/* Chinese Heater Half Duplex Serial Data Sending Tool Connects to the blue wire of a Chinese heater, which is the half duplex serial link. Sends and receives data from hardware serial port 1. Terminology: Tx is to the heater unit, Rx is from the heater unit. Typical data frame timing on the blue wire is: __Tx_Rx____________________________Tx_Rx____________________________Tx_Rx___________ This software can connect to the blue wire in a normal OEM system, detecting the OEM controller and allowing extraction of the data or injecting on/off commands. If Pin 21 is grounded on the Due, this simple stream will be reported over Serial and no control from the Arduino will be allowed. This allows sniffing of the blue wire in a normal system. The binary data is received from the line. If it has been > 100ms since the last blue wire activity this indicates a new frame sequence is starting from the OEM controller. Synchronise as such then count off the next 24 bytes storing them in the Controller's data array. These bytes are then reported over Serial to the PC in ASCII. It is then expected the heater will respond with it's 24 bytes. Capture those bytes and store them in the Heater1 data array. Once again these bytes are then reported over Serial to the PC in ASCII. If no activity is sensed in a second, it is assumed no controller is attached and we have full control over the heater. Either way we can now inject a message onto the blue wire allowing our custom on/off control. We must remain synchronous with the OEM controller if it exists otherwise E-07 faults will be caused. Typical data frame timing on the blue wire is then: __OEMTx_HtrRx__OurTx_HtrRx____________OEMTx_HtrRx__OurTx_HtrRx____________OEMTx_HtrRx__OurTx_HtrRx_________ The second HtrRx to the next OEMTx delay is always > 100ms and is paced by the OEM controller. The delay before seeing Heater Rx data after any Tx is usually much less than 10ms. But this does rise if new max/min or voltage settings are sent. **The heater only ever sends Rx data in response to a data frame from a controller** A HC-05 Bluetooth module is attached to Serial2: TXD -> Rx2 (pin 17) RXD -> Tx2 (pin 16) EN(key) -> pin 15 This code only works with boards that have more than one hardware serial port like Arduino Mega, Due, Zero etc. The circuit: - a Tx Rx multiplexer is required to combine the Arduino's Tx1 And Rx1 pins onto the blue wire. - a Tx Enable signal from pin 20 controls the multiplexer - Serial logging software on Serial0 via USB link created 23 Sep 2018 by Ray Jones This example code is in the public domain. */ #include "Protocol.h" #include "TxManage.h" #include "pins.h" #include "NVStorage.h" #include "debugport.h" #define BLUETOOTH #define DEBUG_BTRX #ifdef BLUETOOTH #include "Bluetooth.h" #endif #if defined(__arm__) // Required for Arduino Due, UARTclass is derived from HardwareSerial static UARTClass& BlueWire(Serial1); #else // for ESP32, Mega // HardwareSerial is it for these boards static HardwareSerial& BlueWire(Serial1); #endif class CommStates { public: // comms states enum eCS { Idle, OEMCtrlRx, OEMCtrlReport, HeaterRx1, HeaterReport1, BTC_Tx, HeaterRx2, HeaterReport2 }; CommStates() { set(Idle); } void set(eCS eState) { m_State = eState; m_Count = 0; } bool is(eCS eState) { return m_State == eState; } bool collectData(CProtocol& Frame, unsigned char val, int limit = 24) { // returns true when buffer filled Frame.Data[m_Count++] = val; return m_Count == limit; } private: int m_State; int m_Count; }; CommStates CommState; CTxManage TxManage(TxEnbPin, BlueWire); CProtocol OEMCtrlFrame; // data packet received from heater in response to OEM controller packet CProtocol HeaterFrame1; // data packet received from heater in response to OEM controller packet CProtocol HeaterFrame2; // data packet received from heater in response to our packet CProtocol DefaultBTCParams(CProtocol::CtrlMode); // defines the default parameters, used in case of no OEM controller long lastRxTime; // used to observe inter character delays int hasController = 0; // setup Non Volatile storage // this is very much hardware dependent, we can use the ESP32's FLASH #ifdef ESP32 CESP32HeaterStorage NVStorage; #else CHeaterStorage NVStorage; // dummy, for now #endif CHeaterStorage* pNVStorage = NULL; void PrepareTxFrame(const CProtocol& basisFrame, CProtocol& TxFrame, bool isBTCmaster); void setup() { // initialize serial port to interact with the "blue wire" // 25000 