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* Example for the ESP32 HTTP(S) Webserver
* To run this script, you need to
* 1) Enter your WiFi SSID and PSK below this comment
* This script will install an HTTPS Server on your ESP32 with the following
* functionalities:
* - Show simple page on web server root
* - 404 for everything else
* In contrast to the other examples, the certificate and the private key will be
* generated on the ESP32, so you do not need to provide them here.
* (this means no need to run
// TODO: Configure your WiFi here
#define WIFI_SSID "<your ssid goes here>"
#define WIFI_PSK "<your pre-shared key goes here>"
// We will use wifi
#include <WiFi.h>
// Includes for the server
#include <HTTPSServer.hpp>
#include <SSLCert.hpp>
#include <HTTPRequest.hpp>
#include <HTTPResponse.hpp>
// The HTTPS Server comes in a separate namespace. For easier use, include it here.
using namespace httpsserver;
SSLCert * cert;
HTTPSServer * secureServer;
// Declare some handler functions for the various URLs on the server
void handleRoot(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
void handle404(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
void setup() {
// For logging
delay(3000); // wait for the monitor to reconnect after uploading.
Serial.println("Creating a new self-signed certificate.");
Serial.println("This may take up to a minute, so be patient ;-)");
// First, we create an empty certificate:
cert = new SSLCert();
// Now, we use the function createSelfSignedCert to create private key and certificate.
// The function takes the following paramters:
// - Key size: 1024 or 2048 bit should be fine here, 4096 on the ESP might be "paranoid mode"
// (in generel: shorter key = faster but less secure)
// - Distinguished name: The name of the host as used in certificates.
// If you want to run your own DNS, the part after CN (Common Name) should match the DNS
// entry pointing to your ESP32. You can try to insert an IP there, but that's not really good style.
// - Dates for certificate validity (optional, default is 2019-2029, both included)
// Format is YYYYMMDDhhmmss
int createCertResult = createSelfSignedCert(
// Now check if creating that worked
if (createCertResult != 0) {
Serial.printf("Cerating certificate failed. Error Code = 0x%02X, check SSLCert.hpp for details", createCertResult);
while(true) delay(500);
Serial.println("Creating the certificate was successful");
// If you're working on a serious project, this would be a good place to initialize some form of non-volatile storage
// and to put the certificate and the key there. This has the advantage that the certificate stays the same after a reboot
// so your client still trusts your server, additionally you increase the speed-up of your application.
// Some browsers like Firefox might even reject the second run for the same issuer name (the distinguished name defined above).
// Storing:
// For the key:
// cert->getPKLength() will return the length of the private key in byte
// cert->getPKData() will return the actual private key (in DER-format, if that matters to you)
// For the certificate:
// cert->getCertLength() and ->getCertData() do the same for the actual certificate data.
// Restoring:
// When your applications boots, check your non-volatile storage for an existing certificate, and if you find one
// use the parameterized SSLCert constructor to re-create the certificate and pass it to the HTTPSServer.
// A short reminder on key security: If you're working on something professional, be aware that the storage of the ESP32 is
// not encrypted in any way. This means that if you just write it to the flash storage, it is easy to extract it if someone
// gets a hand on your hardware. You should decide if that's a relevant risk for you and apply countermeasures like flash
// encryption if neccessary
// We can now use the new certificate to setup our server as usual.
secureServer = new HTTPSServer(cert);
// Connect to WiFi
Serial.println("Setting up WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected. IP=");
// For every resource available on the server, we need to create a ResourceNode
// The ResourceNode links URL and HTTP method to a handler function
ResourceNode * nodeRoot = new ResourceNode("/", "GET", &handleRoot);
ResourceNode * node404 = new ResourceNode("", "GET", &handle404);
// Add the root node to the server
// Add the 404 not found node to the server.
Serial.println("Starting server...");
if (secureServer->isRunning()) {
Serial.println("Server ready.");
void loop() {
// This call will let the server do its work
// Other code would go here...
void handleRoot(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
// Status code is 200 OK by default.
// We want to deliver a simple HTML page, so we send a corresponding content type:
res->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
// The response implements the Print interface, so you can use it just like
// you would write to Serial etc.
res->println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
res->println("<head><title>Hello World!</title></head>");
res->println("<h1>Hello World!</h1>");
res->print("<p>Your server is running for ");
// A bit of dynamic data: Show the uptime
res->print((int)(millis()/1000), DEC);
res->println(" seconds.</p>");
void handle404(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
// Discard request body, if we received any
// We do this, as this is the default node and may also server POST/PUT requests
// Set the response status
res->setStatusText("Not Found");
// Set content type of the response
res->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
// Write a tiny HTTP page
res->println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
res->println("<head><title>Not Found</title></head>");
res->println("<body><h1>404 Not Found</h1><p>The requested resource was not found on this server.</p></body>");