/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CTimerManager // // This provides management of the timers // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "TimerManager.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "../Utility/NVStorage.h" #include "../Utility/helpers.h" #include "../RTC/RTCStore.h" // main array to hold information of which timer is active at any particular minute of the week // LSBs are used for the timerID + 1 // MSB is set if the timer repeats uint8_t CTimerManager::_weekMap[7][CTimerManager::_dayMinutes]; // b[7] = repeat flag, b[3..0] = timer ID int CTimerManager::_activeTimer = 0; int CTimerManager::_activeDow = 0; int CTimerManager::_nextTimer = 0; int CTimerManager::_nextStart = 0; uint8_t CTimerManager::_workingTemperature = 22; uint8_t CTimerManager::_workingPumpHz = 22; bool CTimerManager::_timerChanged = false; #define SET_MAPS() { \ if(pTimerMap) { \ pTimerMap[dayMinute] |= activeday; \ if(pTimerIDs) \ pTimerIDs[dayMinute] |= timerBit; \ } \ else { \ _weekMap[dow][dayMinute] = recordTimer; \ } \ } // create a bitmap that describes the pattern of on/off times void CTimerManager::createMap(int timerMask, uint16_t* pTimerMap, uint16_t* pTimerIDs) { if(pTimerMap) { memset(pTimerMap, 0, _dayMinutes*sizeof(uint16_t)); if(pTimerIDs) memset(pTimerIDs, 0, _dayMinutes*sizeof(uint16_t)); } else { DebugPort.println("Erasing weekMap"); memset(_weekMap, 0, _dayMinutes*7*sizeof(uint8_t)); } for(int timerID=0; timerID < 14; timerID++) { // only process timer if it was nominated in supplied timerMask (bitfield), // timer0 = bit0 .. timerN = bitN uint16_t timerBit = 0x0001 << timerID; if(timerMask & timerBit) { sTimer timer; // get timer settings NVstore.getTimerInfo(timerID, timer); // and add info to map if enabled createMap(timer, pTimerMap, pTimerIDs); } } } // create a timer map, based only upon the supplied timer info // the other form of createMap uses the NV stored timer info void CTimerManager::createMap(sTimer& timer, uint16_t* pTimerMap, uint16_t* pTimerIDs) { if(createOneShotMap(timer, pTimerMap, pTimerIDs)) { return; } if(timer.enabled) { // create linear minutes of day values for start & stop // note that if stop < start, the timer rolls over midnight int timerBit = 0x0001 << timer.timerID; // bit required for timer ID map int timestart = timer.start.hour * 60 + timer.start.min; // linear minute of day int timestop = timer.stop.hour * 60 + timer.stop.min; for(int dayMinute = 0; dayMinute < _dayMinutes; dayMinute++) { for(int dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { int dayBit = 0x01 << dow; if(timer.enabled & dayBit || timer.enabled & 0x80) { // specific or everyday uint16_t activeday = dayBit; // may also hold non repeat flag later uint8_t recordTimer = (timer.timerID + 1) | (timer.repeat ? 0x80 : 0x00); // full week timer ID map if(!timer.repeat) { // flag timers that should get cancelled activeday |= (activeday << 8); // combine one shot status in MS byte } // SET_MAPS() macro saves values as below: // // activeday -> pTimerMap[dayMinute] (if pTimerMap != NULL) // timerBit -> pTimerID[dayMinute] (if pTimerMap != NULL AND pTimerID != NULL) // recordTimer -> weekMap[dow][dayMinute] (if pTimerMap == NULL) // if(timestop > timestart) { // treat normal start < stop times (within same day) if((dayMinute >= timestart) && (dayMinute < timestop)) { SET_MAPS(); } } else { // time straddles a day, start > stop, special treatment required if(dayMinute >= timestart) { // true from start until midnight SET_MAPS(); } if(dayMinute < timestop) { // after midnight, before stop time, i.e. next day // adjust for next day, taking care to wrap week if(dow == 6) { // last day of week? dow = 0; // because activeday holds both cancel and day info, shift it activeday >>= 6; // roll back to start of week - } else { dow++; activeday <<= 1; // next day } SET_MAPS(); } } } } } } } void CTimerManager::condenseMap(uint16_t timerMap[_dayMinutes], int factor) { int opIndex = 0; for(int dayMinute = 0; dayMinute < _dayMinutes; ) { uint16_t condense = 0; for(int subInterval = 0; subInterval < factor; subInterval++) { condense |= timerMap[dayMinute++]; if(dayMinute == _dayMinutes) { break; } } timerMap[opIndex++] = condense; } } uint16_t otherTimers[CTimerManager::_dayMinutes]; uint16_t selectedTimer[CTimerManager::_dayMinutes]; uint16_t timerIDs[CTimerManager::_dayMinutes]; int CTimerManager::conflictTest(sTimer& timerInfo) { int selectedMask = 0x0001 << timerInfo.timerID; // bit mask for timer we are testing int othersMask = 0x3fff & ~selectedMask; memset(selectedTimer, 0, sizeof(selectedTimer)); createMap(timerInfo, selectedTimer); // create a usage map from the supplied timer info (under test) createMap(othersMask, otherTimers, timerIDs); // create a map for all other timers, and get their unique IDs for(int i=0; i< _dayMinutes; i++) { if(otherTimers[i] & selectedTimer[i]) { // both have the same day bit set - CONFLICT! uint16_t timerBit = timerIDs[i]; int ID = 0; while(timerBit) { timerBit >>= 1; ID++; } return ID; } } return 0; // no conflicts :-) } void CTimerManager::condenseMap(uint8_t timerMap[7][120]) { for(int dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { int opIndex = 0; for(int dayMinute = 0; dayMinute < _dayMinutes; ) { uint8_t condense = 0; for(int subInterval = 0; subInterval < 12; subInterval++, dayMinute++) { if(!condense) condense = _weekMap[dow][dayMinute]; } timerMap[dow][opIndex++] = condense; } } _timerChanged = false; } int CTimerManager::manageTime(int _hour, int _minute, int _dow) { const BTCDateTime& currentTime = Clock.get(); int hour = currentTime.hour(); int minute = currentTime.minute(); int dow = currentTime.dayOfTheWeek(); int retval = 0; int dayMinute = (hour * 60) + minute; int newID = _weekMap[dow][dayMinute]; if(_activeTimer != newID) { DebugPort.printf("Timer ID change detected: %d", _activeTimer & 0x0f); if(_activeTimer & 0x80) DebugPort.print("(repeating)"); DebugPort.printf(" -> %d", newID & 0x0f); if(newID & 0x80) DebugPort.print("(repeating)"); DebugPort.println(""); if(_activeTimer) { // deal with expired timer DebugPort.println("Handling expired timer cleanup"); if(_activeTimer & 0x80) { DebugPort.println("Expired timer repeats, leaving definition alone"); } else { // non repeating timer // delete one shot timer - note that this may require ticking off each day as they appear DebugPort.printf("Expired timer does not repeat - Cancelling %d\r\n", _activeTimer); int ID = _activeTimer & 0x0f; if(ID) { ID--; sTimer timer; // get timer settings NVstore.getTimerInfo(ID, timer); if(timer.enabled & 0x80) { DebugPort.println("Cancelling next day"); timer.enabled = 0; // ouright cancel anyday timer } else { DebugPort.printf("Cancelling specific day idx %d\r\n", _activeDow); timer.enabled &= ~(0x01 << _activeDow); // cancel specific day that started the timer } NVstore.setTimerInfo(ID, timer); NVstore.save(); createMap(); } } } if(newID) { sTimer timer; // get timer settings int ID = (newID & 0xf) - 1; NVstore.getTimerInfo(ID, timer); if (timer.temperature) { _workingTemperature = timer.temperature; _workingPumpHz = timer.temperature; } DebugPort.printf("Start of timer interval, starting heater @ %dC\r\n", _workingTemperature); requestOn(); _activeDow = dow; // dow when timer interval start was detected retval = 1; } else { // if(!RTC_Store.getFrostOn() && !RTC_Store.getCyclicEngaged()) if(!RTC_Store.getFrostOn()) requestOff(); retval = 2; _workingTemperature = RTC_Store.getDesiredTemp(); _workingPumpHz = RTC_Store.getDesiredPump(); DebugPort.printf("End of timer interval, stopping heater & %dC\r\n", _workingTemperature); } _activeTimer = newID; } findNextTimer(hour, minute, dow); return retval; } int CTimerManager::findNextTimer(int hour, int minute, int dow) { int dayMinute = hour*60 + minute; int limit = 24*60*7; while(limit--) { if(_weekMap[dow][dayMinute] & 0x0f) { _nextTimer = _weekMap[dow][dayMinute]; _nextStart = dow*_dayMinutes + dayMinute; return _nextTimer; } dayMinute++; if(dayMinute == _dayMinutes) { dayMinute = 0; dow++; WRAPUPPERLIMIT(dow, 6, 0); } } _nextTimer = 0; return 0; } int CTimerManager::getNextTimer() { return _nextTimer; } int CTimerManager::getActiveTimer() { return _activeTimer; } void CTimerManager::getTimer(int idx, sTimer& timerInfo) { NVstore.getTimerInfo(idx, timerInfo); } int CTimerManager::setTimer(sTimer& timerInfo) { if(!conflictTest(timerInfo)) { NVstore.setTimerInfo(timerInfo.timerID, timerInfo); NVstore.save(); createMap(); manageTime(0,0,0); _timerChanged = true; return 1; } return 0; } int CTimerManager::conflictTest(int ID) { if(!