/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2019 Ray Jones * Copyright (C) 2019 James Clark * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ // Should be working - Jimmy C #include "BTCWifi.h" #include "../Utility/DebugPort.h" #include #include "../OLED/ScreenManager.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include // function to control the behaviour upon reboot if no wifi manager credentials exist // or connection fails void prepBootIntoConfigPortal(bool state); bool shouldBootIntoConfigPortal(); void saveParamsCallback(); void APstartedCallback(WiFiManager*); WiFiManager wm; bool isPortalAP = false; // true if config portal is running bool isSTA = false; // true if connected to an access point int TRIG_PIN; // pin that triggers the configuration portal when set to LOW unsigned restartServer = 0; // set to time of portal reconfig - will cause reboot a while later char MACstr[2][20]; // MACstr[0] STA, MACstr[1] = AP int wifiButtonState = 0; extern CScreenManager ScreenManager; bool initWifi(int initpin,const char *failedssid, const char *failedpassword) { TRIG_PIN = initpin; pinMode(TRIG_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // report the MAC addresses - note individual values for STA and AP modes uint8_t MAC[6]; esp_read_mac(MAC, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA); sprintf(MACstr[0], "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", MAC[0], MAC[1], MAC[2], MAC[3], MAC[4], MAC[5]); DebugPort.print(" STA MAC address: "); DebugPort.println(MACstr[0]); esp_read_mac(MAC, ESP_MAC_WIFI_SOFTAP); sprintf(MACstr[1], "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", MAC[0], MAC[1], MAC[2], MAC[3], MAC[4], MAC[5]); DebugPort.print(" AP MAC address: "); DebugPort.println(MACstr[1]); char APname[32]; sprintf(APname, "%s-%02X%02X", failedssid, MAC[4], MAC[5]); //reset settings - wipe credentials for testing // wm.resetSettings(); // Automatically connect using saved credentials: // WiFiManager will prepare a link connection, using stored credentials if available. // // NO CREDENTIALS: // Using a stored NV variable, we control the link creation via wm.setEnableConfigPortal(): // true - SoftAP is created (SSID = failedssid), and linked to the config portal // false - we need to create a Soft AP, the portal does not start, we provide a web server // // WITH CREDENTIALS: // // Connected to stored AP, AP provides an IP address to use, we are STA (station) // failed to connect to stored AP, using a stored NV variable we control the behaviour via wm.setEnableConfigPortal(): // true - SoftAP is created (SSID = failedssid), and linked to the config portal // false - we need to create a Soft AP, the portal does not start, we provide a web server DebugPort.println("Attempting to start STA mode (or config portal) via WifiManager..."); // wm.setHostname(failedssid); wm.setHostname(APname); wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(20); wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false); wm.setSaveParamsCallback(saveParamsCallback); // ensure our webserver gets awoken when IP config changes to STA wm.setAPCallback(APstartedCallback); wm.setEnableConfigPortal(shouldBootIntoConfigPortal()); //REMOVED - UNSTABLE WHETHER WE GET or ???? // REMOVED wm.setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // bool res = wm.autoConnect(failedssid, failedpassword); // auto generated AP name from chipid bool res = wm.autoConnect(APname, failedpassword); // auto generated AP name from chipid DebugPort.print("WifiMode after autoConnect = "); DebugPort.println(WiFi.getMode()); int chnl = 1; bool retval = false; if(!res) { // failed STA mode DebugPort.println("WiFimanager failed STA connection. Setting up AP..."); } else { // runs through here if STA connected OK // if you get here you have connected to the WiFi isSTA = true; DebugPort.println("WiFiManager connected in STA mode OK"); DebugPort.print(" STA IP address: "); DebugPort.println(WiFi.localIP()); // must use same radio channel as STA to go to STA+AP, otherwise we drop the STA! chnl = WiFi.channel(); DebugPort.print("Now promoting to STA+AP mode"); retval = true; } // always setup an AP - for STA+AP mode we *must* use the same RF channel as STA DebugPort.println("Starting AP mode"); //REMOVED - UNSTABLE WHETHER WE GET or ???? // REMOVED WiFi.softAPConfig(IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // WiFi.softAP(failedssid, failedpassword, chnl); WiFi.softAP(APname, failedpassword, chnl); WiFi.enableAP(true); DebugPort.print(" AP SSID: "); DebugPort.println(WiFi.softAPgetHostname()); DebugPort.print(" AP IP address: "); DebugPort.