/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "128x64OLED.h" #include "GPIOInfoScreen.h" #include "KeyPad.h" #include "../Utility/NVStorage.h" #include "../Utility/BTC_GPIO.h" #include "fonts/Icons.h" #include "../Utility/BoardDetect.h" #if USE_JTAG == 0 //CANNOT USE GPIO WITH JTAG DEBUG extern CGPIOout GPIOout; extern CGPIOin GPIOin; extern CGPIOalg GPIOalg; #endif static const int Line3 = 14; static const int Line2 = 27; static const int Line1 = 40; static const int Column1 = 19; static const int Column2 = 83; CGPIOInfoScreen::CGPIOInfoScreen(C128x64_OLED& display, CScreenManager& mgr) : CScreen(display, mgr) { _keyRepeatCount = -1; } void CGPIOInfoScreen::_initUI() { } bool CGPIOInfoScreen::animate() { char msg[16]; _display.clearDisplay(); _showTitle("GPIO status"); _drawBitmap(0, 14, InputIconInfo); _drawBitmap(11, 14, _1IconInfo); _drawBitmap(0, 27, InputIconInfo); _drawBitmap(11, 27, _2IconInfo); _drawBitmap(75, 14, OutputIconInfo); _drawBitmap(86, 14, _1IconInfo); _drawBitmap(75, 27, OutputIconInfo); _drawBitmap(86, 27, _2IconInfo); if(getBoardRevision() == BRD_V2_FULLGPIO || getBoardRevision() == BRD_V1_FULLGPIO) _printMenuText(0, Line1, "Analogue:", false, eRightJustify); switch(NVstore.getUserSettings().GPIO.in1Mode) { case CGPIOin1::Disabled: _drawBitmap(23, 14, CrossLgIconInfo); break; case CGPIOin1::Start: _drawBitmap(23, 14, StartIconInfo); break; case CGPIOin1::Run: _drawBitmap(23, 14, RunIconInfo); break; case CGPIOin1::StartStop: _drawBitmap(23, 14, StartIconInfo); _drawBitmap(30, 14, StopIconInfo); break; case CGPIOin1::Stop: _drawBitmap(23, 14, StopIconInfo); break; } #if USE_JTAG == 0 //CANNOT USE GPIO WITH JTAG DEBUG _drawBitmap(40, 16, GPIOin.getState(0) ? CloseIconInfo : OpenIconInfo); #endif switch(NVstore.getUserSettings().GPIO.in2Mode) { case CGPIOin2::Disabled: _drawBitmap(23, 27, CrossLgIconInfo); break; case CGPIOin2::Stop: _drawBitmap(23, 27, StopIconInfo); break; case CGPIOin2::Thermostat: _printMenuText(23, 27, "\352T"); break; } #if USE_JTAG == 0 //CANNOT USE GPIO WITH JTAG DEBUG _drawBitmap(40, 28, GPIOin.getState(1) ? CloseIconInfo : OpenIconInfo); #endif int bulbmode = 0; #if USE_JTAG == 0 //CANNOT USE GPIO WITH JTAG DEBUG bulbmode = GPIOout.getState(0); #endif static bool iconstate = false; switch(NVstore.getUserSettings().GPIO.out1Mode) { case CGPIOout1::Disabled: _drawBitmap(99, 14, CrossLgIconInfo); break; case CGPIOout1::Status: _drawBitmap(99, 14, InfoIconInfo); if(iconstate && bulbmode == 2) // animate bulb icon when status is PWM mode _drawBitmap(110, 13, BulbOn2IconInfo); else _drawBitmap(110, 13, bulbmode ? BulbOnIconInfo : BulbOffIconInfo); iconstate = !iconstate; break; case CGPIOout1::User: _drawBitmap(99, 15, UserIconInfo); _drawBitmap(110, 13, bulbmode ? BulbOnIconInfo : BulbOffIconInfo); break; case CGPIOout1::Thresh: _drawBitmap(99, 15, threshIconInfo); _drawBitmap(110, 13, bulbmode ? BulbOnIconInfo : BulbOffIconInfo); break; } #if USE_JTAG == 0 //CANNOT USE GPIO WITH JTAG DEBUG bulbmode = GPIOout.getState(1); #endif switch(NVstore.getUserSettings().GPIO.out2Mode) { case CGPIOout2::Disabled: _drawBitmap(99, 27, CrossLgIconInfo); break; case CGPIOout2::User: _drawBitmap(99, 27, UserIconInfo); _drawBitmap(110, 26, bulbmode ? BulbOnIconInfo : BulbOffIconInfo); break; case CGPIOout2::Thresh: _drawBitmap(99, 27, threshIconInfo); _drawBitmap(110, 26, bulbmode ? BulbOnIconInfo : BulbOffIconInfo); break; } if(getBoardRevision() == BRD_V2_FULLGPIO || getBoardRevision() == BRD_V1_FULLGPIO) { _drawBitmap(0, Line1-1, algIconInfo); if(NVstore.getUserSettings().GPIO.algMode == CGPIOalg::Disabled) { _drawBitmap(23, Line1, CrossLgIconInfo); } else { #if USE_JTAG == 0 //CANNOT USE GPIO WITH JTAG DEBUG sprintf(msg, "%d%%", GPIOalg.getValue() * 100 / 4096); _printMenuText(23, Line1, msg); #endif } } _printMenuText(_display.xCentre(), 53, " \021 \020 ", true, eCentreJustify); return true; } bool CGPIOInfoScreen::show() { return false;// CScreenHeader::show(false); } bool CGPIOInfoScreen::keyHandler(uint8_t event) { if(event & keyPressed) { _keyRepeatCount = 0; // unlock tracking of repeat events // UP press if(event & key_Up) { } // CENTRE press if(event & key_Centre) { } if(event & key_Down) { _ScreenManager.selectMenu(CScreenManager::UserSettingsLoop, CScreenManager::GPIOUI); } } if(event & keyRepeat) { if(_keyRepeatCount >= 0) { _keyRepeatCount++; // hold LEFT to toggle GPIO output #1 if(event & key_Left) { if(_keyRepeatCount > 2) { _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling toggleGPIOout(0); // toggle GPIO output #1 } } // hold RIGHT to toggle GPIO output #2 if(event & key_Right) { if(_keyRepeatCount > 2) { _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling toggleGPIOout(1); // toggle GPIO output #2 } } } } // release event if(event & keyReleased) { if(_keyRepeatCount == 0) { // short Up press - lower target // press LEFT to select previous screen if(event & key_Left) { _ScreenManager.prevMenu(); } // press RIGHT to select next screen if(event & key_Right) { _ScreenManager.nextMenu(); } } _keyRepeatCount = -1; } _ScreenManager.reqUpdate(); return true; }