/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSetTimerScreen // // This screen allows the timers to be adjusted // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "SetTimerScreen.h" #include "KeyPad.h" #include "../Utility/helpers.h" #include "../../lib/RTClib/RTClib.h" #include "../RTC/TimerManager.h" #include "fonts/Arial.h" const char* briefDOW[] = { "S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S" }; CSetTimerScreen::CSetTimerScreen(C128x64_OLED& display, CScreenManager& mgr, int instance) : CScreen(display, mgr) { _initUI(); _ConflictTime = 0; _conflictID = 0; _timerID = instance; } void CSetTimerScreen::onSelect() { CScreen::onSelect(); _initUI(); NVstore.getTimerInfo(_timerID, _timerInfo); } void CSetTimerScreen::_initUI() { _rowSel = 0; _colSel = 0; _SaveTime = 0; } bool CSetTimerScreen::show() { CScreen::show(); _display.clearDisplay(); char str[20]; int xPos, yPos; if(_rowSel == 0) { NVstore.getTimerInfo(_timerID, _timerInfo); } sprintf(str, "Set Timer #%d", _timerID + 1); _showTitle(str); if(_SaveTime) { _showStoringMessage(); long tDelta = millis() - _SaveTime; if(tDelta > 0) { _SaveTime = 0; } } else if(_ConflictTime) { long tDelta = millis() - _ConflictTime; if(tDelta > 0) _ConflictTime = 0; sprintf(str, " with Timer %d ", _conflictID); _showConflict(str); } else { // start xPos = 18; yPos = 28; _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, "On", false, eRightJustify); _printMenuText(xPos+18, yPos, ":"); xPos += 6; sprintf(str, "%02d", _timerInfo.start.hour); _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, str, _rowSel==1 && _colSel==0); xPos += 17; sprintf(str, "%02d", _timerInfo.start.min); _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, str, _rowSel==1 && _colSel==1); // stop xPos = 18; yPos = 41; _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, "Off", false, eRightJustify); _printMenuText(xPos+18, yPos, ":"); xPos += 6; sprintf(str, "%02d", _timerInfo.stop.hour); _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, str, _rowSel==1 && _colSel==2); xPos += 17; sprintf(str, "%02d", _timerInfo.stop.min); _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, str, _rowSel==1 && _colSel==3); // control const char* msg; xPos = _display.width() - border; _printEnabledTimers(); yPos = 41; if(_timerInfo.repeat) msg = "Repeat"; else msg = "Once"; if(_rowSel == 1) _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, msg, _colSel==5, eRightJustify); else _printInverted(xPos, yPos, msg, _timerInfo.repeat, eRightJustify); // navigation line yPos = 53; xPos = _display.xCentre(); if(_rowSel == 2) { _display.drawFastHLine(0, 53, 128, WHITE); _printMenuText(_display.xCentre(), 57, "\033\032 Sel \030\031 Adj", false, eCentreJustify); _printMenuText(_display.xCentre(), 57, "Done", false, eCentreJustify); } else if(_rowSel == 1) { _display.drawFastHLine(0, 53, 128, WHITE); _printMenuText(_display.xCentre(), 57, "\033\032 Sel \030\031 Adj", false, eCentreJustify); _printMenuText(_display.xCentre(), 57, "Save", false, eCentreJustify); } else { _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, " \021 Exit \020 ", _rowSel==0, eCentreJustify); } } return true; } bool CSetTimerScreen::keyHandler(uint8_t event) { static bool bHeld = false; // handle initial key press if(event & keyPressed) { bHeld = false; // press CENTRE if(event & key_Centre) { if(_rowSel == 0) { _ScreenManager.selectMenu(CScreenManager::RootMenuLoop); // exit: return to clock screen } else if(_rowSel == 2) { // exit from per day settings _rowSel = 1; _colSel = 4; } else { // in config fields, save new settings // test if the setting conflict with an already defined timer _conflictID = CTimerManager::conflictTest(_timerInfo); if(_conflictID) { _timerInfo.enabled = 0; // cancel enabled status _ConflictTime = millis() + 1500; _ScreenManager.reqUpdate(); _rowSel = 1; _colSel = 4; // select enable/disable } else { _SaveTime = millis() + 1500; _ScreenManager.reqUpdate(); _rowSel = 0; _colSel = 0; } CTimerManager::setTimer(_timerInfo); } } // press LEFT - navigate fields, or screens if(event & key_Left) { switch(_rowSel) { case 0: _ScreenManager.prevMenu(); break; case 1: // select previous field _colSel--; WRAPLOWERLIMIT(_colSel, 