/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include "TempSense.h" #include "DebugPort.h" #include "macros.h" #include "NVStorage.h" CSensor::CSensor() { _reading = -100; _holdoff = 2; _filter.setBounds(-50, 80); } bool CSensor::update(float val) { if(_holdoff) { _holdoff--; _reading = -100; if(_holdoff == 0) _filter.reset(val); return false; } else { _filter.update(val); _reading = val; return true; } } void CSensor::reset() { _holdoff = 2; _reading = -100; _filter.reset(_reading); } bool CSensor::getTemperature(float& tempReading, bool filtered) { if(_holdoff) { tempReading = -100; } else { if(filtered) tempReading = _filter.getValue(); else tempReading = _reading; } return _holdoff == 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DS18B20 probe support // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDS18B20probe::CDS18B20probe() : CSensor() { pSensorInfo = NULL; init(); } void CDS18B20probe::init() { release(); reset(); error = DS18B20_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } void CDS18B20probe::release() { if(pSensorInfo) ds18b20_free(&pSensorInfo); pSensorInfo = NULL; } bool CDS18B20probe::readSensor() { bool retval = false; float temperature; error = ds18b20_read_temp(pSensorInfo, &temperature); if(error == DS18B20_OK) { retval = update(temperature); if(!retval) { error = DS18B20_ERROR_DEVICE; // holdoff still active, avoid allowing initial readings } } else { reset(); } return retval; } float CDS18B20probe::getReading(bool filtered) { float temperature; CSensor::getTemperature(temperature, filtered); return temperature; } OneWireBus_ROMCode CDS18B20probe::getROMcode() const { if(pSensorInfo) return pSensorInfo->rom_code; else { OneWireBus_ROMCode nullROM = {0}; return nullROM; } } bool CDS18B20probe::matchROMcode(uint8_t test[8]) { if(pSensorInfo) return memcmp(pSensorInfo->rom_code.bytes, test, 8) == 0; return false; } CDS18B20SensorSet::CDS18B20SensorSet() { _owb = NULL; _nNumSensors = 0; for(int i=0; i< MAX_DS18B20_DEVICES; i++) _Sensors[i].init(); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _sensorMap[i] = -1; _bReportFind = true; } void CDS18B20SensorSet::begin(int pin) { // initialise DS18B20 sensor interface // create one wire bus interface, using RMT peripheral _owb = owb_rmt_initialize(&_rmt_driver_info, pin, RMT_CHANNEL_1, RMT_CHANNEL_0); owb_use_crc(_owb, true); // enable CRC check for ROM code _bReportFind = true; find(); } bool CDS18B20SensorSet::readSensors() { bool retval = false; if(_nNumSensors == 0) { bool found = find(); if(found) { DebugPort.println("Found DS18B20 device(s)"); startConvert(); // request a new conversion, waitConvertDone(); } } if(_nNumSensors) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DS18B20_DEVICES; ++i) { _Sensors[i].setError(DS18B20_ERROR_UNKNOWN); } for (int i = 0; i < _nNumSensors; ++i) { _Sensors[i].readSensor(); } #ifdef REPORT_READINGS DebugPort.println("\nTemperature readings (degrees C)"); #endif for (int i = 0; i < _nNumSensors; ++i) { if(_Sensors[i].OK()) { #ifdef REPORT_READINGS DebugPort.printf(" %d: %.1f OK\r\n", i, _Readings[i]); #endif retval = true; // at least one sensor read OK } else { #ifdef REPORT_READINGS DebugPort.printf("\007 %d: DS18B20 sensor removed?\r\n", i); #endif } } } return retval; } bool CDS18B20SensorSet::find() { // Find all connected devices if(_bReportFind) DebugPort.println("Finding one wire bus devices..."); OneWireBus_ROMCode rom_codes[MAX_DS18B20_DEVICES]; memset(&rom_codes, 0, sizeof(rom_codes)); _nNumSensors = 0; OneWireBus_SearchState search_state = {0}; bool found = false; owb_search_first(_owb, &search_state, &found); while(found) { char rom_code_s[17]; owb_string_from_rom_code(search_state.rom_code, rom_code_s, sizeof(rom_code_s)); if(_bReportFind) DebugPort.printf(" %d : %s\r\n", _nNumSensors, rom_code_s); rom_codes[_nNumSensors] = search_state.rom_code; _nNumSensors++; owb_search_next(_owb, &search_state, &found); } if(_bReportFind) DebugPort.printf("Found %d DS18B20 