Ray Jones 924a079fb2 Using new fantastic RMT based library for DS18B20, banished issues with dodgy readings from sensor.
Persistent variables now used for temperature, pump and cyclic mode enabled settings (not NV)
NV save is now staged, so it can be performed at an appropriate time, after reading DS18B20!
JSONpack, instead of lame JSONloose to allow single line JSON output
2019-06-29 18:08:37 +10:00

525 lines
17 KiB

* This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution
* (
* Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "BTC_JSON.h"
#include "DebugPort.h"
#include "NVstorage.h"
#include "../RTC/BTCDateTime.h"
#include "../RTC/Timers.h"
#include "../RTC/TimerManager.h"
#include "../Bluetooth/BluetoothAbstract.h"
#include "../WiFi/BTCWebServer.h"
#include "../cfg/BTCConfig.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "../Protocol/Protocol.h"
char defaultJSONstr[64];
CModerator JSONmoderator;
CTimerModerator TimerModerator;
int timerConflict = 0;
CModerator MQTTmoderator;
CModerator GPIOmoderator;
void validateTimer(int ID);
void Expand(std::string& str);
void interpretJsonCommand(char* pLine)
if(strlen(pLine) == 0)
DebugPort.printf("JSON parse %s...", pLine);
StaticJsonBuffer<512> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the heap
JsonObject& obj = jsonBuffer.parseObject(pLine);
if(!obj.success()) {
DebugPort.println(" FAILED");
DebugPort.println(" OK");
JsonObject::iterator it;
for(it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) {
if(strcmp("TempDesired", it->key) == 0) {
if( !reqTemp(it-><unsigned char>(), false) ) { // this request is blocked if OEM controller active
else if(strcmp("RunState", it->key) == 0) {
if(it-><unsigned char>()) {
else {
else if(strcmp("PumpMin", it->key) == 0) {
else if(strcmp("PumpMax", it->key) == 0) {
else if(strcmp("FanMin", it->key) == 0) {
else if(strcmp("FanMax", it->key) == 0) {
else if(strcmp("ThermostatOvertemp", it->key) == 0) {
sCyclicThermostat cyclic = NVstore.getCyclicMode();
cyclic.Stop = it-><char>();
else if(strcmp("ThermostatUndertemp", it->key) == 0) {
sCyclicThermostat cyclic = NVstore.getCyclicMode();
cyclic.Start = it-><char>();
else if(strcmp("ThermostatMethod", it->key) == 0) {
sUserSettings settings = NVstore.getUserSettings();
uint8_t val = it-><uint8_t>();
if(val <= 2)
settings.ThermostatMethod = val;
else if(strcmp("ThermostatWindow", it->key) == 0) {
sUserSettings settings = NVstore.getUserSettings();
float val = it-><float>();
if(INBOUNDS(val, 0.2f, 10.f))
settings.ThermostatWindow = val;
else if(strcmp("Thermostat", it->key) == 0) {
if(!setThermostatMode(it-><unsigned char>())) { // this request is blocked if OEM controller active
else if(strcmp("NVsave", it->key) == 0) {
if(it-><int>() == 8861)
else if(strcmp("DateTime", it->key) == 0) {
setDateTime(it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("Date", it->key) == 0) {
setDate(it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("Time", it->key) == 0) {
setTime(it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("PumpPrime", it->key) == 0) {
reqPumpPrime(it-><unsigned char>());
else if(strcmp("Refresh", it->key) == 0) {
else if(strcmp("SystemVoltage", it->key) == 0) {
else if(strcmp("TimerDays", it->key) == 0) {
// value encoded as "ID Days,Days"
decodeJSONTimerDays(it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("TimerStart", it->key) == 0) {
// value encoded as "ID HH:MM"
decodeJSONTimerTime(0, it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("TimerStop", it->key) == 0) {
// value encoded as "ID HH:MM"
decodeJSONTimerTime(1, it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("TimerRepeat", it->key) == 0) {
