/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "BTC_JSON.h" #include "DebugPort.h" #include "NVStorage.h" #include "../RTC/BTCDateTime.h" #include "../RTC/Timers.h" #include "../RTC/TimerManager.h" #include "../Bluetooth/BluetoothAbstract.h" #include "../WiFi/BTCWebServer.h" #include "../cfg/BTCConfig.h" #include "macros.h" #include "../Protocol/Protocol.h" char defaultJSONstr[64]; CModerator JSONmoderator; CTimerModerator TimerModerator; int timerConflict = 0; CModerator MQTTmoderator; CModerator GPIOmoderator; void validateTimer(int ID); void Expand(std::string& str); void interpretJsonCommand(char* pLine) { if(strlen(pLine) == 0) return; DebugPort.printf("JSON parse %s...", pLine); StaticJsonBuffer<512> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the heap JsonObject& obj = jsonBuffer.parseObject(pLine); if(!obj.success()) { DebugPort.println(" FAILED"); return; } DebugPort.println(" OK"); JsonObject::iterator it; for(it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) { if(strcmp("TempDesired", it->key) == 0) { if( !reqTemp(it->value.as(), false) ) { // this request is blocked if OEM controller active JSONmoderator.reset("TempDesired"); } } else if(strcmp("RunState", it->key) == 0) { if(it->value.as()) { requestOn(); } else { requestOff(); } } else if(strcmp("PumpMin", it->key) == 0) { setPumpMin(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("PumpMax", it->key) == 0) { setPumpMax(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("FanMin", it->key) == 0) { setFanMin(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("FanMax", it->key) == 0) { setFanMax(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("CyclicTemp", it->key) == 0) { setDemandDegC(it->value.as()); // directly set demandDegC } else if((strcmp("CyclicOff", it->key) == 0) || (strcmp("ThermostatOvertemp", it->key) == 0)) { sUserSettings us = NVstore.getUserSettings(); int8_t val = it->value.as(); if(INBOUNDS(val, 0, 10)) { if(val > 1) val--; // internal uses a 1 offset us.cyclic.Stop = val; } NVstore.setUserSettings(us); } else if((strcmp("CyclicOn", it->key) == 0) || (strcmp("ThermostatUndertemp", it->key) == 0)) { sUserSettings us = NVstore.getUserSettings(); int8_t val = it->value.as(); if(INBOUNDS(val, -20, 0)) { us.cyclic.Start = val; } NVstore.setUserSettings(us); } else if(strcmp("ThermostatMethod", it->key) == 0) { sUserSettings settings = NVstore.getUserSettings(); uint8_t val = it->value.as(); if(INBOUNDS(val, 0, 2)) settings.ThermostatMethod = val; NVstore.setUserSettings(settings); } else if(strcmp("ThermostatWindow", it->key) == 0) { sUserSettings settings = NVstore.getUserSettings(); float val = it->value.as(); if(INBOUNDS(val, 0.2f, 10.f)) settings.ThermostatWindow = val; NVstore.setUserSettings(settings); } else if(strcmp("Thermostat", it->key) == 0) { if(!setThermostatMode(it->value.as())) { // this request is blocked if OEM controller active JSONmoderator.reset("ThermoStat"); } } else if(strcmp("NVsave", it->key) == 0) { if(it->value.as() == 8861) saveNV(); } else if(strcmp("DateTime", it->key) == 0) { setDateTime(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("Date", it->key) == 0) { setDate(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("Time", it->key) == 0) { setTime(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("PumpPrime", it->key) == 0) { reqPumpPrime(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("Refresh", it->key) == 0) { resetJSONmoderator(); } else if(strcmp("SystemVoltage", it->key) == 0) { setSystemVoltage(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("TimerDays", it->key) == 0) { // value encoded as "ID Days,Days" decodeJSONTimerDays(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("TimerStart", it->key) == 0) { // value encoded as "ID HH:MM" decodeJSONTimerTime(0, it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("TimerStop", it->key) == 0) { // value encoded as "ID HH:MM" decodeJSONTimerTime(1, it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("TimerRepeat", it->key) == 0) { // value encoded as "ID val" decodeJSONTimerNumeric(0, it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("TimerTemp", it->key) == 0) { decodeJSONTimerNumeric(1, it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("TimerConflict", it->key) == 0) { validateTimer(it->value.as()); } // request specific timer refresh else if((strcmp("TQuery", it->key) == 0) || (strcmp("TimerRefresh", it->key) == 0) ) { int timerID = it->value.as(); if(timerID) TimerModerator.reset(timerID-1); else TimerModerator.reset(); } else if(strcmp("FanSensor", it->key) == 0) { setFanSensor(it->value.as()); } // MQTT parameters else if(strcmp("MQuery", it->key) == 0) { MQTTmoderator.reset(); // force MQTT params to be sent } else if(strcmp("MEn", it->key) == 0) { sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo(); info.enabled = it->value.as(); NVstore.setMQTTinfo(info); } else if(strcmp("MPort", it->key) == 0) { sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo(); info.port = it->value.as(); NVstore.setMQTTinfo(info); } else if(strcmp("MHost", it->key) == 0) { sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo(); strncpy(info.host, it->value.as(), 127); info.host[127] = 0; NVstore.setMQTTinfo(info); } else if(strcmp("MUser", it->key) == 0) { sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo(); strncpy(info.username, it->value.as(), 31); info.username[31] = 0; NVstore.setMQTTinfo(info); } else if(strcmp("MPasswd", it->key) == 0) { sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo(); strncpy(info.password, it->value.as(), 31); info.password[31] = 0; NVstore.setMQTTinfo(info); } else if(strcmp("UploadSize", it->key) == 0) { setUploadSize(it->value.as()); } else if(strcmp("GPout1", it->key) == 0) { setGPIOout(0, it->value.as() ? true : false); } else if(strcmp("GPout2", it->key) == 0) { setGPIOout(1, it->value.as() ? true : false); } else if(strcmp("GPin1", it->key) == 0) { simulateGPIOin(it->value.as() ? 