// Place Holder Config File - User config vars and defines to be moved here // Jimmy C ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configure bluetooth options // ** Recommended to use HC-05 for now ** // If none are enabled, we'll use an abstract class that only reports // to the debug port what would have been sent // #define USE_HC05_BLUETOOTH 1 #define USE_BLE_BLUETOOTH 0 #define USE_CLASSIC_BLUETOOTH 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // limit rate of Bluetooth delivery from enthusiastic OEM controllers // #define OEM_TO_BLUETOOTH_MODERATION_TIME 700 // show when we did moderate data frames to bluetooth #define REPORT_SUPPRESSED_OEM_DATA_FRAMES 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // debug reporting options // // true: each frame of data is reported on a new lines // false: controller, then heater response frmaes are reported on a single line (excel CSV worthy!) // #define TERMINATE_OEM_LINE false /* when an OEM controller exists */ #define TERMINATE_BTC_LINE false /* when an OEM controller does not exist */