/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ struct BITMAP_INFO; // 'Thermometer', 8x50px extern const BITMAP_INFO BodyThermometerIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO AmbientThermometerIconInfo; // 'ThermoPtr', 3x5px extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermoPtrIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermoOpenPtrIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermoPtrHighIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermoPtrLowIconInfo; // 'Bluetooth icon', 6x11px extern const BITMAP_INFO BluetoothIconInfo; // 'wifiIcon', 13x10px extern const BITMAP_INFO WifiIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO WifiWideIconInfo; // 'wifiInIcon', 5x5px extern const BITMAP_INFO WifiInIconInfo; // 'wifiOutIcon', 5x5px extern const BITMAP_INFO WifiOutIconInfo; // 'BatteryIcon', 15x10px extern const BITMAP_INFO BatteryIconInfo; // 'GlowPlugIcon', 16x9px extern const BITMAP_INFO GlowPlugIconInfo; // 'HeatRise', 17x2px extern const BITMAP_INFO GlowHeatIconInfo; // 'Fan3_1a', 16x16px // 'Fan3_2a', 16x16px // 'Fan3_3a', 16x16px // 'Fan3_4a', 16x16px extern const BITMAP_INFO FanIcon1Info; extern const BITMAP_INFO FanIcon2Info; extern const BITMAP_INFO FanIcon3Info; extern const BITMAP_INFO FanIcon4Info; // 'FuelIcon', 7x12px extern const BITMAP_INFO FuelIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO FuelIconSmallInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO TargetIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO RepeatIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO TimerId1IconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO TimerId2IconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO TimerIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO verticalRepeatIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO LargeTimerIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO VerticalLargeRepeatIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO CrossLgIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO CrossIconInfo ; // Bitmap for open extern const BITMAP_INFO OpenIconInfo; // Bitmap for close extern const BITMAP_INFO CloseIconInfo; // Bitmap for BulbOn extern const BITMAP_INFO BulbOnIconInfo; // Bitmap for BulbOff extern const BITMAP_INFO BulbOffIconInfo; // Bitmap for start extern const BITMAP_INFO StartIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO miniStartIconInfo; // Bitmap sizes for stop extern const BITMAP_INFO StopIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO miniStopIconInfo; // Bitmap for displayTimeout extern const BITMAP_INFO DisplayTimeoutIconInfo; // Bitmap for menuTimeout extern const BITMAP_INFO MenuTimeoutIconInfo; // Bitmap for timeout extern const BITMAP_INFO TimeoutIconInfo; // Bitmap for refresh extern const BITMAP_INFO RefreshIconInfo; // Bitmap for thermostat modes extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermostatIconInfo; // Bitmap for GPIO extern const BITMAP_INFO GPIOIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO GPIOIconNoAlgInfo; // Bitmap for firmware extern const BITMAP_INFO FirmwareIconInfo; // Bitmap for hardware extern const BITMAP_INFO HardwareIconInfo; // Bitmap for caution extern const BITMAP_INFO CautionIconInfo; // Bitmap sizes for update extern const BITMAP_INFO UpdateIconInfo; // Bitmap sizes for www extern const BITMAP_INFO WWWIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO BowserIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO DegCIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO DegFIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermostatDegCIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermostatDegFIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO ThermostatHzIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO resetIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO miniThermoIconInfo; extern const BITMAP_INFO ExtThermoIconInfo;