/* * This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution * (https://gitlab.com/mrjones.id.au/bluetoothheater) * * Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "128x64OLED.h" #include "fonts/MiniFont.h" #include "fonts/Icons.h" #include "DetailedScreen.h" #include "KeyPad.h" #include "../Utility/helpers.h" #include "../Protocol/Protocol.h" #include "../Utility/NVStorage.h" #include "../Utility/FuelGauge.h" #define MINIFONT miniFontInfo //#define X_FAN_ICON 55 #define X_FAN_ICON 49 #define Y_FAN_ICON 39 //#define X_FUEL_ICON 81 #define X_FUEL_ICON 74 #define Y_FUEL_ICON 39 //#define X_TARGET_ICON 31 #define X_TARGET_ICON 28 #define Y_TARGET_ICON 39 #define Y_BASELINE 58 //#define X_GLOW_ICON 97 #define X_GLOW_ICON 92 #define Y_GLOW_ICON 38 #define X_BOWSER_ICON 91 #define Y_BOWSER_ICON 43 #define X_BODY_BULB 119 #define X_BULB 1 // >= 1 #define Y_BULB 4 #define MINI_TEMPLABEL #define MINI_TARGETLABEL #define MINI_FANLABEL #define MINI_GLOWLABEL #define MINI_FUELLABEL #define MINI_BODYLABEL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CDetailedScreen // // This screen provides a detailed control/status function // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDetailedScreen::CDetailedScreen(C128x64_OLED& display, CScreenManager& mgr) : CScreenHeader(display, mgr) { _animatePump = false; _animateRPM = false; _animateGlow = false; _fanAnimationState = 0; _dripAnimationState = 0; _heatAnimationState = 0; _keyRepeatCount = -1; _showTarget = 0; } bool CDetailedScreen::show() { showHeaderDetail(_showTarget != 0); CScreenHeader::show(false); int runstate = getHeaterInfo().getRunStateEx(); int errstate = getHeaterInfo().getErrState(); if(errstate) errstate--; // correct for +1 biased return value long tDelta = millis() - _showTarget; if(_showTarget && (tDelta > 0)) { _showTarget = 0; } float desiredT = 0; float fPump = 0; if((runstate && (runstate <= 5)) || (runstate == 9) || _showTarget) { // state 9 = manufactured "heating glow plug" if(getThermostatModeActive() && !getExternalThermostatModeActive()) { desiredT = getTemperatureDesired(); } else { fPump = getHeaterInfo().getPump_Fixed(); if(NVstore.getUserSettings().cyclic.isEnabled()) desiredT = getDemandDegC(); } } float fTemp = getTemperatureSensor(); showThermometer(desiredT, // read values from most recently sent [BTC] frame fTemp, fPump); _animateRPM = false; _animatePump = false; _animateGlow = false; bool bGlowActive = false; if(runstate != 0 && runstate != 10) { // not idle modes float power = getHeaterInfo().getGlowPlug_Power(); if(power > 1) { showGlowPlug(power); bGlowActive = true; } if(_showTarget) showFanV(getHeaterInfo().getFan_Voltage()); else showFan(getHeaterInfo().getFan_Actual()); showFuel(getHeaterInfo().getPump_Actual()); showBodyThermometer(getHeaterInfo().getTemperature_HeatExchg()); } if(!bGlowActive) { showBowser(FuelGauge.Used_mL()); } showRunState(runstate, errstate); return true; } bool CDetailedScreen::animate() { bool retval = CScreenHeader::animate(); if(_animatePump || _animateRPM || _animateGlow) { if(_animatePump) { // erase region of fuel icon _display.fillRect(X_FUEL_ICON, Y_FUEL_ICON, FuelIconInfo.width, FuelIconInfo.height + 4, BLACK); _drawBitmap(X_FUEL_ICON, Y_FUEL_ICON+(_dripAnimationState/2), FuelIconInfo); _dripAnimationState++; _dripAnimationState &= 0x07; } if(_animateRPM) { // erase region of fuel icon _display.fillRect(X_FAN_ICON, Y_FAN_ICON, FanIcon1Info.width, FanIcon1Info.height, BLACK); switch(_fanAnimationState) { case 0: _drawBitmap(X_FAN_ICON, Y_FAN_ICON, FanIcon1Info); break; case 1: _drawBitmap(X_FAN_ICON, Y_FAN_ICON, FanIcon2Info); break; case 2: _drawBitmap(X_FAN_ICON, Y_FAN_ICON, FanIcon3Info); break; case 3: _drawBitmap(X_FAN_ICON, Y_FAN_ICON, FanIcon4Info); break; } _fanAnimationState++; _fanAnimationState &= 0x03; } if(_animateGlow) { _display.fillRect(X_GLOW_ICON, Y_GLOW_ICON, 17, 