0, 5); break; case 2: // select previous day _colSel--; WRAPLOWERLIMIT(_colSel, 0, 6); break; } } // press RIGHT - navigate fields, or screens if(event & key_Right) { switch(_rowSel) { case 0: _ScreenManager.nextMenu(); break; case 1: // select next field _colSel++; WRAPUPPERLIMIT(_colSel, 5, 0); break; case 2: // select next day _colSel++; WRAPUPPERLIMIT(_colSel, 6, 0); break; } } } // handle held down keys if(event & keyRepeat) { bHeld = true; if(_rowSel == 1) { if(_colSel < 4) { // fast repeat of hour/minute adjustments by holding up or down keys if(event & key_Down) _adjust(-1); if(event & key_Up) _adjust(+1); } else if(_colSel == 4) { if(event & (key_Up | key_Down)) { // enable per day programming by holding up or down _timerInfo.enabled &= 0x7f; // strip next day flag _rowSel = 2; _colSel = 0; } } } } if(event & keyReleased) { if(!bHeld) { int maskDOW = 0x01 << _colSel; // released DOWN - can only leave adjustment by using OK (centre button) if(event & key_Down) { // adjust selected item switch(_rowSel) { case 1: if(!(_colSel == 4 && (_timerInfo.enabled & 0x7F) != 0)) { _adjust(-1); } else { // bump into per day setup _rowSel = 2; _colSel = 0; } break; case 2: // adjust selected item _timerInfo.enabled ^= maskDOW; _timerInfo.enabled &= 0x7f; break; } } // released UP if(event & key_Up) { switch(_rowSel) { case 0: _rowSel = 1; _colSel = 0; break; case 1: // prevent accidentally losing per day settings if(!(_colSel == 4 && (_timerInfo.enabled & 0x7F) != 0)) { _adjust(+1); // adjust selected item, unless in per day mode } else { // bump into per day setup _rowSel = 2; _colSel = 0; } break; case 2: // adjust selected item _timerInfo.enabled ^= maskDOW; _timerInfo.enabled &= 0x7f; break; } } } } _ScreenManager.reqUpdate(); return true; } void CSetTimerScreen::_adjust(int dir) { int maskDOW = 0x01 << _colSel; // if doing Day of Week - (_rowSel == 2) switch(_colSel) { case 0: _timerInfo.start.hour += dir; WRAPLIMITS(_timerInfo.start.hour, 0, 23); break; case 1: _timerInfo.start.min += dir; WRAPLIMITS(_timerInfo.start.min, 0, 59); break; case 2: _timerInfo.stop.hour += dir; WRAPLIMITS(_timerInfo.stop.hour, 0, 23); break; case 3: _timerInfo.stop.min += dir; WRAPLIMITS(_timerInfo.stop.min, 0, 59); break; case 4: if(_rowSel == 1) { _timerInfo.enabled &= 0x80; // ensure specific day flags are cleared _timerInfo.enabled ^= 0x80; // toggle next day flag } if(_rowSel == 2) { _timerInfo.enabled &= 0x7f; // ensure next day flag is cleared _timerInfo.enabled ^= maskDOW; // toggle flag for day of week } break; case 5: _timerInfo.repeat = !_timerInfo.repeat; break; } } void CSetTimerScreen::_printEnabledTimers() { const int dayWidth = 8; int xPos = _display.width() - border; int yPos = 28; if(_timerInfo.enabled == 0x00 && _rowSel != 2) { _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, "Disabled", _colSel==4, eRightJustify); } else if(_timerInfo.enabled & 0x80) { if(_rowSel==1 && _colSel==4) _printMenuText(xPos, yPos, "Enabled", true, eRightJustify); else _printInverted(xPos, yPos, "Enabled", true, eRightJustify); } else { if(_rowSel==1 && _colSel==4) { CRect extents; extents.width = 7 * dayWidth + 2; extents.height = 8; extents.xPos = xPos - extents.width; extents.yPos = yPos; extents.Expand(border); _display.drawRoundRect(extents.xPos, extents.yPos, extents.width, extents.height, radius, WHITE); } xPos -= 7 * dayWidth; // back step 7 day entries int xSel = xPos + _colSel * dayWidth; // note location of selection now (xPos gets changed) // print days, inverse if enabled for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { int dayMask = 0x01 << i; _printInverted(xPos, yPos, briefDOW[i], _timerInfo.enabled & dayMask); xPos += dayWidth; } // draw selection loop afterwards - writing text otherwise obliterates it if(_rowSel==2) { CRect extents; extents.xPos = xSel; extents.yPos = yPos; _drawMenuSelection(extents, briefDOW[_colSel]); } } } void CSetTimerScreen::_showConflict(const char* str) { CTransientFont AF(_display, &arial_8ptBoldFontInfo); _display.fillRect(19, 22, 90, 36, WHITE); _printInverted(_display.xCentre(), 39, str, true, eCentreJustify); _printInverted(_display.xCentre(), 28, "Conflicts", true, eCentreJustify); }