#include #include "Protocol.h" #include "debugport.h" #ifdef TELNET #define DebugPort Debug #endif #ifndef TELNET #define DebugPort Serial #endif unsigned short CProtocol::CalcCRC(int len) const { // calculate a CRC-16/MODBUS checksum using the first 22 bytes of the data array unsigned short wCRCWord = 0xFFFF; int wLength = len; const unsigned char* pData = Data; while (wLength--) { unsigned char nTemp = *pData++ ^ wCRCWord; wCRCWord >>= 8; wCRCWord ^= wCRCTable[nTemp]; } return wCRCWord; } void CProtocol::setCRC() { setCRC(CalcCRC(22)); } void CProtocol::setCRC(unsigned short CRC) { Data[22] = (CRC >> 8) & 0xff; // MSB of CRC in Data[22] Data[23] = (CRC >> 0) & 0xff; // LSB of CRC in Data[23] } unsigned short CProtocol::getCRC() const { unsigned short CRC; CRC = Data[22]; // MSB of CRC in Data[22] CRC <<= 8; CRC |= Data[23]; // LSB of CRC in Data[23] return CRC; } // return true for CRC match bool CProtocol::verifyCRC(bool bSilent) const { unsigned short CRC = CalcCRC(22); // calculate CRC based on first 22 bytes unsigned short FrameCRC = getCRC(); bool bOK = (FrameCRC == CRC); if(!bOK && !bSilent) { DebugPort.print("verifyCRC FAILED: calc:"); DebugPort.print(CRC, HEX); DebugPort.print(" data:"); DebugPort.println(FrameCRC, HEX); } return bOK; // does it match the stored values? } CProtocol& CProtocol::operator=(const CProtocol& rhs) { memcpy(Data, rhs.Data, 24); return *this; } void CProtocol::setFan_Min(short Speed) { // Minimum speed set Controller.MinFanRPM_MSB = (Speed >> 8) & 0xff; Controller.MinFanRPM_LSB = (Speed >> 0) & 0xff; } void CProtocol::setFan_Max(short Speed) { // Minimum speed set Controller.MaxFanRPM_MSB = (Speed >> 8) & 0xff; Controller.MaxFanRPM_LSB = (Speed >> 0) & 0xff; } short CProtocol::getFan_Min() const { short retval; // Minimum speed get retval = Controller.MinFanRPM_MSB; retval <<= 8; retval |= Controller.MinFanRPM_LSB; return retval; } short CProtocol::getFan_Max() const { short retval; // Maximum speed get retval = Controller.MaxFanRPM_MSB; retval <<= 8; retval |= Controller.MaxFanRPM_LSB; return retval; } short CProtocol::getFan_Actual() const { // Rx side, actual short retval; retval = Heater.FanRPM_MSB; retval <<= 8; retval |= Heater.FanRPM_LSB; return retval; } void CProtocol::setFan_Actual(short Speed) // Heater side, actual { // actual speed set Heater.FanRPM_MSB = (Speed >> 8) & 0xff; Heater.FanRPM_LSB = (Speed >> 0) & 0xff; } short CProtocol::getGlowPlug_Current() const // glow plug current { short retval; retval = Heater.GlowPlugCurrent_MSB; retval <<= 8; retval |= Heater.GlowPlugCurrent_LSB; return retval; } void CProtocol::setGlowPlug_Current(short ampsx100) // glow plug current { Heater.GlowPlugCurrent_MSB = (ampsx100 >> 8) & 0xff; Heater.GlowPlugCurrent_LSB = (ampsx100 >> 0) & 0xff; } short CProtocol::getGlowPlug_Voltage() const // glow plug voltage { short retval; retval = Heater.GlowPlugVoltage_MSB; retval <<= 8; retval |= Heater.GlowPlugVoltage_LSB; return retval; } void CProtocol::setGlowPlug_Voltage(short voltsx10) // glow plug voltage { Heater.GlowPlugVoltage_MSB = (voltsx10 >> 8) & 0xff; Heater.GlowPlugVoltage_LSB = (voltsx10 >> 0) & 0xff; } short CProtocol::getTemperature_HeatExchg() const // temperature of heat exchanger { short retval; retval = Heater.HeatExchgTemp_MSB; retval <<= 8; retval |= Heater.HeatExchgTemp_LSB; return retval; } void CProtocol::setTemperature_HeatExchg(short degC) // temperature of heat exchanger { Heater.HeatExchgTemp_MSB = (degC >> 8) & 0xff; Heater.HeatExchgTemp_LSB = (degC >> 0) & 0xff; } short CProtocol::getFan_Voltage() const // temperature near inlet { short retval; retval = Heater.FanVoltage_MSB; retval <<= 8; retval |= Heater.FanVoltage_LSB; return retval; } void CProtocol::setFan_Voltage(short voltsx10) // temperature near inlet { Heater.FanVoltage_MSB = (voltsx10 >> 8) & 0xff; Heater.FanVoltage_LSB = (voltsx10 >> 0) & 0xff; } void CProtocol::setVoltage_Supply(short voltsx10) { Heater.SupplyV_MSB = (voltsx10 >> 8) & 0xff; Heater.SupplyV_LSB = (voltsx10 >> 0) & 0xff; } short CProtocol::getVoltage_Supply() const { short retval = 0; retval = Heater.SupplyV_MSB & 0xff; retval <<= 8; retval |= Heater.SupplyV_LSB & 0xff; return retval; } void CProtocol::Init(int FrameMode) { if(FrameMode == CtrlMode) { Controller.Byte0 = 0x76; Controller.Len = 22; Controller.Command = 0; // NOP setTemperature_Actual(18); // 1degC / digit setTemperature_Desired(20); // 1degC / digit setPump_Min(14); // 0.1Hz/digit setPump_Max(43); // 0.1Hz/digit setFan_Min(1450); // 1RPM / digit setFan_Max(4500); // 1RPM / digit Controller.OperatingVoltage = 120; // 0.1V/digit Controller.FanSensor = 1; // SN-1 or SN-2 Controller.OperatingMode = 0x32; // 0x32:Thermostat, 0xCD:Fixed setTemperature_Min(8); // Minimum settable temperature setTemperature_Max(35); // Maximum settable temperature Controller.MinTempRise = 5; // temp rise to sense fuel ignition - GLOW PLUG POWER? Controller.Prime = 0; // 00: normal, 0x5A: fuel prime Controller.Unknown1_MSB = 0x01; // always 0x01 Controller.Unknown1_LSB = 0x2c; // always 0x2c 16bit: "300 secs = max run without burn detected" ?? Controller.Unknown2_MSB = 0x0d; // always 0x0d Controller.Unknown2_LSB = 0xac; // always 0xac 16bit: "3500" ?? Ignition fan max RPM???? setCRC(); } else if(FrameMode == HeatMode){ Heater.Byte0 = 0x76; Heater.Len = 22; setRunState(0); setErrState(0); setVoltage_Supply(133); setFan_Actual(0); setFan_Voltage(0); setTemperature_HeatExchg(18); setGlowPlug_Voltage(0); setGlowPlug_Current(0); Heater.ActualPumpFreq = 0; // fuel pump freq.: 0.1Hz / digit Heater.StoredErrorCode = 0; // Heater.Unknown1 = 0; // always 0x00 Heater.FixedPumpFreq = 23; // fixed mode frequency set point: 0.1Hz / digit Heater.Unknown2 = 100; // always 0x64 "100 ?" Heater.Unknown3 = 0; // always 0x00 setCRC(); } else { memset(Data, 0, 24); } } void CProtocol::DebugReport(const char* hdr, const char* ftr) { DebugPort.print(hdr); // header for(int i=0; i<24; i++) { char str[16]; sprintf(str, " %02X", Data[i]); // build 2 dig hex values DebugPort.print(str); // and print } DebugPort.print(ftr); // footer }