10, BLACK); _drawBitmap(X_GLOW_ICON, Y_GLOW_ICON, GlowPlugIconInfo); _drawBitmap(X_GLOW_ICON, Y_GLOW_ICON + 2 + _heatAnimationState, GlowHeatIconInfo); _heatAnimationState -= 2; _heatAnimationState &= 0x07; } retval = true; } retval |= CScreen::animate(); return retval; } bool CDetailedScreen::keyHandler(uint8_t event) { if(event & keyPressed) { _keyRepeatCount = 0; // unlock tracking of repeat events } // require hold to turn ON or OFF if(event & keyRepeat) { if(_keyRepeatCount >= 0) { _keyRepeatCount++; // hold LEFT to toggle GPIO output #1 if(event & key_Left) { if(_keyRepeatCount > 2) { _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling toggleGPIOout(0); // toggle GPIO output #1 } } // hold RIGHT to toggle GPIO output #2 if(event & key_Right) { if(_keyRepeatCount > 2) { _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling toggleGPIOout(1); // toggle GPIO output #2 } } if(event & key_Centre) { int runstate = getHeaterInfo().getRunStateEx(); if(runstate) { // running, including cyclic mode idle if(_keyRepeatCount > 5) { _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling requestOff(); } } else { if(_keyRepeatCount > 3) { _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling requestOn(); } } } if(event & key_Down) { if(_keyRepeatCount > 1) { // held Down - togle thermo/fixed mode _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling if(reqThermoToggle()) { _showTarget = millis() + 3500; NVstore.save(); } else _reqOEMWarning(); } } if(event & key_Up) { if(_keyRepeatCount > 1) { // held Down - togle thermo/fixed mode _keyRepeatCount = -1; // prevent double handling sUserSettings settings = NVstore.getUserSettings(); toggle(settings.degF); NVstore.setUserSettings(settings); NVstore.save(); } } } } // release event if(event & keyReleased) { if(_keyRepeatCount == 0) { // short Up press - lower target if(event & key_Up) { if(reqDemandDelta(+1)) _showTarget = millis() + 3500; else _reqOEMWarning(); } if(event & key_Down) { // short Down press - lower target if(reqDemandDelta(-1)) _showTarget = millis() + 3500; else _reqOEMWarning(); } if(event & key_Centre) { // short Centre press - show target _showTarget = millis() + 3500; } _ScreenManager.reqUpdate(); if(event & key_Left) { _ScreenManager.prevMenu(); } if(event & key_Right) { _ScreenManager.nextMenu(); } } _keyRepeatCount = -1; } return true; } #define TEMP_YPOS(A) ((20 - int(A)) + 27) // 26 is location of 20deg tick void CDetailedScreen::showThermometer(float fDesired, float fActual, float fPump) { char msg[16]; // draw bulb design _drawBitmap(X_BULB, Y_BULB, AmbientThermometerIconInfo, WHITE); if(fActual > 0) { // draw mercury int yPos = Y_BULB + TEMP_YPOS(fActual); _display.drawLine(X_BULB + 3, yPos, X_BULB + 3, Y_BULB + 42, WHITE); _display.drawLine(X_BULB + 4, yPos, X_BULB + 4, Y_BULB + 42, WHITE); } // print actual temperature if(fActual > -80) { CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font if(NVstore.getUserSettings().degF) { fActual = fActual * 9 / 5 + 32; sprintf(msg, "%.1f`F", fActual); } else { sprintf(msg, "%.1f`C", fActual); } _printMenuText(0, Y_BASELINE, msg); } else { _printInverted(1, Y_BASELINE-2, "N/A", true); } // draw cyclic bracket (if enabled) if(NVstore.getUserSettings().cyclic.isEnabled() && (fDesired != 0)) { int max = fDesired + NVstore.getUserSettings().cyclic.Stop + 1; int min = fDesired + NVstore.getUserSettings().cyclic.Start; // stored as a negative value! // convert to screen coordinates max = Y_BULB + TEMP_YPOS(max); min = Y_BULB + TEMP_YPOS(min); int xOfs = 8; // # _drawBitmap(X_BULB + xOfs, max-2, ThermoPtrHighIconInfo); // ## // #### // #### _drawBitmap(X_BULB + xOfs, min, ThermoPtrLowIconInfo); // ## // # } // draw target setting // may be suppressed if not in normal start or run state if((fDesired != 0) || (fPump != 0)) { if(getThermostatModeActive() && getExternalThermostatModeActive()) { _drawBitmap(X_TARGET_ICON-2, Y_TARGET_ICON+1, ExtThermoIconInfo); // draw