/* Chinese Heater Half Duplex Serial Data Send Test Tool Connects to the blue wire of a Chinese heater, which is the half duplex serial link. Receives data from serial port 1. Terminology: Tx is to the heater unit, Rx is from the heater unit. The binary data is received from the line. If it has been > 100ms since the last activity this indicates a new frame sequence is starting, synchronise as such then count off the next 48 bytes storing them in the Data array. The "outer loop" then detects the count of 48 and packages the data to be sent over Serial to the USB attached PC. Typical data frame timing on the blue wire is: __Tx_Rx____________________________Tx_Rx____________________________Tx_Rx___________ Rx to next Tx delay is always > 100ms and is paced by the controller. The delay before seeing Rx data after Tx is usually much less than 10ms. **The heater only ever sends Rx data in response to a data frame from the controller** Resultant data is tagged and sent out on serial port 0 (the default debug port), along with a timestamp for relative timing. This example works only with boards with more than one serial port like Arduino Mega, Due, Zero etc. The circuit: - Blue wire connected to Serial 1 Rx input - preferably with series 680ohm resistor. - Serial logging software on Serial port 0 via USB link created 24 Aug 2018 by Ray Jones modified 25 Aug by Ray Jones - simplifed to read 48 bytes, synchronised by observing a long pause between characters. The heater only sends when prompted. No longer need to discrimate which packet of data would be present. This example code is in the public domain. */ #include "CFrame.h" #include "TxManage.h" void SerialReport(const char* hdr, const unsigned char* pData, const char* ftr); class CommStates { public: enum eCS { Idle, CtrlRx, CtrlRpt, HtrRx1, HtrRpt1, SelfTx, HtrRx2, HtrRpt2 }; CommStates() { set(Idle); } void set(eCS eState) { m_State = eState; m_Count = 0; } bool is(eCS eState) { return m_State == eState; } bool rxData(unsigned char* pData, unsigned char val, int limit = 24) { // return true if buffer filled pData[m_Count++] = val; return m_Count == limit; } private: int m_State; int m_Count; }; const int TxEnbPin = 17; CommStates CommState; CFrame Controller(CFrame::TxMode); CFrame TxFrame(CFrame::TxMode); CTxManage TxManage(TxEnbPin, Serial1); CFrame Heater1; CFrame Heater2; long lastRxTime; // used to calculate inter character delay long TxEnbTime; // used to reset TxEnb low bool bOnEvent = false; bool bOffEvent = false; void setup() { // initialize listening serial port // 25000 baud, Tx and Rx channels of Chinese heater comms interface: // Tx/Rx data to/from heater, special baud rate for Chinese heater controllers Serial1.begin(25000); pinMode(19, INPUT_PULLUP); // initialise serial monitor on serial port 0 Serial.begin(115200); // prepare for first long delay detection lastRxTime = millis(); TxManage.begin(); } void loop() { unsigned long timenow = millis(); // check for test commands received from PC Over USB if(Serial.available()) { char rxval = Serial.read(); if(rxval == '+') { TxManage.RequestOn(); } if(rxval == '-') { TxManage.RequestOff(); } } if(CommState.is(CommStates::SelfTx)) { // Interval where we should send data to the blue wire lastRxTime = timenow; // not expecting rx data, but we are pumping onto blue wire! TxManage.Tick(timenow); // keep trying to send our data if(!TxManage.isBusy()) { // until completed CommState.set(CommStates::HtrRx2); // then await heater repsonse } } // calc elapsed time since last rxd byte to detect no other controller, or start of frame sequence unsigned long RxTimeElapsed = timenow - lastRxTime; // check for no rx traffic => no OEM controller if(CommState.is(CommStates::Idle) && (RxTimeElapsed >= 970)) { // have not seen any receive data for a second. // OEM controller probably not connected. // Skip to SelfTx, sending our own settings. CommState.set(CommStates::SelfTx); bool bSelfParams = true; TxManage.Send(timenow, bSelfParams); } // precaution if 24 bytes were not received whilst expecting them if(RxTimeElapsed > 50) { if( CommState.is(CommStates::CtrlRx) || CommState.is(CommStates::HtrRx1) || CommState.is(CommStates::HtrRx2) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::Idle); } } // read from port 1, the "blue wire" (to/from heater), store according to CommState if (Serial1.available()) { lastRxTime = timenow; if( CommState.is(CommStates::Idle) && (RxTimeElapsed > 100)) { // this indicates the start of a new frame sequence from another controller CommState.set(CommStates::CtrlRx); } int inByte = Serial1.read(); // read hex byte if( CommState.is(CommStates::CtrlRx) ) { if(CommState.rxData(Controller.Data, inByte) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::CtrlRpt); } } else if( CommState.is(CommStates::HtrRx1) ) { if( CommState.rxData(Heater1.Data, inByte) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::HtrRpt1); } } else if( CommState.is(CommStates::HtrRx2) ) { if( CommState.rxData(Heater2.Data, inByte) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::HtrRpt2); } } } // Serial1.available if( CommState.is(CommStates::CtrlRpt) ) { // filled controller frame, report SerialReport("Ctrl ", Controller.Data, " "); CommState.set(CommStates::HtrRx1); } else if(CommState.is(CommStates::HtrRpt1) ) { // received heater frame (after controller message), report SerialReport("Htr1 ", Heater1.Data, "\r\n"); TxManage.Copy(Controller); // replicate last obtained controller data TxManage.Send(timenow, false); CommState.set(CommStates::SelfTx); } else if( CommState.is(CommStates::HtrRpt2) ) { // received heater frame (after our control message), report SerialReport("Htr2 ", Heater2.Data, "\r\n"); CommState.set(CommStates::Idle); } } // loop void SerialReport(const char* hdr, const unsigned char* pData, const char* ftr) { Serial.print(hdr); // header for(int i=0; i<24; i++) { char str[16]; sprintf(str, "%02X ", pData[i]); // build 2 dig hex values Serial.print(str); // and print } Serial.print(ftr); // footer }