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* Example for the ESP32 HTTP(S) Webserver
* This example is a bit more complex than the other ones, so be careful to
* follow all steps.
* Make sure to check out the more basic examples like Static-Page to understand
* the fundamental principles of the API before proceeding with this sketch.
* To run this script, you need to
* 1) Enter your WiFi SSID and PSK below this comment
* 2) Install the SPIFFS File uploader into your Arduino IDE to be able to
* upload static data to the webserver.
* Follow the instructions at:
* 3) Upload the static files from the data/ directory of the example to your
* module's SPIFFs by using "ESP32 Sketch Data Upload" from the tools menu.
* If you face any problems, read the description of the libraray mentioned
* above.
* Note: If mounting SPIFFS fails, the script will wait for a serial connection
* (open your serial monitor!) and ask if it should format the SPIFFS partition.
* You may need this before uploading the data
* Note: Make sure to select a partition layout that allows for SPIFFS in the
* boards menu
* 4) Have the ArduinoJSON library installed and available. (Tested with Version 5.13.4)
* You'll find it at:
* This script will install an HTTPS Server on your ESP32 with the following
* functionalities:
* - Serve static files from the SPIFFS's data/public directory
* - Provide a REST API at /api to receive the asynchronous http requests
* - /api/uptime provides access to the current system uptime
* - /api/events allows to register or delete events to turn PINs on/off
* at certain times.
* - Use Arduino JSON for body parsing and generation of responses.
* - The certificate is generated on first run and stored to the SPIFFS in
* the cert directory (so that the client cannot retrieve the private key)
// TODO: Configure your WiFi here
#define WIFI_SSID "<your ssid goes here>"
#define WIFI_PSK "<your pre-shared key goes here>"
// We will use wifi
#include <WiFi.h>
// We will use SPIFFS and FS
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <FS.h>
// We use JSON as data format. Make sure to have the lib available
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
// Working with c++ strings
#include <string>
// Define the name of the directory for public files in the SPIFFS parition
#define DIR_PUBLIC "/public"
// We need to specify some content-type mapping, so the resources get delivered with the
// right content type and are displayed correctly in the browser
char contentTypes[][2][32] = {
{".html", "text/html"},
{".css", "text/css"},
{".js", "application/javascript"},
{".json", "application/json"},
{".png", "image/png"},
{".jpg", "image/jpg"},
{"", ""}
// Includes for the server
#include <HTTPSServer.hpp>
#include <SSLCert.hpp>
#include <HTTPRequest.hpp>
#include <HTTPResponse.hpp>
#include <util.hpp>
// The HTTPS Server comes in a separate namespace. For easier use, include it here.
using namespace httpsserver;
SSLCert * getCertificate();
void handleSPIFFS(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
void handleGetUptime(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
void handleGetEvents(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
void handlePostEvent(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
void handleDeleteEvent(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
// We use the following struct to store GPIO events:
#define MAX_EVENTS 20
struct {
// is this event used (events that have been run will be set to false)
bool active;
// when should it be run?
unsigned long time;
// which GPIO should be changed?
int gpio;
// and to which state?
int state;
} events[MAX_EVENTS];
// We just create a reference to the server here. We cannot call the constructor unless
// we have initialized the SPIFFS and read or created the certificate
HTTPSServer * secureServer;
void setup() {
// For logging
// Set the pins that we will use as output pins
pinMode(25, OUTPUT);
pinMode(26, OUTPUT);
pinMode(27, OUTPUT);
pinMode(32, OUTPUT);
pinMode(33, OUTPUT);
// Try to mount SPIFFS without formatting on failure
if (!SPIFFS.begin(false)) {
// If SPIFFS does not work, we wait for serial connection...
// Ask to format SPIFFS using serial interface
Serial.print("Mounting SPIFFS failed. Try formatting? (y/n): ");
// If the user did not accept to try formatting SPIFFS or formatting failed:
if ( != 'y' || !SPIFFS.begin(true)) {
Serial.println("SPIFFS not available. Stop.");
Serial.println("SPIFFS has been formated.");
Serial.println("SPIFFS has been mounted.");
// Now that SPIFFS is ready, we can create or load the certificate
SSLCert *cert = getCertificate();
if (cert == NULL) {
Serial.println("Could not load certificate. Stop.");
// Initialize event structure:
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) {
events[i].active = false;
events[i].gpio = 0;
events[i].state = LOW;
events[i].time = 0;
// Connect to WiFi
Serial.println("Setting up WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected. IP=");
// Create the server with the certificate we loaded before
secureServer = new HTTPSServer(cert);
// We register the SPIFFS handler as the default node, so every request that does
// not hit any other node will be redirected to the file system.
