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* Example for the ESP32 HTTP(S) Webserver
* To run this script, your need to
* 1) Enter your WiFi SSID and PSK below this comment
* 2) Make sure to have certificate data available. You will find a
* shell script and instructions to do so in the library folder
* under extras/
* This script will install an HTTPS Server on your ESP32 with the following
* functionalities:
* - Show simple page on web server root
* - Run a middleware that logs every request
* - 404 for everything else
// TODO: Configure your WiFi here
#define WIFI_SSID "<your ssid goes here>"
#define WIFI_PSK "<your pre-shared key goes here>"
// Include certificate data (see note above)
#include "cert.h"
#include "private_key.h"
// We will use wifi
#include <WiFi.h>
// For the middleware
#include <functional>
// Includes for the server
#include <HTTPSServer.hpp>
#include <SSLCert.hpp>
#include <HTTPRequest.hpp>
#include <HTTPResponse.hpp>
// The HTTPS Server comes in a separate namespace. For easier use, include it here.
using namespace httpsserver;
// Create an SSL certificate object from the files included above
SSLCert cert = SSLCert(
example_crt_DER, example_crt_DER_len,
example_key_DER, example_key_DER_len
// Create an SSL-enabled server that uses the certificate
// The contstructor takes some more parameters, but we go for default values here.
HTTPSServer secureServer = HTTPSServer(&cert);
// Declare some handler functions for the various URLs on the server
void handleRoot(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
void handle404(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res);
// Declare a middleware function.
// Parameters:
// req: Request data, can be used to access URL, HTTP Method, Headers, ...
// res: Response data, can be used to access HTTP Status, Headers, ...
// next: This function is used to pass control down the chain. If you have done your work
// with the request object, you may decide if you want to process the request.
// If you do so, you call the next() function, and the next middleware function (if
// there is any) or the actual requestHandler will be called.
// If you want to skip the request, you do not call next, and set for example status
// code 403 on the response to show that the user is not allowed to access a specific
// resource.
// The Authentication examples provides more details on this.
void middlewareLogging(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res, std::function<void()> next);
void setup() {
// For logging
// Connect to WiFi
Serial.println("Setting up WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected. IP=");
// For every resource available on the server, we need to create a ResourceNode
// The ResourceNode links URL and HTTP method to a handler function
ResourceNode * nodeRoot = new ResourceNode("/", "GET", &handleRoot);
ResourceNode * node404 = new ResourceNode("", "GET", &handle404);
// Add the root node to the server
// Add the 404 not found node to the server.
// The path is ignored for the default node.
// Add the middleware. The function will be called globally for every request
// Note: The functions are called in the order they are added to the server.
// Also, if you want a middleware to handle only specific requests, you can check
// the URL within the middleware function.
Serial.println("Starting server...");
if (secureServer.isRunning()) {
Serial.println("Server ready.");
void loop() {
// This call will let the server do its work
// Other code would go here...
// We want to log the following information for every request:
// - Response Status
// - Request Method
// - Request String (URL + Parameters)
void middlewareLogging(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res, std::function<void()> next) {
// We want to print the response status, so we need to call next() first.
// After the call, the status is (hopefully) set by the handler function, so we can
// access it for logging.
Serial.printf("middlewareLogging(): %3d\t%s\t\t%s\n",
// Status code (like: 200)
// Method used for the request (like: GET)
// Request string (like /index.html)
// For details on the implementation of the hanlder functions, refer to the Static-Page example.
void handleRoot(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
res->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
res->println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
res->println("<head><title>Hello World!</title></head>");
res->println("<h1>Hello World!</h1>");
res->print("<p>Your server is running for ");
res->print((int)(millis()/1000), DEC);
res->println(" seconds.</p>");
void handle404(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res) {
res->setStatusText("Not Found");
res->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
res->println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
res->println("<head><title>Not Found</title></head>");
res->println("<body><h1>404 Not Found</h1><p>The requested resource was not found on this server.</p></body>");