
319 lines
8.8 KiB

#include <SPI.h>
#include "AdaFruit_SH1106.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "pins.h"
#include "BluetoothAbstract.h"
#include "OLEDconsts.h"
#define X_FANICON 60 //46
#define Y_FANICON 39
#define X_FUELICON 90 // 80
#define Y_FUELICON 39
#define X_TARGETICON 30
#define Y_TARGETICON 39
#define Y_BASELINE 57
// **** NOTE: There are two very lame libaries conspiring to make life difficult ****
// A/ The ESP32 SPI.cpp library instatiates an instance of SPI, using the VSPI port (and pins)
// B/ The Adfruit_SH1106 library has hard coded "SPI" as the SPI port instance
// As an ESP32 has a pin multiplexer, this is very bad form.
// The design uses the defacto HSPI pins (and port),
// You **MUST comment out the SPIClass SPI(VSPI);** at the end of the ESP32 SPI library
// then we declare "SPI" here, which will use HSPI!!!!
// 128 x 64 OLED support
SPIClass SPI; // default constructor opens HSPI on pins
Adafruit_SH1106 display(LCDpin_DC, -1, LCDpin_CS);
int prevPump;
int prevRPM;
extern float fFilteredTemperature;
extern CBluetoothAbstract& getBluetoothClient();
void showThermometer(float desired, float actual);
void showBodyThermometer(int actual);
void showBTicon();
void showBatteryIcon(float voltage);
void showGlowPlug(int power);
void showFan(int RPM);
void showFuel(float rate);
void showRunState(int state, int errstate);
void printMiniNumericString(int xPos, int yPos, const char* str);
void initOLED()
// SH1106_SWITCHCAPVCC = generate display voltage from 3.3V internally
display.begin(SH1106_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0, false);
// Show initial display buffer contents on the screen --
// the library initializes this with an Adafruit splash screen.
void updateOLED(const CProtocol& CtlFrame, const CProtocol& HtrFrame)
int runstate = HtrFrame.getRunState();
int errstate = HtrFrame.getErrState();
if(errstate) errstate--; // correct for +1 biased return value
float desiredT = 0;
if(runstate) {
desiredT = CtlFrame.getTemperature_Desired();
desiredT = -HtrFrame.getPump_Fixed() * 0.1f;
showThermometer(desiredT, // read values from most recently sent [BTC] frame
float voltage = HtrFrame.getVoltage_Supply() * 0.1f;
if(runstate) {
float power = HtrFrame.getGlowPlug_Current() * 0.01 * HtrFrame.getGlowPlug_Voltage() * 0.1;
if(power > 1)
showFuel(HtrFrame.getPump_Actual() * 0.1f);
else {
prevRPM = 0;
prevPump = 0;
showRunState(runstate, errstate);
void animateOLED()
static int fan = 0;
static int drip = 0;
if(prevPump || prevRPM) {
if(prevPump) {
// erase region of fuel icon
display.fillRect(X_FUELICON, Y_FUELICON, 7, 16, BLACK);
display.drawBitmap(X_FUELICON, Y_FUELICON+drip, FuelIcon, 7, 12, WHITE);
drip &= 0x03;
if(prevRPM) {
// erase region of fuel icon
display.fillRect(X_FANICON, Y_FANICON, 16, 16, BLACK);
switch(fan) {
case 0: display.drawBitmap(X_FANICON, Y_FANICON, FanIcon1, 16, 16, WHITE); break;
case 1: display.drawBitmap(X_FANICON, Y_FANICON, FanIcon2, 16, 16, WHITE); break;
case 2: display.drawBitmap(X_FANICON, Y_FANICON, FanIcon3, 16, 16, WHITE); break;
case 3: display.drawBitmap(X_FANICON, Y_FANICON, FanIcon4, 16, 16, WHITE); break;
fan &= 0x03;
#define TEMP_YPOS(A) ((((20 - A) * 3) / 2) + 22)
#define BULB_X 1 // >= 1
#define BULB_Y 4
void showThermometer(float desired, float actual)
// draw bulb design
display.drawBitmap(BULB_X, BULB_Y, thermometerBitmap, 8, 50, WHITE);
// draw mercury
int yPos = BULB_Y + TEMP_YPOS(actual);
display.drawLine(BULB_X + 3, yPos, BULB_X + 3, BULB_Y + 42, WHITE);
display.drawLine(BULB_X + 4, yPos, BULB_X + 4, BULB_Y + 42, WHITE);
// print actual temperature
display.setCursor(0, Y_BASELINE);
display.print(actual, 1);
// draw set point
if(desired) {
char msg[16];
int desY = 19;