0x01 : 0x00); // simulate key 1 press } else if(strcmp("GPin2", it->key) == 0) { simulateGPIOin(it->value.as() ? 0x02 : 0x00); // simulate key 2 press } else if(strcmp("JSONpack", it->key) == 0) { sUserSettings us = NVstore.getUserSettings(); uint8_t packed = it->value.as() ? 0x00 : 0x01; us.JSON.LF = packed; us.JSON.padding = packed; us.JSON.singleElement = packed; NVstore.setUserSettings(us); NVstore.save(); resetJSONmoderator(); } else if(strcmp("TempMode", it->key) == 0) { sUserSettings us = NVstore.getUserSettings(); us.degF = it->value.as() ? 0x01 : 0x00; NVstore.setUserSettings(us); NVstore.save(); } } } void validateTimer(int ID) { ID--; // supplied as +1 if(!INBOUNDS(ID, 0, 13)) return; timerConflict = CTimerManager::conflictTest(ID); // check targeted timer against other timers TimerModerator.reset(ID); // ensure we update client with our (real) version of the selected timer } bool makeJSONString(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len) { StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag float tidyTemp = getTemperatureSensor(); tidyTemp = int(tidyTemp * 10) * 0.1f; // round to 0.1 resolution if(tidyTemp > -80) { bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempCurrent", tidyTemp, root); } bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempDesired", getTemperatureDesired(), root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempMin", getHeaterInfo().getTemperature_Min(), root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempMax", getHeaterInfo().getTemperature_Max(), root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempBody", getHeaterInfo().getTemperature_HeatExchg(), root); // bSend |= moderator.addJson("RunState", getHeaterInfo().getRunState(), root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("RunState", getHeaterInfo().getRunStateEx(), root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("RunString", getHeaterInfo().getRunStateStr(), root); // verbose it up! bSend |= moderator.addJson("ErrorState", getHeaterInfo().getErrState(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("ErrorString", getHeaterInfo().getErrStateStrEx(), root); // verbose it up! bSend |= moderator.addJson("Thermostat", getThermostatModeActive(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpFixed", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Fixed(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpMin", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Min(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpMax", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Max(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("PumpActual", getHeaterInfo().getPump_Actual(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanMin", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Min(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanMax", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Max(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanRPM", getFanSpeed(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanVoltage", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Voltage(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("FanSensor", getHeaterInfo().getFan_Sensor(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("InputVoltage", getBatteryVoltage(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("SystemVoltage", getHeaterInfo().getSystemVoltage(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GlowVoltage", getGlowVolts(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GlowCurrent", getGlowCurrent(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("BluewireStat", getBlueWireStatStr(), root ); bSend |= moderator.addJson("TempMode", NVstore.getUserSettings().degF, root); if(bSend) { root.printTo(opStr, len); } return bSend; } bool makeJSONStringEx(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len) { StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatMethod", NVstore.getUserSettings().ThermostatMethod, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatWindow", NVstore.getUserSettings().ThermostatWindow, root); int stop = NVstore.getUserSettings().cyclic.Stop; if(stop) stop++; // deliver effective threshold, not internal working value bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatOvertemp", stop, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("ThermostatUndertemp", NVstore.getUserSettings().cyclic.Start, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("CyclicTemp", getDemandDegC(), root); // actual pivot point for cyclic mode bSend |= moderator.addJson("CyclicOff", stop, root); // threshold of over temp for cyclic mode bSend |= moderator.addJson("CyclicOn", NVstore.getUserSettings().cyclic.Start, root); // threshold of under temp for cyclic mode if(bSend) { root.printTo(opStr, len); } return bSend; } // the way the JSON timer strings are crafted, we have to iterate over each timer's parameters // individually, the JSON name is always the same for each timer, the payload IDs the specific // timer // Only timer parameters that have changed will be sent, after reset the typical string will be // {"TimerStart":XX:XX,"TimerStop":XX:XX,"TimerDays":XX,"TimerRepeat":X} bool