// value encoded as "ID val"
decodeJSONTimerNumeric(0, it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("TimerTemp", it->key) == 0) {
decodeJSONTimerNumeric(1, it-><const char*>());
else if(strcmp("TimerConflict", it->key) == 0) {
// request specific timer refresh
else if((strcmp("TQuery", it->key) == 0) || (strcmp("TimerRefresh", it->key) == 0) ) {
int timerID = it-><int>();
else if(strcmp("FanSensor", it->key) == 0) {
setFanSensor(it-><unsigned char>());
// MQTT parameters
else if(strcmp("MQuery", it->key) == 0) {
MQTTmoderator.reset(); // force MQTT params to be sent
else if(strcmp("MEn", it->key) == 0) {
sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo();
info.enabled = it-><unsigned char>();
else if(strcmp("MPort", it->key) == 0) {
sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo();
info.port = it-><unsigned short>();
else if(strcmp("MHost", it->key) == 0) {
sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo();
strncpy(, it-><const char*>(), 127);[127] = 0;
else if(strcmp("MUser", it->key) == 0) {
sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo();
strncpy(info.username, it-><const char*>(), 31);
info.username[31] = 0;
else if(strcmp("MPasswd", it->key) == 0) {
sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo();
strncpy(info.password, it-><const char*>(), 31);
info.password[31] = 0;
else if(strcmp("UploadSize", it->key) == 0) {
else if(strcmp("GPout1", it->key) == 0) {
setGPIOout(0, it-><unsigned char>() ? true : false);
else if(strcmp("GPout2", it->key) == 0) {
setGPIOout(1, it-><unsigned char>() ? true : false);
else if(strcmp("GPin1", it->key) == 0) {
simulateGPIOin(it-><unsigned char>() ? 0x01 : 0x00); // simulate key 1 press
else if(strcmp("GPin2", it->key) == 0) {
simulateGPIOin(it-><unsigned char>() ? 0x02 : 0x00); // simulate key 2 press
else if(strcmp("JSONpack", it->key) == 0) {
sUserSettings us = NVstore.getUserSettings();
uint8_t packed = it-><unsigned char>() ? 0x00 : 0x01;
us.JSON.LF = packed;
us.JSON.padding = packed;
us.JSON.singleElement = packed;
void validateTimer(int ID)
ID--; // supplied as +1
if(!INBOUNDS(ID, 0, 13))
timerConflict = CTimerManager::conflictTest(ID); // check targeted timer against other timers
TimerModerator.reset(ID); // ensure we update client with our (real) version of the selected timer
bool makeJSONString(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len)
StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to
bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag
float tidyTemp = getTemperatureSensor();
tidyTemp = int(tidyTemp * 10) * 0.1f; // round to 0.1 resolution
if(tidyTemp > -80) {
bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempCurrent", tidyTemp, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempDesired", getTemperatureDesired(), root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempMin", getHeaterInfo().getTemperature_Min(), root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempMax", getHeaterInfo().getTemperature_Max(), root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempBody", getHeaterInfo().getTemperature_HeatExchg(), root);
// bSend |= moderator.addJson("RunState", getHeaterInfo().getRunState(), root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("RunState", getHeaterInfo().getRunStateEx(), root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("RunString", getHeaterInfo().getRunStateStr(), root); // verbose it up!
bSend |= moderator.addJson("ErrorState", getHeaterInfo().getErrState(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("ErrorString", getHeaterInfo().getErrStateStrEx(), root); // verbose it up!
bSend |= moderator.addJson("Thermostat", getThermostatModeActive(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpFixed", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Fixed(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpMin", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Min(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpMax", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Max(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpActual", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Actual(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanMin", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Min(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanMax", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Max(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanRPM", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Actual(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanVoltage", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Voltage(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanSensor", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Sensor(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("InputVoltage", getHeaterInfo().getBattVoltage(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("SystemVoltage", getHeaterInfo().getSystemVoltage(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GlowVoltage", getHeaterInfo().getGlow_Voltage(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GlowCurrent", getHeaterInfo().getGlow_Current(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("BluewireStat", getBlueWireStatStr(), root );
bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempMode", NVstore.getUserSettings().degF, root);
if(bSend) {
root.printTo(opStr, len);
return bSend;
bool makeJSONStringEx(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len)
StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to
bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag
bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatMethod", NVstore.getUserSettings().ThermostatMethod, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatWindow", NVstore.getUserSettings().ThermostatWindow, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatOvertemp", NVstore.getCyclicMode().Stop, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatUndertemp", NVstore.getCyclicMode().Start, root);
if(bSend) {
root.printTo(opStr, len);
return bSend;
// the way the JSON timer strings are crafted, we have to iterate over each timer's parameters
// individually, the JSON name is always the same for each timer, the payload IDs the specific
// timer
// Only timer parameters that have changed will be sent, after reset the typical string will be
// {"TimerStart":XX:XX,"TimerStop":XX:XX,"TimerDays":XX,"TimerRepeat":X}
bool makeJSONTimerString(int channel, char* opStr, int len)
bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag
StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to
sTimer timerInfo;
NVstore.getTimerInfo(channel, timerInfo);
bSend |= TimerModerator.addJson(channel, timerInfo, root );
if(bSend) {
root.printTo(opStr, len);
return bSend;
bool makeJSONStringGPIO(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len)
StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to
bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag
sGPIO info;
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPin1", info.inState[0], root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPin2", info.inState[1], root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPout1", info.outState[0], root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPout2", info.outState[1], root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPanlg", info.algVal * 100 / 4096, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPmodeIn", GPIOinNames[info.inMode], root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPmodeOut", GPIOoutNames[info.outMode], root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPmodeAnlg", GPIOalgNames[info.algMode], root);
if(bSend) {
root.printTo(opStr, len);
return bSend;
bool makeJSONStringMQTT(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len)
StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to
bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag
sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo();
bSend |= moderator.addJson("MEn", info.enabled, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("MPort", info.port, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("MHost",, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("MUser", info.username, root);
bSend |= moderator.addJson("MPasswd", info.password, root);
if(bSend) {
root.printTo(opStr, len);
return bSend;
void updateJSONclients(bool report)
// update general parameters
char jsonStr[800];
if(makeJSONString(JSONmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) {
if (report) {
DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr);
sendWebServerString( jsonStr );
std::string expand = jsonStr;
getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() );
// update extended params
if(makeJSONStringEx(JSONmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) {
if (report) {
DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr);
sendWebServerString( jsonStr );
std::string expand = jsonStr;
getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() );
// update timer parameters
bool bNewTimerInfo = false;
for(int tmr=0; tmr<14; tmr++)
unsigned long tStart = millis();
if(makeJSONTimerString(tmr, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) {
unsigned long tJSON = millis() - tStart;
if (report) {
DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr);
tStart = millis();
sendWebServerString( jsonStr );
unsigned long tWF = millis() - tStart;
tStart = millis();
std::string expand = jsonStr;
getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() );
unsigned long tBT = millis() - tStart;
bNewTimerInfo = true;
DebugPort.printf("JSON times : %ld,%ld,%ld\r\n", tJSON, tBT, tWF);
// request timer refesh upon clients
if(bNewTimerInfo) {
StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to
if(timerConflict) {
root.set("TimerConflict", timerConflict);
timerConflict = 0;
root.set("TimerRefresh", 1);
root.printTo(jsonStr, 800);
DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr);
sendWebServerString( jsonStr );
std::string expand = jsonStr;
getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() );
// report MQTT params
if(makeJSONStringMQTT(MQTTmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) {
if (report) {
DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr);
sendWebServerString( jsonStr );
std::string expand = jsonStr;
getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() );
if(makeJSONStringGPIO(GPIOmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) {
if (report) {
DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr);
sendWebServerString( jsonStr );
std::string expand = jsonStr;
getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() );
void resetJSONmoderator()
void initMQTTJSONmoderator()
char jsonStr[800];
makeJSONStringMQTT(MQTTmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr));
void initTimerJSONmoderator()
char jsonStr[800];
for(int tmr=0; tmr<14; tmr++)
makeJSONTimerString(tmr, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr));
void Expand(std::string& str)
const sUserSettings& userOptions = NVstore.getUserSettings();
if(userOptions.JSON.singleElement) {
size_t pos = str.find(",\"");
while(pos != std::string::npos) {
str.replace(pos, 2, "}\n{\""); // converts {"name":value,"name2":value"} to {"name":value}\n{"name2":value}
str.replace(pos, 2, "}{\""); // converts {"name":value,"name2":value"} to {"name":value}{"name2":value}
pos = str.find(",\"");
if(userOptions.JSON.padding) { // converts {"name":value} to {"name": value}
pos = str.find("\":");
while(pos != std::string::npos) {
str.replace(pos, 2, "\": ");
pos = str.find("\":", pos+1);