ESP32 HTTPS Server
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Chttpsserver::ConnectionContextInternal class to handle the state of a connection
 Chttpsserver::HTTPConnectionRepresents a single open connection for the plain HTTPServer, without TLS
 Chttpsserver::HTTPSConnectionConnection class for an open TLS-enabled connection to an HTTPSServer
 Chttpsserver::HTTPHeaderRepresents a single name/value pair of an HTTP header
 Chttpsserver::HTTPHeadersGroups and manages a set of HTTPHeader instances
 Chttpsserver::HTTPNodeBase class for a URL/route-handler in the server
 Chttpsserver::ResourceNodeThis HTTPNode represents a route that maps to a regular HTTP request for a resource (static or dynamic)
 Chttpsserver::HTTPRequestRepresents the request stream for an HTTP request
 Chttpsserver::HTTPValidatorInternal representation of a validator function
 Chttpsserver::HTTPResponseRepresents the response stream of an HTTP request
 Chttpsserver::ResolvedResourceThis class represents a resolved resource, meaning the result of mapping a string URL to an HTTPNode
 Chttpsserver::ResourceParametersThe ResourceParameters provide access to the parameters passed in the URI
 Chttpsserver::ResourceResolverThis class is used internally to resolve a string URL to the corresponding HTTPNode
 Chttpsserver::HTTPServerMain implementation for the plain HTTP server. Use HTTPSServer for TLS support
 Chttpsserver::HTTPSServerMain implementation of the HTTP Server with TLS support. Use HTTPServer for plain HTTP
 Chttpsserver::SSLCertCertificate and private key that can be passed to the HTTPSServer