * Various refactorings. Type hints, trailing backslash, range usage, etc. * Ignore unknown arguments in argparse. * Minor cleanups. * Update test/ * Update test_pa to quiet pylint. * Give up trying to suppress structlog output. * Correct module comments. * Remove excess trailing spaces. * Remove excess newlines. * Various refactorings. Type hints, trailing backslash, range usage, etc. * mkfifo test prototype First partially working prototype for testing the full tnc with mkfifo named pipes. * Update test_tnc and tweak IRS/ISS. * Correct test_modem to detect failures. * Trying to be less dependent on env variables. * Add IRS/ISS tests to ctests * Pin codec2 revision to v1.0.3. * Correcting git mistake. * Pin codec2 revision to master. This should be a specific release, that implements freedv_set_tuning_range. Co-authored-by: DJ2LS <>
2022-05-21 23:04:17 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Unit test for FreeDV API resampler functions, from
# codec2/unittest/t48_8_short.c - generate a sine wave at 8 KHz,
# upsample to 48 kHz, add an interferer, then downsample back to 8 kHz
# You can listen to the output files with:
# aplay -f S16_LE in8.raw
# aplay -r 48000 -f S16_LE out48.raw
# aplay -f S16_LE out8.raw
# They should sound like clean sine waves
# pylint: disable=global-statement, invalid-name, unused-import
import os
import sys
import codec2
import numpy as np
import pytest
# dig some constants out
FDMDV_OS_48 = codec2.api.FDMDV_OS_48
FDMDV_OS_TAPS_48K = codec2.api.FDMDV_OS_TAPS_48K
FDMDV_OS_TAPS_48_8K = codec2.api.FDMDV_OS_TAPS_48_8K
N8 = 180 # processing buffer size at 8 kHz
N48 = N8 * FDMDV_OS_48 # processing buffer size at 48 kHz
MEM8 = FDMDV_OS_TAPS_48_8K # 8kHz signal filter memory
MEM48 = FDMDV_OS_TAPS_48K # 48kHz signal filter memory
FRAMES = 50 # number of frames to test
FS8 = 8000
FS48 = 48000
AMP = 16000 # sine wave amplitude
FTEST8 = 800 # input test frequency at FS=8kHz
FINTER48 = 10000 # interferer frequency at FS=48kHz
# Due to the design of these resamplers, the processing buffer (at 8kHz)
# must be an integer multiple of oversampling ratio
assert N8 % FDMDV_OS_48 == 0
def test_resampler():
Test for the codec2 audio resampling routine
# time indexes, we advance every frame
t = 0
t1 = 0
# output files to listen to/evaluate result
with open("in8.raw", mode="wb") as fin8:
with open("out48.raw", mode="wb") as f48:
with open("out8.raw", mode="wb") as fout8:
resampler = codec2.resampler()
# Generate FRAMES of a sine wave
for _ in range(FRAMES):
# Primary sine wave, which the down-sampling filter should retain.
sine_in8k = (
AMP * np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(t, t + N8) * FTEST8 / FS8)
t += N8
sine_out48k = resampler.resample8_to_48(sine_in8k)
# Add an interfering sine wave, which the down-sampling filter should (mostly) remove
sine_in48k = (
+ (AMP / 2)
* np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(t1, t1 + N48) * FINTER48 / FS48)
t1 += N48
sine_out8k = resampler.resample48_to_8(sine_in48k)
# os.unlink("out48.raw")
# Automated test evaluation --------------------------------------------
# The input and output signals will not be time aligned due to the filter
# delays, so compare the magnitude spectrum
# Read the raw audio files
in8k = np.fromfile("in8.raw", dtype=np.int16)
out8k = np.fromfile("out8.raw", dtype=np.int16)
assert len(in8k) == len(out8k)
# os.unlink("in8.raw")
# os.unlink("out8.raw")
# Apply hanning filter to raw input data samples
h = np.hanning(len(in8k))
S1 = np.abs(np.fft.fft(in8k * h))
S2 = np.abs(np.fft.fft(out8k * h))
# Calculate the ratio between signal and noise (error energy).
error = S1 - S2
error_energy =, error)
ratio = error_energy /, S1)
ratio_dB = 10 * np.log10(ratio)
# Establish -40.0 as the noise ratio ceiling
threshdB = -40.0
print(f"ratio_dB: {ratio_dB:4.2}" % (ratio_dB))
assert ratio_dB < threshdB
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run pytest with the current script as the filename.
ecode = pytest.main(["-v", sys.argv[0]])
if ecode == 0: