Ray Jones 2ccd948001 Web update via OTA now under user control. Icon shows on header when an update is available.
Update can be commanded via the Version Information menu by pressing UP, CENTRE, UP. Prompt driven of course!
Removed Wifi Trigger pin - does not play nice with automatic COM port uploads!
Reverted to DS18B20 read from index 0 - allows plugging sensor in and re-discovery!
2019-05-20 22:09:59 +10:00

207 lines
5.3 KiB

* This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution
* (
* Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// CTimerChartScreen
// This screen shows the timers as a chart for the entire week
#include "TimerChartScreen.h"
#include "KeyPad.h"
#include "../Protocol/helpers.h"
#include "../Utility/NVStorage.h"
#include <RTClib.h>
#include "fonts/MiniFont.h"
#include "../RTC/TimerManager.h"
static uint8_t condensed[7][120];
CTimerChartScreen::CTimerChartScreen(C128x64_OLED& display, CScreenManager& mgr, int instance) : CScreen(display, mgr)
_rowSel = 0;
_colSel = 0;
_SaveTime = 0;
_instance = instance;
if(CTimerManager::hasTimerChanged()) {
CTransientFont AF(_display, &miniFontInfo); // temporarily use a mini font
_printMenuText(0, 7, "S");
_printMenuText(0, 14, "M");
_printMenuText(0, 21, "T");
_printMenuText(0, 28, "W");
_printMenuText(0, 35, "T");
_printMenuText(0, 42, "F");
_printMenuText(0, 49, "S");
int hour0 = 8;
int linespacing = 7;
for(int tick = 0; tick < 24; tick += 3) {
int xpos = tick * 5 + hour0;
_display.setCursor(xpos, 0);
for(int dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) {
int ypos = dow*linespacing + 8;
_display.drawFastVLine(xpos, ypos, 3, WHITE); // solid bar
for(int dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) {
int day = 0x01 << dow;
int ypos = dow*linespacing + 7; // top of first line
int pixel = 0;
int subpixel = 0;
int blockStart = -1;
for(int interval = 0; interval < 120; interval++) {
int IDcentre = 0;
int ID = 0;
if(condensed[dow][interval] & 0xf) {
if(blockStart == -1) {
blockStart = interval;
if((condensed[dow][interval] & 0x80) == 0) {
// one shot timer - draw peppered
for(int yscan = interval & 1; yscan < 6; yscan+=2)
_display.drawPixel(interval+hour0, ypos+yscan, WHITE); // peppered vertical bar
else {
// repeating timer =- draw solid
_display.drawFastVLine(interval+hour0, ypos, 6, WHITE); // solid bar
else {
if(blockStart >= 0) {
IDcentre = hour0 + (interval + blockStart) / 2;
ID = condensed[dow][interval-1];
blockStart = -1;
if(pixel == 0) // every 5th pixel draw a base line
_display.drawPixel(interval+hour0, ypos+2, subpixel ? WHITE : BLACK); // base line
if(pixel > 4) {
pixel = 0;
ROLLUPPERLIMIT(subpixel, 2, 0);
if((interval == 119) && blockStart >=0) { // timer ran up until midnight
IDcentre = hour0 + (blockStart + 120) / 2;
ID = condensed[dow][interval];
if(IDcentre) {
char str[8];
sprintf(str, "%d", ID & 0xf);
int width = 4;
IDcentre -= 1;
if((ID & 0xf) >= 10) {
IDcentre -= 2;
width = 8;
_display.fillRect(IDcentre, ypos, width, 6, WHITE);
_display.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE);
_display.setCursor(IDcentre, ypos);
_display.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK);
IDcentre = 0;
return true;
CTimerChartScreen::keyHandler(uint8_t event)
static bool bHeld = false;
// handle initial key press
if(event & keyPressed) {
bHeld = false;
// press CENTRE
if(event & key_Centre) {
_ScreenManager.selectMenu(CScreenManager::RootMenuLoop); // exit: return to clock screen
// press LEFT - navigate fields, or screens
if(event & key_Left) {
// press RIGHT - navigate fields, or screens
if(event & key_Right) {
// press UP
if(event & key_Up) {
// press DOWN
if(event & key_Down) {
// handle held down keys
if(event & keyRepeat) {
bHeld = true;
if(event & keyReleased) {
if(!bHeld) {
if(event & key_Left) {
// released DOWN - can only leave adjustment by using OK (centre button)
if(event & key_Down) {
// adjust selected item
if(event & key_Right) {
// released UP
if(event & key_Up) {
return true;