baud, Tx and Rx channels of Chinese heater comms interface: // Tx/Rx data to/from heater, // Note special baud rate for Chinese heater controllers pinMode(Tx2Pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(Tx2Pin, HIGH); pinMode(Rx2Pin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ListenOnlyPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(KeyPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(KeyPin, LOW); #if defined(__arm__) || defined(__AVR__) BlueWire.begin(25000); pinMode(Rx1Pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // required for MUX to work properly #elif ESP32 // ESP32 BlueWire.begin(25000, SERIAL_8N1, Rx1Pin, Tx1Pin); // need to explicitly specify pins for pin multiplexer! pinMode(Rx1Pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // required for MUX to work properly #endif // initialise serial monitor on serial port 0 // this is the usual USB connection to a PC DebugPort.begin(115200); // prepare for first long delay detection lastRxTime = millis(); TxManage.begin(); // ensure Tx enable pin is setup // define defaults should heater controller be missing DefaultBTCParams.setTemperature_Desired(23); DefaultBTCParams.setTemperature_Actual(22); DefaultBTCParams.Controller.OperatingVoltage = 120; DefaultBTCParams.setPump_Min(16); DefaultBTCParams.setPump_Max(55); DefaultBTCParams.setFan_Min(1680); DefaultBTCParams.setFan_Max(4500); #ifdef BLUETOOTH Bluetooth_Init(); #endif // create pointer to CHeaterStorage // via the magic of polymorphism we can use this to access whatever // storage is required for a specifc platform in a uniform way pNVStorage = &NVStorage; pNVStorage->init(); pNVStorage->load(); } // main functional loop is based about a state machine approach, waiting for data // to appear upon the blue wire, and marshalling into an appropriate receive buffer // according to the state. void loop() { unsigned long timenow = millis(); // check for test commands received from PC Over USB if(DebugPort.available()) { char rxval = DebugPort.read(); if(rxval == '+') { TxManage.queueOnRequest(); } if(rxval == '-') { TxManage.queueOffRequest(); } } #ifdef BLUETOOTH Bluetooth_Check(); // check for Bluetooth activity #endif // Handle time interval where we send data to the blue wire if(CommState.is(CommStates::BTC_Tx)) { lastRxTime = timenow; // we are pumping onto blue wire, track this activity! if(TxManage.CheckTx(timenow) ) { // monitor our data delivery CommState.set(CommStates::HeaterRx2); // then await heater repsonse } } // calc elapsed time since last rxd byte to detect no other controller, or start of frame sequence unsigned long RxTimeElapsed = timenow - lastRxTime; // check for no rx traffic => no OEM controller if(CommState.is(CommStates::Idle) && (RxTimeElapsed >= 970)) { // have not seen any receive data for a second. // OEM controller is probably not connected. // Skip state machine immediately to BTC_Tx, sending our own settings. hasController = 0; CommState.set(CommStates::BTC_Tx); bool isBTCmaster = true; TxManage.PrepareFrame(DefaultBTCParams, isBTCmaster); // use our parameters, and mix in NV storage values TxManage.Start(timenow); #ifdef BLUETOOTH // Bluetooth_SendFrame("[BTC]", TxManage.getFrame(), false); // BTC => Bluetooth Controller :-) // Bluetooth_SendFrame("[BTC]", TxManage.getFrame(), true); // BTC => Bluetooth Controller :-) #else DebugReportFrame("BTC ", OEMCtrlFrame, " "); #endif } // precautionary action if all 24 bytes were not received whilst expecting them if(RxTimeElapsed > 50) { if( CommState.is(CommStates::OEMCtrlRx) || CommState.is(CommStates::HeaterRx1) || CommState.is(CommStates::HeaterRx2) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::Idle); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Blue wire data reception // Reads data from the "blue wire" Serial port, (to/from heater) // If an OEM controller exists we will also see it's data frames // if (BlueWire.available()) { // Data is avaialable, read and store according to CommState // if not in a recognised data frame state, the data is deliberately lost lastRxTime = timenow; // Detect the start of a new frame sequence from an OEM controller // This when there has been no activity for a while on the blue wire // the heater always responds to a controller frame, but not otherwise if( CommState.is(CommStates::Idle) && (RxTimeElapsed > 100)) { DebugPort.print(RxTimeElapsed); DebugPort.println(" OEM Controller re-sync"); hasController = 