#include #include "ScreenHeader.h" #include "../Protocol/Protocol.h" #include "../Protocol/helpers.h" #include "../Wifi/BTCWifi.h" #include "../Bluetooth/BluetoothAbstract.h" #include "../Utility/NVStorage.h" #include "../RTC/Clock.h" #include "fonts/Arial.h" #include "fonts/Icons.h" #include "fonts/MiniFont.h" #define MINIFONT miniFontInfo #define X_BATT_ICON 103 #define Y_BATT_ICON 0 #define X_WIFI_ICON 19 #define Y_WIFI_ICON 0 #define X_BT_ICON 10 #define Y_BT_ICON 0 #define X_TIMER1_ICON 69 #define X_TIMER2_ICON 85 #define Y_TIMER_ICON 0 #define X_CLOCK 52 #define Y_CLOCK 0 CScreenHeader::CScreenHeader(C128x64_OLED& disp, CScreenManager& mgr) : CScreen(disp, mgr) { _clearUpAnimation = false; _clearDnAnimation = false; _colon = false; } void CScreenHeader::show() { _display.clearDisplay(); // standard header items // Bluetooth showBTicon(); // WiFi showWifiIcon(); // battery showBatteryIcon(getHeaterInfo().getBattVoltage()); // timers int numTimers = showTimers(); // clock showTime(numTimers); } // Animate IN/OUT arrows against the WiFi icon, according to actual web server traffic: // an IN (down) arrow is drawn if incoming data has been detected. // an OUT (up) arrow is drawn if outgoing data has been sent. // // Each arrow is drawn for one animation interval with a minimum of one clear interval // creating a clean flash on the display. // Both arrows may appear in the same interval. // The following is a typical sequence, relative to animation ticks, note the gap // that always appears in the animation interval between either arrow shown: // // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // _________^^^^^________________________________________^^^^^_________________________ // ______________vvvvv_____vvvvv_______________vvvvv_____vvvvv_____vvvvv_______________ bool CScreenHeader::animate() { bool retval = false; if((isWifiConnected() || isWifiAP()) && isWebClientConnected()) { int xPos = X_WIFI_ICON + W_WIFI_ICON; if(isWifiAP()) { xPos += 4; } // UP arrow animation // int yPos = 0; if(_clearUpAnimation) { // arrow was drawn in the prior iteration, now erase it _display.fillRect(xPos, yPos, W_WIFIIN_ICON, H_WIFIIN_ICON, BLACK); retval = true; _clearUpAnimation = false; } else if(hasWebServerSpoken(true)) { // we have emitted data to the web client, show an UP arrow _display.drawBitmap(xPos, yPos, wifiOutIcon, W_WIFIIN_ICON, H_WIFIIN_ICON, WHITE); _clearUpAnimation = true; // clear arrow upon next iteration retval = true; } // DOWN arrow animation // yPos = H_WIFI_ICON - H_WIFIIN_ICON + 1; if(_clearDnAnimation) { // arrow was drawn in the prior iteration, now erase it _display.fillRect(xPos, yPos, W_WIFIOUT_ICON, H_WIFIOUT_ICON, BLACK); retval = true; _clearDnAnimation = false; } else if(hasWebClientSpoken(true)) { // we have receievd data from the web client, show an DOWN arrow _display.drawBitmap(xPos, yPos, wifiInIcon, W_WIFIOUT_ICON, H_WIFIOUT_ICON, WHITE); _clearDnAnimation = true; // clear arrow upon next iteration retval = true; } } return retval; // true if we need to update the physical display } void CScreenHeader::showBTicon() { if(getBluetoothClient().isConnected()) { _display.drawBitmap(X_BT_ICON, Y_BT_ICON, BTicon, W_BT_ICON, H_BT_ICON, WHITE); } } void CScreenHeader::showWifiIcon() { if(isWifiConnected() || isWifiAP()) { _display.drawBitmap(X_WIFI_ICON, Y_WIFI_ICON, wifiIcon, W_WIFI_ICON, H_WIFI_ICON, WHITE); if(isWifiConfigPortal()) { _display.fillRect(X_WIFI_ICON + 8, Y_WIFI_ICON + 5, 15, 7, BLACK); CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font _display.setCursor(X_WIFI_ICON+9, Y_WIFI_ICON+6); // _display.print("PTL"); _display.print("CFG"); } else if(isWifiAP()) { _display.fillRect(X_WIFI_ICON + 8, Y_WIFI_ICON + 5, 10, 7, BLACK); CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font _display.setCursor(X_WIFI_ICON+9, Y_WIFI_ICON+6); _display.print("AP"); } } } void CScreenHeader::showBatteryIcon(float voltage) { _display.drawBitmap(X_BATT_ICON, Y_BATT_ICON, BatteryIcon, W_BATT_ICON, H_BATT_ICON, WHITE); char msg[16]; sprintf(msg, "%.1fV", voltage); CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font _display.setCursor(X_BATT_ICON + W_BATT_ICON/2, Y_BATT_ICON + H_BATT_ICON + 2); _display.printCentreJustified(msg); // nominal 10.5 -> 13.5V bargraph int Capacity = (voltage - 10.7) * 4; if(Capacity < 0) Capacity = 0; if(Capacity > 11) Capacity = 11; _display.fillRect(X_BATT_ICON+2 + Capacity, Y_BATT_ICON+2, W_BATT_ICON-4-Capacity, 6, BLACK); } int CScreenHeader::showTimers() { sTimer timerInfo1; sTimer timerInfo2; NVstore.getTimerInfo(0, timerInfo1); NVstore.getTimerInfo(1, timerInfo2); int drawn = 0; int xPos = X_TIMER2_ICON; // initially assume a single timer, locate to right of screen if(timerInfo1.enabled) { drawn++; if(timerInfo2.enabled) // check if other timer is also enabled xPos = X_TIMER1_ICON; // both are enabled - draw icon 1 to the left, otherwise leave to the right _display.drawBitmap(xPos, Y_TIMER_ICON, timerID1Icon, W_TIMER_ICON, H_TIMER_ICON, WHITE); if(timerInfo1.repeat) _display.drawBitmap(xPos, Y_TIMER_ICON+1, repeatIcon, W_TIMER_ICON, H_TIMER_ICON, WHITE); } xPos = X_TIMER2_ICON; // logically the second icon attempt is always to the right! if(timerInfo2.enabled) { drawn++; _display.drawBitmap(xPos, Y_TIMER_ICON, timerID2Icon, W_TIMER_ICON, H_TIMER_ICON, WHITE); if(timerInfo2.repeat) _display.drawBitmap(xPos, Y_TIMER_ICON+1, repeatIcon, W_TIMER_ICON, H_TIMER_ICON, WHITE); } return drawn; } void CScreenHeader::showTime(int numTimers) { const BTCDateTime& now = Clock.get(); char msg[16]; if(_colon) sprintf(msg, "%02d:%02d", now.hour(), now.minute()); else sprintf(msg, "%02d %02d", now.hour(), now.minute()); _colon = !_colon; { CTransientFont AF(_display, &arial_8ptFontInfo); // determine centre position of remaining real estate int xPos = X_WIFI_ICON + W_WIFI_ICON + W_WIFIIN_ICON; // rhs of wifi conglomeration if(isWifiAP()) xPos += 4; // add more if an Access Point switch(numTimers) { case 0: xPos = _display.xCentre(); break; case 1: xPos += (X_TIMER2_ICON - xPos) / 2; break; case 2: xPos += (X_TIMER1_ICON - xPos) / 2; break; } _printMenuText(xPos, Y_CLOCK, msg, false, eCentreJustify); } }