/* ; Project: ESP GLCD SOLAR MONITOR ; Date: 3rd Sep 2022 ; ; (C) 2022 Carsten Schmiemann ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ; in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ; to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ; OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN ; THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include //U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_VCOMH0_F_HW_I2C display(U8G2_R0, OLED_RST, OLED_SCL, OLED_SDA); OLED on TTGO U8G2_ST7920_128X64_F_HW_SPI display(U8G2_R2, LCD_CS, U8X8_PIN_NONE); //U8G2_ST7920_128X64_F_2ND_HW_SPI display(U8G2_R2, LCD_CS, U8X8_PIN_NONE); //U8G2_ST7920_128X64_F_SW_SPI display(U8G2_R2, LCD_E_SCLK, LCD_RW_SI, LCD_CS, U8X8_PIN_NONE); bool pv_charging = false; void display_begin() { display.begin(); } void display_header() { display.setFont(u8g2_font_10x20_tr); display.drawStr(0,20,"PV Monitor"); display.drawStr(48,35,"Project"); display.setFont(u8g2_font_6x10_tr); } void display_init(char* VERSION) { display.firstPage(); do { display_header(); display.drawStr(0,52,"by Carsten Schmiemann"); display.drawStr(30,60,"2022"); display.print(VERSION); } while ( display.nextPage() ); } void display_wifi(char* STATUS) { display.firstPage(); do { display_header(); display.drawStr(0,52,"Connecting wifi..."); display.drawStr(0,60, STATUS); } while ( display.nextPage() ); } void display_mqtt() { display.firstPage(); do { display_header(); display.drawStr(0,52,"Connect mqtt..."); } while ( display.nextPage() ); } void display_category_0() { display.setFont(u8g2_font_6x10_tr); display.drawStr(2,7,"PV-Module"); display.drawLine(0, 8, 128, 8); display.drawLine(100, 0, 100, 8); display.drawXBM(106,0, down_width, down_height, down_bits); display.drawXBM(0,9, Solarpanel_width, Solarpanel_height, Solarpanel_bits); } void display_category_1() { display.setFont(u8g2_font_6x10_tr); display.drawStr(2,7,"Batterie"); display.drawStr(46,45,"F"); display.drawStr(46,64,"E"); display.drawLine(0, 8, 128, 8); display.drawLine(100, 0, 100, 8); display.drawXBM(106,0, down_width, down_height, down_bits); display.drawXBM(116,0, up_width, up_height, up_bits); display.drawXBM(7,9, battery_width, battery_height, battery_bits); display.drawFrame(5,38,40,26); } void display_category_2() { display.setFont(u8g2_font_6x10_tr); display.drawStr(2,7,"Netz"); display.drawLine(0, 8, 128, 8); display.drawLine(100, 0, 100, 8); display.drawXBM(116,0, up_width, up_height, up_bits); display.drawXBM(0,9, grid_width, grid_height, grid_bits); } //PV Charger void display_screen_0(float pv_voltage, float pv_wattage, float battery_voltage, float pv_amps, float pv_kwh) { logPrintlnD("Refresh PV_Charger display values..."); display.firstPage(); do { display_category_0(); display.setCursor(72,18); display.print(pv_voltage); display.print("V"); display.setCursor(72,28); display.print(pv_wattage,0); display.print("W"); display.setCursor(72,38); display.print(pv_kwh); display.print("kWh"); display.setCursor(72,54); display.print(battery_voltage); display.print("V"); display.setCursor(72,63); display.print(pv_amps); display.print("A"); } while ( display.nextPage() ); } //Battery void display_screen_1(float battery_voltage, float battery_amps, float battery_wattage, float battery_soc, float batt_cell_v_min, float batt_cell_v_max) { logPrintlnD("Refresh Battery display values..."); display.firstPage(); do { display_category_1(); display.setCursor(9,60); display.print(batt_cell_v_min); display.print("V"); display.setCursor(9,50); display.print(batt_cell_v_max); display.print("V"); display.setCursor(72,18); display.print(battery_voltage); display.print("V"); display.setCursor(72,28); display.print(battery_amps,1); display.print("A"); display.setCursor(72,38); display.print(battery_wattage,0); display.print("W"); display.setFont(u8g2_font_inr19_mf); display.setCursor(70,63); display.print(battery_soc,0); display.print("%"); display.setFont(u8g2_font_6x10_tr); int batt_fill_y = map(battery_soc, 0, 100, 62, 37); int batt_fill_height = map(battery_soc, 0, 100, 0, 25); display.setDrawColor(2); display.drawBox(6,batt_fill_y,38,batt_fill_height); } while ( display.nextPage() ); } //Grid void display_screen_2(float grid_power, float inv_power, float inv_current, float load_ph1, float load_ph2, float load_ph3, float pv_wattage) { logPrintlnD("Refresh Grid display values..."); display.firstPage(); do { display_category_2(); display.setCursor(10,45); display.print(grid_power,0); display.print("W"); display.setCursor(40,54); display.print(inv_power,0); display.print("W"); display.setCursor(40,63); display.print(inv_current,1); display.print("A"); float ac_load = load_ph1 + load_ph2 + load_ph3; display.setCursor(87,20); display.print(ac_load,0); display.print("W"); display.setCursor(101,38); display.print(pv_wattage,0); display.print("W"); int pv_chg_y_pos; if (pv_wattage >= 10) { if (pv_charging) { pv_chg_y_pos = 45; pv_charging = false; } else { pv_chg_y_pos = 47; pv_charging = true; } display.drawXBM(89,pv_chg_y_pos, down_pv_width, down_pv_height, down_pv_bits); } } while ( display.nextPage() ); }