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); DebugPort.print("WifiMode after initWifi = "); DebugPort.println(WiFi.getMode()); // even though we may have started in STA mode - start the config portal if demanded via the NV flag if(shouldBootIntoConfigPortal()) { DebugPort.println("Manually starting web portal"); wm.startWebPortal(); isPortalAP = true; // we started portal, we have to flag it! } return retval; } // call from main sketch loop() void doWiFiManager() { wm.process(); // manage handling of pin to enter WiFManager config portal // we typically use the BOOT pin for this (pins.h) // // Quick Press (< 1 sec) - enable config portal // > 1 second (< 5 sec) press - disable config portal // > 5 second press - erase credentials, enable config portal static bool pinDown = false; static long pinTime = 0; unsigned long tDelta; if(digitalRead(TRIG_PIN) == LOW) { if(!pinDown) { pinTime = millis(); ScreenManager.reqUpdate(); } pinDown = true; // track hold duration - change OLED Wifi annotation according to length of press tDelta = millis() - pinTime; if(tDelta > 5000) wifiButtonState = 3; // we will show 'ERS' on OLED! else if(tDelta > 1000) wifiButtonState = 2; // we will show 'HTR' on OLED! else wifiButtonState = 1; // we will show 'CFG' on OLED! } else { if(pinDown) { pinDown = false; tDelta = millis() - pinTime; DebugPort.print("Wifi config button tDelta = "); DebugPort.println(tDelta); // > 5 second press? if(tDelta > 5000) { wifiEnterConfigPortal(true, true); // very long press - clear credentials, reboot into portal } // > 1 second press? else if(tDelta > 1000) { wifiEnterConfigPortal(false); // long press - reboot into web server } // > 50ms press? else if(tDelta > 50) { wifiEnterConfigPortal(true); // quick press - reboot into portal } // consider as contact bounce if < 50ms! } } } void wifiEnterConfigPortal(bool state, bool erase, long rebootDelay) { wm.disconnect(); prepBootIntoConfigPortal(state); const char* content[2]; if(isWifiSTA() && !erase) content[0] = "WiFi Mode -> STA+AP"; else content[0] = "WiFi Mode -> AP only"; if(erase) { wm.resetSettings(); DebugPort.println("*** Erased wifi credentials ***"); } if(state) { DebugPort.println("*** Rebooting into config portal ***"); content[1] = "Web -> Config Portal"; } else { DebugPort.println("*** Rebooting into web server ***"); content[1] = "Web -> Heater control"; } restartServer = (millis() + rebootDelay) | 1; // prepare to reboot in the future - ensure non zero! ScreenManager.showRebootMsg(content, rebootDelay); } // callback is invoked by WiFiManager after new credentials are saved and verified void saveParamsCallback() { wifiEnterConfigPortal(false); // stop config portal, reboot } // callback called if the WiFiManager started the config portal void APstartedCallback(WiFiManager*) { isPortalAP = true; // will add CFG adornment to OLED WiFi icon } const char* getWifiAPAddrStr() { noInterrupts(); IPAddress IPaddr = WiFi.softAPIP(); // use stepping stone - function returns an automatic stack var - LAME! interrupts(); return IPaddr.toString().c_str(); } const char* getWifiSTAAddrStr() { noInterrupts(); IPAddress IPaddr = WiFi.localIP(); // use stepping stone - function returns an automatic stack var - LAME! interrupts(); return IPaddr.toString().c_str(); } const char* getWifiAPMACStr() { return MACstr[1]; } const char* getWifiSTAMACStr() { return MACstr[0]; } bool isWifiConnected() { return WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED; } bool isWifiAP() { int mode = WiFi.getMode(); return !isSTA && ((mode & WIFI_MODE_AP) != 0); } bool isWifiSTA() { return isSTA; // true: STAtion mode link is active } bool isWifiConfigPortal() { return isPortalAP; // true: config portal is running } // save an NV flag to determine whether config portal should run after reboot void prepBootIntoConfigPortal(bool state) { Preferences NV; NV.begin("user"); NV.putBool("bootPortal", state); NV.end(); DebugPort.print("Setting boot config portal if WiFiManager fails = "); DebugPort.println(state); } // test the NV flag whether the config portal should run after reboot bool shouldBootIntoConfigPortal() { Preferences NV; NV.begin("user"); bool retval = NV.getBool("bootPortal", false); NV.end(); DebugPort.print("Boot config portal if WiFiManager fails = "); DebugPort.println(retval); return retval; } int isWifiButton() { return wifiButtonState; }