(ID >= 0 && ID < 14)) return 0; sTimer timerInfo; CTimerManager::getTimer(ID, timerInfo); // get info for selected timer int conflictID = CTimerManager::conflictTest(timerInfo); // test against all others if(conflictID) { timerInfo.enabled = 0; // cancel enabled status if it conflicts with others CTimerManager::setTimer(timerInfo); // stage the timer settings, without being enabled } createMap(); manageTime(0,0,0); _timerChanged = true; return conflictID; } // special handling for next occurence of one-shot, non-repeating timers bool CTimerManager::createOneShotMap(sTimer& timer, uint16_t* pTimerMap, uint16_t* pTimerIDs) { if((timer.enabled == 0x80) && !timer.repeat) { // on-shot next occurrence timer DebugPort.printf("One shot, next occurence timer #%d\r\n", timer.timerID+1); int timerBit = 0x0001 << timer.timerID; // value required for full week map int timestart = timer.start.hour * 60 + timer.start.min; // linear minute of day int timestop = timer.stop.hour * 60 + timer.stop.min; // create masking based upon TODAY const BTCDateTime tNow = Clock.get(); int dow = tNow.dayOfTheWeek(); int todayTime = tNow.hour() * 60 + tNow.minute(); // wrap to next day if start time falls behind current time if(todayTime >= timestart) { dow++; WRAPUPPERLIMIT(dow, 6, 0); } // create masks and record values for the assorted target arrays uint16_t activeday = 1 << dow; // set day bit activeday |= activeday << 8; // and set non repeat flag in MSB uint8_t recordTimer = (timer.timerID + 1); // SET_MAPS() macro saves values as below: // // activeday -> pTimerMap[dayMinute] (if pTimerMap != NULL) // timerBit -> pTimerID[dayMinute] (if pTimerMap != NULL AND pTimerID != NULL) // recordTimer -> weekMap[dow][dayMinute] (if pTimerMap == NULL) // if(timestart < timestop) { // timer does not wrap midnight - easy linear workout :-) for(int dayMinute = timestart; dayMinute < timestop; dayMinute++) { SET_MAPS(); } } else { // timer rolls over midnight // fill map up from start time till end of day for(int dayMinute = timestart; dayMinute < _dayMinutes; dayMinute++) { SET_MAPS(); } // advance to next day, wrapping if required dow++; WRAPUPPERLIMIT(dow, 6, 0); activeday = 1 << dow; // set day bit activeday |= activeday << 8; // and set non repeat flag in MSB // complete map from midnight till stop time for(int dayMinute = 0; dayMinute < timestop; dayMinute++) { SET_MAPS(); } } return true; } return false; } // Concept of timer working temperature is that when a timer runs, it installs // the programmed temperature for that timer as the new set point. // When the timer stops, it reverts to the usual user set temperature. // // BUT, if a timer is running, the working temperature is updated with the new demand // and the user temperature is also changed accordingly. // The programmed timer temeprature is not altered and wil lrecur in the future when that time runs. uint8_t CTimerManager::getWorkingTemperature() { return _workingTemperature; } void CTimerManager::setWorkingTemperature(uint8_t newDegC) { if(getThermostatModeActive()) { _workingTemperature = newDegC; RTC_Store.setDesiredTemp(newDegC); } else { _workingPumpHz = newDegC; RTC_Store.setDesiredPump(newDegC); } } // Concept of timer working pump Hz is that when a timer runs, it installs // the programmed temperature for that timer as the new set point. // That is then converted by the heater into Hz // When the timer stops, it reverts to the usual user set temperature. // // BUT, if a timer is running, the working temperature is updated with the new demand // and the user temperature is also changed accordingly. // The programmed timer temeprature is not altered and wil lrecur in the future when that time runs. uint8_t CTimerManager::getWorkingPumpHz() { return _workingPumpHz; } void CTimerManager::setWorkingPumpHz(uint8_t newDemand) { _workingPumpHz = newDemand; RTC_Store.setDesiredPump(newDemand); }