ResourceNode * spiffsNode = new ResourceNode("", "", &handleSPIFFS);
// Add a handler that serves the current system uptime at GET /api/uptime
ResourceNode * uptimeNode = new ResourceNode("/api/uptime", "GET", &handleGetUptime);
// Add the handler nodes that deal with modifying the events:
ResourceNode * getEventsNode = new ResourceNode("/api/events", "GET", &handleGetEvents);
ResourceNode * postEventNode = new ResourceNode("/api/events", "POST", &handlePostEvent);
ResourceNode * deleteEventNode = new ResourceNode("/api/events/*", "DELETE", &handleDeleteEvent);
Serial.println("Starting server...");
if (secureServer->isRunning()) {
Serial.println("Server ready.");
void loop() {
// This call will let the server do its work
// Here we handle the events
unsigned long now = millis() / 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) {
// Only handle active events:
if (events[i].active) {
// Only if the counter has recently been exceeded
if (events[i].time < now) {
// Apply the state change
digitalWrite(events[i].gpio, events[i].state);
// Deactivate the event so it doesn't fire again
events[i].active = false;
// Other code would go here...
* This function will either read the certificate and private key from SPIFFS or
* create a self-signed certificate and write it to SPIFFS for next boot
SSLCert * getCertificate() {
// Try to open key and cert file to see if they exist
File keyFile ="/key.der");
File certFile ="/cert.der");
// If now, create them
if (!keyFile || !certFile || keyFile.size()==0 || certFile.size()==0) {
Serial.println("No certificate found in SPIFFS, generating a new one for you.");
Serial.println("If you face a Guru Meditation, give the script another try (or two...).");
Serial.println("This may take up to a minute, so please stand by :)");
SSLCert * newCert = new SSLCert();
// The part after the CN= is the domain that this certificate will match, in this
// case, it's esp32.local.
// However, as the certificate is self-signed, your browser won't trust the server
// anyway.
int res = createSelfSignedCert(*newCert, KEYSIZE_1024, "CN=esp32.local,O=acme,C=DE");
if (res == 0) {
// We now have a certificate. We store it on the SPIFFS to restore it on next boot.
bool failure = false;
// Private key
keyFile ="/key.der", FILE_WRITE);
if (!keyFile || !keyFile.write(newCert->getPKData(), newCert->getPKLength())) {
Serial.println("Could not write /key.der");
failure = true;
if (keyFile) keyFile.close();
// Certificate
certFile ="/cert.der", FILE_WRITE);
if (!certFile || !certFile.write(newCert->getCertData(), newCert->getCertLength())) {
Serial.println("Could not write /cert.der");
failure = true;
if (certFile) certFile.close();
if (failure) {
Serial.println("Certificate could not be stored permanently, generating new certificate on reboot...");
return newCert;
} else {
// Certificate generation failed. Inform the user.
Serial.println("An error occured during certificate generation.");
Serial.print("Error code is 0x");
Serial.println(res, HEX);
Serial.println("You may have a look at SSLCert.h to find the reason for this error.");
return NULL;
} else {
Serial.println("Reading certificate from SPIFFS.");
// The files exist, so we can create a certificate based on them
size_t keySize = keyFile.size();
size_t certSize = certFile.size();
uint8_t * keyBuffer = new uint8_t[keySize];
if (keyBuffer == NULL) {
Serial.println("Not enough memory to load privat key");
return NULL;
uint8_t * certBuffer = new uint8_t[certSize];
if (certBuffer == NULL) {
delete[] keyBuffer;
Serial.println("Not enough memory to load certificate");
return NULL;
}, keySize);, certSize);
// Close the files
Serial.printf("Read %u bytes of certificate and %u bytes of key from SPIFFS\n", certSize, keySize);
return new SSLCert(certBuffer, certSize, keyBuffer, keySize);
* This handler function will try to load the requested resource from SPIFFS's /public folder.
* If the method is not GET, it will throw 405, if the file is not found, it will throw 404.
void handleSPIFFS(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
// We only handle GET here
if (req->getMethod() == "GET") {
// Redirect / to /index.html
std::string reqFile = req->getRequestString()=="/" ? "/index.html" : req->getRequestString();
// Try to open the file
std::string filename = std::string(DIR_PUBLIC) + reqFile;
// Check if the file exists
if (!SPIFFS.exists(filename.c_str())) {
// Send "404 Not Found" as response, as the file doesn't seem to exist
res->setStatusText("Not found");
res->println("404 Not Found");
File file =;
// Set length
res->setHeader("Content-Length", httpsserver::intToString(file.size()));
// Content-Type is guessed using the definition of the contentTypes-table defined above
int cTypeIdx = 0;
do {
if(reqFile.rfind(contentTypes[cTypeIdx][0])!=std::string::npos) {
res->setHeader("Content-Type", contentTypes[cTypeIdx][1]);
} while(strlen(contentTypes[cTypeIdx][0])>0);
// Read the file and write it to the response
uint8_t buffer[256];
size_t length = 0;
do {
length =, 256);
res->write(buffer, length);
} while (length > 0);
} else {
// If there's any body, discard it
// Send "405 Method not allowed" as response
res->setStatusText("Method not allowed");
res->println("405 Method not allowed");
* This function will return the uptime in seconds as JSON object:
* {"uptime": 42}
void handleGetUptime(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
// Create a buffer of size 1 (pretty simple, we have just one key here)
StaticJsonBuffer<JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1)> jsonBuffer;
// Create an object at the root
JsonObject& obj = jsonBuffer.createObject();
// Set the uptime key to the uptime in seconds
obj["uptime"] = millis()/1000;
// Set the content type of the response
res->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
// As HTTPResponse implements the Print interface, this works fine. Just remember
// to use *, as we only have a pointer to the HTTPResponse here:
* This handler will return a JSON array of currently active events for GET /api/events
void handleGetEvents(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
// We need to calculate the capacity of the json buffer
int activeEvents = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) {
if (events[i].active) activeEvents++;
// For each active event, we need 1 array element with 4 objects
const size_t capacity = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(activeEvents) + activeEvents * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4);
// DynamicJsonBuffer is created on the heap instead of the stack
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(capacity);
JsonArray& arr = jsonBuffer.createArray();
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) {
if (events[i].active) {
JsonObject& eventObj = arr.createNestedObject();
eventObj["gpio"] = events[i].gpio;
eventObj["state"] = events[i].state;
eventObj["time"] = events[i].time;
// Add the index to allow delete and post to identify the element
eventObj["id"] = i;
// Print to response
res->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
void handlePostEvent(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
// We expect an object with 4 elements and add some buffer
const size_t capacity = JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4) + 180;
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(capacity);
// Create buffer to read request
char * buffer = new char[capacity + 1];
memset(buffer, 0, capacity+1);
// Try to read request into buffer
size_t idx = 0;
// while "not everything read" or "buffer is full"
while (!req->requestComplete() && idx < capacity) {
idx += req->readChars(buffer + idx, capacity-idx);
// If the request is still not read completely, we cannot process it.
if (!req->requestComplete()) {
res->setStatusText("Request entity too large");
res->println("413 Request entity too large");
// Clean up
delete[] buffer;
// Parse the object
JsonObject& reqObj = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buffer);
// Check input data types
bool dataValid = true;
if (!<long>("time") || !<int>("gpio") || !<int>("state")) {
dataValid = false;
// Check actual values
unsigned long eTime = 0;
int eGpio = 0;
int eState = LOW;
if (dataValid) {
eTime = reqObj["time"];
if (eTime < millis()/1000) dataValid = false;
eGpio = reqObj["gpio"];
if (!(eGpio == 25 || eGpio == 26 || eGpio == 27 || eGpio == 32 || eGpio == 33)) dataValid = false;
eState = reqObj["state"];
if (eState != HIGH && eState != LOW) dataValid = false;
// Clean up, we don't need the buffer any longer
delete[] buffer;
// If something failed: 400
if (!dataValid) {
res->setStatusText("Bad Request");
res->println("400 Bad Request");
// Try to find an inactive event in the list to write the data to
int eventID = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS && eventID==-1; i++) {
if (!events[i].active) {
eventID = i;
events[i].gpio = eGpio;
events[i].time = eTime;
events[i].state = eState;
events[i].active = true;
// Check if we could store the event
if (eventID>-1) {
// Create a buffer for the response
StaticJsonBuffer<JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4)> resBuffer;
// Create an object at the root
JsonObject& resObj = resBuffer.createObject();
// Set the uptime key to the uptime in seconds
resObj["gpio"] = events[eventID].gpio;
resObj["state"] = events[eventID].state;
resObj["time"] = events[eventID].time;
resObj["id"] = eventID;
// Write the response
res->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
} else {
// We could not store the event, no free slot.
res->setStatusText("Insufficient storage");
res->println("507 Insufficient storage");
* This handler will delete an event (meaning: deactive the event)
void handleDeleteEvent(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
// Access the parameter from the URL. See Parameters example for more details on this
ResourceParameters * params = req->getParams();
size_t eid = std::atoi(params->getPathParameter(0).c_str());
if (eid < MAX_EVENTS) {
// Set the inactive flag
events[eid].active = false;
// And return a successful response without body
res->setStatusText("No Content");
} else {
// Send error message
res->setStatusText("Bad Request");
res->println("400 Bad Request");