1; CommState.set(CommStates::OEMCtrlRx); } int inByte = BlueWire.read(); // read hex byte // collect OEM controller frame if( CommState.is(CommStates::OEMCtrlRx) ) { if(CommState.collectData(OEMCtrlFrame, inByte) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::OEMCtrlReport); } } // collect heater frame, in response to an OEM controller else if( CommState.is(CommStates::HeaterRx1) ) { if( CommState.collectData(HeaterFrame1, inByte) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::HeaterReport1); } } // collect heater frame, in response to our control frame else if( CommState.is(CommStates::HeaterRx2) ) { if( CommState.collectData(HeaterFrame2, inByte) ) { CommState.set(CommStates::HeaterReport2); } } } // BlueWire.available if( CommState.is(CommStates::OEMCtrlReport) ) { // filled controller frame, report #ifdef BLUETOOTH // echo received OEM controller frame over Bluetooth, using [OEM] header Bluetooth_SendFrame("[OEM]", OEMCtrlFrame, true); #else DebugReportFrame("OEM ", OEMCtrlFrame, " "); #endif CommState.set(CommStates::HeaterRx1); } else if(CommState.is(CommStates::HeaterReport1) ) { // received heater frame (after controller message), report #ifdef BLUETOOTH // echo heater reponse data to Bluetooth client Bluetooth_SendFrame("[HTR]", HeaterFrame1); #else DebugReportFrame("Htr1 ", HeaterFrame1, "\r\n"); #endif if(digitalRead(ListenOnlyPin)) { bool isBTCmaster = false; TxManage.PrepareFrame(OEMCtrlFrame, isBTCmaster); // parrot OEM parameters, but block NV modes TxManage.Start(timenow); CommState.set(CommStates::BTC_Tx); } else { CommState.set(CommStates::Idle); // "Listen Only" input is held low, don't send out Tx } } else if( CommState.is(CommStates::HeaterReport2) ) { // received heater frame (after our control message), report delay(5); #ifdef BLUETOOTH if(!hasController) { Bluetooth_SendFrame("[BTC]", TxManage.getFrame(), true); // BTC => Bluetooth Controller :-) Bluetooth_SendFrame("[HTR]", HeaterFrame2); // pin not grounded, suppress duplicate to BT } #else DebugReportFrame("Htr2 ", HeaterFrame2, "\r\n"); #endif // if(!digitalRead(ListenOnlyPin)) { // } CommState.set(CommStates::Idle); Serial.print("Free heap "); Serial.println(ESP.getFreeHeap()); } } // loop void DebugReportFrame(const char* hdr, const CProtocol& Frame, const char* ftr) { DebugPort.print(hdr); // header for(int i=0; i<24; i++) { char str[16]; sprintf(str, " %02X", Frame.Data[i]); // build 2 dig hex values DebugPort.print(str); // and print } DebugPort.print(ftr); // footer } void Command_Interpret(const char* pLine) { unsigned char cVal; unsigned short sVal; if(strlen(pLine) == 0) return; #ifdef DEBUG_BTRX DebugPort.println(pLine); #endif if(strncmp(pLine, "[CMD]", 5) == 0) { // incoming command from BT app! DebugPort.write(" Command decode: "); pLine += 5; // skip past "[CMD]" header if(strncmp(pLine, "ON", 2) == 0) { TxManage.queueOnRequest(); DebugPort.println("Heater ON"); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "OFF", 3) == 0) { TxManage.queueOffRequest(); DebugPort.println("Heater OFF"); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "Pmin", 4) == 0) { pLine += 4; cVal = (unsigned char)((atof(pLine) * 10.0) + 0.5); pNVStorage->setPmin(cVal); DebugPort.print("Pump min = "); DebugPort.println(cVal); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "Pmax", 4) == 0) { pLine += 4; cVal = (unsigned char)((atof(pLine) * 10.0) + 0.5); pNVStorage->setPmax(cVal); DebugPort.print("Pump max = "); DebugPort.println(cVal); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "Fmin", 4) == 0) { pLine += 4; sVal = atoi(pLine); pNVStorage->setFmin(sVal); DebugPort.print("Fan min = "); DebugPort.println(sVal); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "Fmax", 4) == 0) { pLine += 4; sVal = atoi(pLine); pNVStorage->setFmax(sVal); DebugPort.print("Fan max = "); DebugPort.println(int(sVal)); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "save", 4) == 0) { pNVStorage->save(); DebugPort.println("NV save"); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "degC", 4) == 0) { pLine += 4; cVal = atoi(pLine); pNVStorage->setTemperature(cVal); DebugPort.print("degC = "); DebugPort.println(cVal); } else if(strncmp(pLine, "Mode", 4) == 0) { pLine += 4; cVal = !pNVStorage->getThermostatMode(); pNVStorage->setThermostatMode(cVal); DebugPort.print("Mode now "); DebugPort.println(cVal ? "Thermostat" : "Fixed Hz"); } else { DebugPort.print(pLine); DebugPort.println(" ????"); } } }