#include "Bluetooth.h" #include "pins.h" #include "Protocol.h" #include "debugport.h" // Bluetooth access via HC-05 Module, using a UART #ifndef ESP32 // NOTE: ESP32 uses an entirely different mechanism, please refer to BluetoothESP32.cpp/.h #ifdef __arm__ // for Arduino Due static UARTClass& Bluetooth(Serial2); #else // for Mega static HardwareSerial& Bluetooth(Serial2); // TODO: make proper ESP32 BT client #endif bool Bluetooth_ATCommand(const char* cmd); sRxLine RxLine; const int BTRates[] = { 9600, 38400, 115200, 19200, 57600, 2400, 4800 }; bool bHC05Available = false; void Bluetooth_Init() { RxLine.clear(); // search for BlueTooth adapter, trying the common baud rates, then less common // as the device cannot be guaranteed to power up with the key pin high // we are at the mercy of the baud rate stored in the module. Bluetooth.begin(9600); digitalWrite(KeyPin, HIGH); delay(500); DebugPort.println("\r\n\r\nAttempting to detect HC-05 Bluetooth module..."); int BTidx = 0; int maxTries = sizeof(BTRates)/sizeof(int); for(BTidx = 0; BTidx < maxTries; BTidx++) { DebugPort.print(" @ "); DebugPort.print(BTRates[BTidx]); DebugPort.print(" baud... "); Bluetooth.begin(BTRates[BTidx]); // open serial port at a certain baud rate Bluetooth.print("\r\n"); Bluetooth.setTimeout(50); if(Bluetooth_ATCommand("AT\r\n")) { DebugPort.println(" OK."); break; } // failed, try another baud rate DebugPort.println(""); Bluetooth.flush(); } DebugPort.println(""); if(BTidx == maxTries) { DebugPort.println("FAILED to detect HC-05 Bluetooth module :-("); } else { if(BTRates[BTidx] == 115200) { DebugPort.println("HC-05 found and already set to 115200 baud, skipping Init."); bHC05Available = true; } else { do { DebugPort.println("HC-05 found"); DebugPort.print(" Setting Name to \"DieselHeater\"... "); if(!Bluetooth_ATCommand("AT+NAME=\"DieselHeater\"\r\n")) { DebugPort.println("FAILED"); break; } DebugPort.println("OK"); DebugPort.print(" Setting baud rate to 115200N81..."); if(!Bluetooth_ATCommand("AT+UART=115200,1,0\r\n")) { DebugPort.println("FAILED"); break; }; DebugPort.println("OK"); Bluetooth.begin(115200); bHC05Available = true; } while(0); } } digitalWrite(KeyPin, LOW); // leave HC-05 command mode delay(500); if(!bHC05Available) Bluetooth.end(); // close serial port if no module found DebugPort.println(""); } void Bluetooth_Check() { // check for data coming back over Bluetooth if(bHC05Available) { if(Bluetooth.available()) { char rxVal = Bluetooth.read(); if(isControl(rxVal)) { // "End of Line" Command_Interpret(RxLine.Line); RxLine.clear(); } else { RxLine.append(rxVal); // append new char to our Rx buffer } } } } void Bluetooth_SendFrame(const char* pHdr, const CProtocol& Frame) { if(bHC05Available) { if(Frame.verifyCRC()) { Bluetooth.print(pHdr); Bluetooth.write(Frame.Data, 24); } else { DebugPort.print("Bluetooth data not sent, CRC error "); DebugPort.println(pHdr); } } } // local function, typically to perform Hayes commands with HC-05 bool Bluetooth_ATCommand(const char* cmd) { if(bHC05Available) { Bluetooth.print(cmd); char RxBuffer[16]; memset(RxBuffer, 0, 16); int read = Bluetooth.readBytesUntil('\n', RxBuffer, 16); // \n is not included in returned string! if((read == 3) && (0 == strcmp(RxBuffer, "OK\r")) ) { return true; } return false; } return false; } #endif