display.drawBitmap(X_TARGETICON, Y_TARGETICON, TargetIcon, 13, 13, WHITE); // set indicator against bulb
desY += 14;
if(desired > 0) {
int yPos = BULB_Y + TEMP_YPOS(desired) - 2;
display.drawBitmap(BULB_X-1, yPos, thermoPtr, 3, 5, WHITE); // set indicator against bulb
sprintf(msg, "%.0fC", desired);
else {
sprintf(msg, "%.1fHz", -desired);
int xPos = X_TARGETICON + 6 - ( strlen(msg) * 3); // 3 = 1/2 width font
display.setCursor(xPos, Y_BASELINE);
#define BODYBULB_X 119
#define BODY_YPOS(A) ((((100 - A) * 3) / 16) + 22) // 100degC centre - ticks +- 80C
void showBodyThermometer(int actual)
// draw bulb design
display.drawBitmap(BODYBULB_X, BULB_Y, thermometerBitmap, 8, 50, WHITE);
// draw mercury
int yPos = BULB_Y + BODY_YPOS(actual);
display.drawLine(BODYBULB_X + 3, yPos, BODYBULB_X + 3, BULB_Y + 42, WHITE);
display.drawLine(BODYBULB_X + 4, yPos, BODYBULB_X + 4, BULB_Y + 42, WHITE);
// print actual temperature
char label[16];
sprintf(label, "%d", actual);
// determine width and position right justified
int width = strlen(label) * 6;
display.setCursor(127-width, Y_BASELINE);
void showBTicon()
display.drawBitmap(12, 0, BTicon, 6, 11, WHITE);
void showBatteryIcon(float voltage)
display.drawBitmap(95, 0, BatteryIcon, 15, 10, WHITE);
display.setCursor(85, 12);
display.print(voltage, 1);
// nominal 10.5 -> 13.5V bargraph
int Capacity = int((voltage - 11.0) * 4.5);
if(Capacity < 0) Capacity = 0;
if(Capacity > 11) Capacity = 11;
display.fillRect(97 + Capacity, 2, 11-Capacity, 6, BLACK);
#define XPOS_GLOW 35
#define YPOS_GLOW 0
void showGlowPlug(int power)
display.drawBitmap(XPOS_GLOW, YPOS_GLOW, GlowPlugIcon, 16, 10, WHITE);
display.setCursor(XPOS_GLOW, YPOS_GLOW+12);
void showFan(int RPM)
// NOTE: fan rotation animation performed in animateOLED
prevRPM = RPM; // used by animation routine
char msg[16];
sprintf(msg, "%d", RPM);
int xPos = X_FANICON + 8 - ( strlen(msg) * 3); // 3 = 1/2 width font
display.setCursor(xPos, Y_BASELINE);
void showFuel(float rate)
// NOTE: fuel drop animation performed in animateOLED
prevPump = rate > 0; // used by animation routine
if(rate) {
char msg[16];
sprintf(msg, "%.1f", rate);
int xPos = X_FUELICON + 3 - ( strlen(msg) * 3); // 3 = 1/2 width font
display.setCursor(xPos, Y_BASELINE);
display.print(rate, 1);
void showRunState(int runstate, int errstate)
static bool toggle = false;
const char* toPrint = NULL;
int yPos = 25;
display.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK);
if(runstate >= 0 && runstate <= 8) {
if(runstate == 0 && errstate) {
// create an "E-XX" message to display
char msg[16];
sprintf(msg, "E-%02d", errstate);
int xPos = 64 - ((strlen(msg)/2) * 6);
display.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
yPos += 8;
// flash error code
toggle = !toggle;
else {
display.print(" ");
// bounds limit error and gather message
if(errstate > 10) errstate = 11;
toPrint = Errstates[errstate-1];
else {
toPrint = Runstates[runstate];
if(toPrint) {
int width = strlen(toPrint);
int xPos = 64 - ((width/2) * 6);
display.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
void printMiniNumericString(int xPos, int yPos, const char* str)
const char* pNext = str;
while(*pNext) {
const uint8_t* pBmp = NULL;
switch(*pNext) {
case '0': pBmp = Mini0; break;
case '1': pBmp = Mini1; break;
case '2': pBmp = Mini2; break;
case '3': pBmp = Mini3; break;
case '4': pBmp = Mini4; break;
case '5': pBmp = Mini5; break;
case '6': pBmp = Mini6; break;
case '7': pBmp = Mini7; break;
case '8': pBmp = Mini8; break;
case '9': pBmp = Mini9; break;
case '.': pBmp = MiniDP; break;
case '`': pBmp = MiniDeg; break;
case 'C': pBmp = MiniC; break;
case 'H': pBmp = MiniH; break;
case 'z': pBmp = Miniz; break;
case ' ': pBmp = MiniSpc; break;
if(pBmp) {
display.drawBitmap(xPos, yPos, pBmp, 3, 5, WHITE);
xPos += 4;