device%s\r\n", _nNumSensors, _nNumSensors==1 ? "" : "s"); // Create DS18B20 devices on the 1-Wire bus for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DS18B20_DEVICES; ++i) { _Sensors[i].release(); } for (int i = 0; i < _nNumSensors; ++i) { DS18B20_Info * ds18b20_info = ds18b20_malloc(); // heap allocation _Sensors[i].assign(ds18b20_info); if (_nNumSensors == 1) { DebugPort.print("DS18B20 Single device optimisations enabled\n"); ds18b20_init_solo(ds18b20_info, _owb); // only one device on bus ds18b20_info->rom_code = rom_codes[0]; // added, for GUI setup!! } else { ds18b20_init(ds18b20_info, _owb, rom_codes[i]); // associate with bus and device } ds18b20_use_crc(ds18b20_info, true); // enable CRC check for temperature readings ds18b20_set_resolution(ds18b20_info, DS18B20_RESOLUTION_12_BIT); } _bReportFind = false; return found; } void CDS18B20SensorSet::startConvert() { // kick off the initial temperature conversion if(_Sensors[0].getSensorInfo()) ds18b20_convert_all(_owb); } void CDS18B20SensorSet::waitConvertDone() { if(_Sensors[0].getSensorInfo()) ds18b20_wait_for_conversion(_Sensors[0].getSensorInfo()); } int CDS18B20SensorSet::checkNumSensors() const { long start = millis(); bool found = false; int numSensors = 0; OneWireBus_SearchState search_state = {0}; owb_search_first(_owb, &search_state, &found); while(found) { numSensors++; owb_search_next(_owb, &search_state, &found); } DebugPort.printf("Found %d one-wire device%s\r\n", numSensors, numSensors==1 ? "" : "s"); long tDelta = millis() - start; DebugPort.printf("checkNumSensors: %ldms\r\n", tDelta); return numSensors; } bool CDS18B20SensorSet::mapSensor(int idx, OneWireBus_ROMCode romCode) { if(idx == -1) { _sensorMap[0] = _sensorMap[1] = _sensorMap[2] = -1; return false; } if(idx == -2) { DebugPort.printf("Sensor Map: %d %d %d\r\n", _sensorMap[0], _sensorMap[1], _sensorMap[2]); return false; } if(!INBOUNDS(idx, 0, 2)) return false; for(int i = 0; i < _nNumSensors; i++) { if(_Sensors[i].matchROMcode(romCode.bytes)) { _sensorMap[idx] = i; DebugPort.printf("Mapped DS18B20 %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X as role %d\r\n", romCode.fields.serial_number[5], romCode.fields.serial_number[4], romCode.fields.serial_number[3], romCode.fields.serial_number[2], romCode.fields.serial_number[1], romCode.fields.serial_number[0], idx ); return true; } } return false; } bool CDS18B20SensorSet::getTemperature(int usrIdx, float& temperature, bool filtered) { int snsIdx = _sensorMap[usrIdx]; if(snsIdx < 0) snsIdx = 0; // default to sensor 0 if not mapped return getTemperatureIdx(snsIdx, temperature, filtered); } bool CDS18B20SensorSet::getTemperatureIdx(int snsIdx, float& temperature, bool filtered) { return _Sensors[snsIdx].getTemperature(temperature, filtered); } bool CDS18B20SensorSet::getRomCodeIdx(int snsIdx, OneWireBus_ROMCode& romCode) const { if(snsIdx >= _nNumSensors) return false; romCode = _Sensors[snsIdx].getROMcode(); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BME-280 probe support // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CBME280Sensor::CBME280Sensor() : CSensor() { _count = 0; } bool CBME280Sensor::begin(int ID) { _count = 0; bool status = _bme.begin(ID); if (!status) { DebugPort.println("Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring!"); return false; } _count = 1; _bme.setSampling(Adafruit_BME280::MODE_FORCED, Adafruit_BME280::SAMPLING_X1, Adafruit_BME280::SAMPLING_X1, Adafruit_BME280::SAMPLING_X1, Adafruit_BME280::FILTER_OFF, Adafruit_BME280::STANDBY_MS_1000); _lastSampleTime = millis(); return true; } bool CBME280Sensor::getTemperature(float& tempReading, bool filtered) { if(_count == 0) { reset(); CSensor::getTemperature(tempReading, filtered); return false; } long tDelta = millis() - _lastSampleTime; if(tDelta >= 0) { _bme.takeForcedMeasurement(); float temperature = _bme.readTemperature(); update(temperature); _lastSampleTime = millis() + 1000; DebugPort.println("Forced BME sensor