makeJSONTimerString(int channel, char* opStr, int len) { bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to sTimer timerInfo; NVstore.getTimerInfo(channel, timerInfo); bSend |= TimerModerator.addJson(channel, timerInfo, root ); if(bSend) { root.printTo(opStr, len); } return bSend; } bool makeJSONStringGPIO(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len) { StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag sGPIO info; getGPIOinfo(info); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPin1", info.inState[0], root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPin2", info.inState[1], root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPout1", info.outState[0], root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPout2", info.outState[1], root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPanlg", info.algVal * 100 / 4096, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPmodeIn", GPIOinNames[info.inMode], root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPmodeOut", GPIOoutNames[info.outMode], root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("GPmodeAnlg", GPIOalgNames[info.algMode], root); if(bSend) { root.printTo(opStr, len); } return bSend; } bool makeJSONStringMQTT(CModerator& moderator, char* opStr, int len) { StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to bool bSend = false; // reset should send flag sMQTTparams info = NVstore.getMQTTinfo(); bSend |= moderator.addJson("MEn", info.enabled, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("MPort", info.port, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("MHost", info.host, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("MUser", info.username, root); bSend |= moderator.addJson("MPasswd", info.password, root); if(bSend) { root.printTo(opStr, len); } return bSend; } void updateJSONclients(bool report) { // update general parameters char jsonStr[800]; { if(makeJSONString(JSONmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) { if (report) { DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr); } sendWebServerString( jsonStr ); std::string expand = jsonStr; Expand(expand); getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() ); } } // update extended params { if(makeJSONStringEx(JSONmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) { if (report) { DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr); } sendWebServerString( jsonStr ); std::string expand = jsonStr; Expand(expand); getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() ); } } // update timer parameters bool bNewTimerInfo = false; for(int tmr=0; tmr<14; tmr++) { unsigned long tStart = millis(); if(makeJSONTimerString(tmr, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) { unsigned long tJSON = millis() - tStart; if (report) { DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr); } tStart = millis(); sendWebServerString( jsonStr ); unsigned long tWF = millis() - tStart; tStart = millis(); std::string expand = jsonStr; Expand(expand); getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() ); unsigned long tBT = millis() - tStart; bNewTimerInfo = true; DebugPort.printf("JSON times : %ld,%ld,%ld\r\n", tJSON, tBT, tWF); } } // request timer refesh upon clients if(bNewTimerInfo) { StaticJsonBuffer<800> jsonBuffer; // create a JSON buffer on the stack JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); // create object to add JSON commands to if(timerConflict) { root.set("TimerConflict", timerConflict); timerConflict = 0; } root.set("TimerRefresh", 1); root.printTo(jsonStr, 800); DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr); sendWebServerString( jsonStr ); std::string expand = jsonStr; Expand(expand); getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() ); } // report MQTT params { if(makeJSONStringMQTT(MQTTmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) { if (report) { DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr); } sendWebServerString( jsonStr ); std::string expand = jsonStr; Expand(expand); getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() ); } } { if(makeJSONStringGPIO(GPIOmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr))) { if (report) { DebugPort.printf("JSON send: %s\r\n", jsonStr); } sendWebServerString( jsonStr ); std::string expand = jsonStr; Expand(expand); getBluetoothClient().send( expand.c_str() ); } } } void resetJSONmoderator() { JSONmoderator.reset(); #ifdef SALWAYS_SEND_TIMERS TimerModerator.reset(); #else initTimerJSONmoderator(); #endif initMQTTJSONmoderator(); GPIOmoderator.reset(); } void initMQTTJSONmoderator() { char jsonStr[800]; makeJSONStringMQTT(MQTTmoderator, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr)); } void initTimerJSONmoderator() { char jsonStr[800]; for(int tmr=0; tmr<14; tmr++) makeJSONTimerString(tmr, jsonStr, sizeof(jsonStr)); } void Expand(std::string& str) { const sUserSettings& userOptions = NVstore.getUserSettings(); if(userOptions.JSON.singleElement) { size_t pos = str.find(",\""); while(pos != std::string::npos) { if(userOptions.JSON.LF) str.replace(pos, 2, "}\n{\""); // converts {"name":value,"name2":value"} to {"name":value}\n{"name2":value} else str.replace(pos, 2, "}{\""); // converts {"name":value,"name2":value"} to {"name":value}{"name2":value} pos = str.find(",\""); } if(userOptions.JSON.padding) { // converts {"name":value} to {"name": value} pos = str.find("\":"); while(pos != std::string::npos) { str.replace(pos, 2, "\": "); pos = str.find("\":", pos+1); } } if(userOptions.JSON.LF) str.append("\n"); } }