reading"); } CSensor::getTemperature(tempReading, filtered); // tempReading += NVstore.getHeaterTuning().BME280probe.offset;; return true; } bool CBME280Sensor::getAltitude(float& reading, bool fresh) { if(fresh) { _fAltitude = _bme.readAltitude(1013.25); //use standard atmosphere as reference } reading = _fAltitude; return true; } bool CBME280Sensor::getHumidity(float& reading, bool fresh) { if(fresh) { _fHumidity = _bme.readHumidity(); } reading = _fHumidity; return true; } int CBME280Sensor::getAllReadings(bme280_readings& readings) { int retval = _bme.readAll(readings); _fAltitude = readings.altitude; _fHumidity = readings.humidity; update(readings.temperature); _lastSampleTime = millis() + 1000; return retval; } const char* CBME280Sensor::getID() { return "BME-280"; } CTempSense::CTempSense() { } void CTempSense::begin(int oneWirePin, int I2CID) { DS18B20.begin(oneWirePin); BME280.begin(I2CID); } int CTempSense::getNumSensors() const { int retval = 0; retval += DS18B20.getNumSensors(); retval += BME280.getCount(); return retval; } void CTempSense::startConvert() { DS18B20.startConvert(); } bool CTempSense::readSensors() { bme280_readings readings; getBME280().getAllReadings(readings); return DS18B20.readSensors(); } float CTempSense::getOffset(int usrIdx) { switch(getSensorType(usrIdx)) { case 0: // BME280 return NVstore.getHeaterTuning().BME280probe.offset; case 2: // DS18B20 - AFTER BME280 - bump index down usrIdx--; case 1: // DS18B20 if(INBOUNDS(usrIdx, 0, 2)) { return NVstore.getHeaterTuning().DS18B20probe[usrIdx].offset; } break; } return 0; } void CTempSense::setOffset(int usrIdx, float offset) { if(!INBOUNDS(offset, -10.0, +10.0)) { return; } sHeaterTuning ht = NVstore.getHeaterTuning(); if(BME280.getCount() == 0) { // no BME280 present - simply apply to DS18B20 list if(INBOUNDS(usrIdx, 0, 2)) ht.DS18B20probe[usrIdx].offset = offset; } else { // BME280 present // need to change behvaiour depending if the BME is primary if(NVstore.getHeaterTuning().BME280probe.bPrimary) { // BME is primary - usrIdx 0 is BME, 1 is first DS18B20 if(usrIdx == 0) { ht.BME280probe.offset = offset; } else { usrIdx--; if(INBOUNDS(usrIdx, 0, 2)) ht.DS18B20probe[usrIdx].offset = offset; } } else { // BME is after DS18B20s // note the index for the BME depends upon how many DS18B20s are connected! if(usrIdx >= DS18B20.getNumSensors()) { // assume any more than connected DS18B20 is the BME ht.BME280probe.offset = offset; } else { if(INBOUNDS(usrIdx, 0, 2)) ht.DS18B20probe[usrIdx].offset = offset; } } } NVstore.setHeaterTuning(ht); } bool CTempSense::getTemperature(int usrIdx, float& temperature, bool filtered) { bool bRetVal = false; float offset = 0; switch(getSensorType(usrIdx)) { case 0: bRetVal = BME280.getTemperature(temperature, filtered); offset = getOffset(usrIdx); break; case 1: bRetVal = DS18B20.getTemperature(usrIdx, temperature, filtered); offset = getOffset(usrIdx); break; case 2: bRetVal = DS18B20.getTemperature(usrIdx-1, temperature, filtered); offset = getOffset(usrIdx-1); break; } if(bRetVal) { temperature += offset; } return bRetVal; } int CTempSense::getSensorType(int usrIdx) { if(BME280.getCount() == 0) return 1; if(NVstore.getHeaterTuning().BME280probe.bPrimary) { if(usrIdx == 0) return 0; return 2; } else { if(usrIdx >= DS18B20.getNumSensors()) { return 0; } return 1; } } const char* CTempSense::getID(int usrIdx) { if(getSensorType(usrIdx)) return "DS18B20"; else return "BME280"; } void CTempSense::format(char* msg, float fTemp) { if(NVstore.getUserSettings().degF) { fTemp = fTemp * 9 / 5 + 32; sprintf(msg, "%.1f`F", fTemp); } else { sprintf(msg, "%.1f`C", fTemp); } } bool CTempSense::getTemperatureBME280(float& reading) { return BME280.getTemperature(reading, false); } bool CTempSense::getAltitude(float& reading, bool fresh) { if(BME280.getCount()) { return BME280.getAltitude(reading, fresh); } else return false; } bool CTempSense::getHumidity(float& reading, bool fresh) { if(BME280.getCount()) return BME280.getHumidity(reading, fresh); else return false; }