external input #2 icon if(getExternalThermostatOn()) _drawBitmap(X_TARGET_ICON-2, Y_TARGET_ICON+9, CloseIconInfo); // draw external input #2 icon else _drawBitmap(X_TARGET_ICON-2, Y_TARGET_ICON+9, OpenIconInfo); // draw external input #2 icon } else { _drawBitmap(X_TARGET_ICON, Y_TARGET_ICON, TargetIconInfo); // draw target icon } char msg[16]; if(fPump == 0) { int yPos = Y_BULB + TEMP_YPOS(fDesired) - 2; // 2 offsets mid height of icon _drawBitmap(X_BULB-1, yPos, ThermoPtrIconInfo); // set closed indicator against bulb if(NVstore.getUserSettings().degF) { fDesired = fDesired * 9 / 5 + 32; sprintf(msg, "%.0f`F", fDesired); } else { sprintf(msg, "%.0f`C", fDesired); } } else { if(fDesired) { int yPos = Y_BULB + TEMP_YPOS(fDesired) - 2; _drawBitmap(X_BULB-1, yPos, ThermoOpenPtrIconInfo); // set open style indicator against bulb } sprintf(msg, "%.1fHz", fPump); } #ifdef MINI_TARGETLABEL CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font #endif _printMenuText(X_TARGET_ICON + (TargetIconInfo.width/2), Y_BASELINE, msg, false, eCentreJustify); } } #define BODY_YPOS(A) ((((100 - A) * 3) / 16) + 22) // 100degC centre - ticks +- 80C void CDetailedScreen::showBodyThermometer(int actual) { // draw bulb design _drawBitmap(X_BODY_BULB, Y_BULB, BodyThermometerIconInfo); // draw mercury int yPos = Y_BULB + BODY_YPOS(actual); _display.drawLine(X_BODY_BULB + 3, yPos, X_BODY_BULB + 3, Y_BULB + 42, WHITE); _display.drawLine(X_BODY_BULB + 4, yPos, X_BODY_BULB + 4, Y_BULB + 42, WHITE); // print actual temperature _display.setTextColor(WHITE); char label[16]; // determine width and position right justified #ifdef MINI_BODYLABEL CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font if(NVstore.getUserSettings().degF) { actual = actual * 9 / 5 + 32; sprintf(label, "%d`F", actual); } else { sprintf(label, "%d`C", actual); } #else sprintf(label, "%d", actual); #endif _printMenuText(_display.width(), Y_BASELINE, label, false, eRightJustify); } void CDetailedScreen::showGlowPlug(float power) { _drawBitmap(X_GLOW_ICON, Y_GLOW_ICON, GlowPlugIconInfo); // _animateGlow = true; char msg[16]; sprintf(msg, "%.0fW", power); #ifdef MINI_GLOWLABEL CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font #endif _printMenuText(X_GLOW_ICON + (GlowPlugIconInfo.width/2), Y_GLOW_ICON + GlowPlugIconInfo.height + 3, msg, false, eCentreJustify); } void CDetailedScreen::showFan(int RPM) { // NOTE: fan rotation animation performed in animateOLED _animateRPM = RPM != 0; // used by animation routine _display.setTextColor(WHITE); char msg[16]; sprintf(msg, "%d", RPM); #ifdef MINI_FANLABEL CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font #endif _printMenuText(X_FAN_ICON + (FanIcon1Info.width/2), Y_BASELINE, msg, false, eCentreJustify); } void CDetailedScreen::showFanV(float volts) { // NOTE: fan rotation animation performed in animateOLED _animateRPM = volts != 0; // used by animation routine _display.setTextColor(WHITE); char msg[16]; sprintf(msg, "%.1fV", volts); #ifdef MINI_FANLABEL CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font #endif _printMenuText(X_FAN_ICON + (FanIcon1Info.width/2), Y_BASELINE, msg, false, eCentreJustify); } void CDetailedScreen::showFuel(float rate) { // NOTE: fuel drop animation performed in animateOLED _animatePump = rate != 0; // used by animation routine if(rate) { char msg[16]; sprintf(msg, "%.1f", rate); #ifdef MINI_FUELLABEL CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font #endif _printMenuText(X_FUEL_ICON + (FuelIconInfo.width/2), Y_BASELINE, msg, false, eCentreJustify); } } void CDetailedScreen::showBowser(float used) { _display.setTextColor(WHITE); _drawBitmap(X_BOWSER_ICON, Y_BOWSER_ICON, BowserIconInfo); char msg[16]; sprintf(msg, "%.02fL", used * 0.001); #ifdef MINI_FANLABEL CTransientFont AF(_display, &MINIFONT); // temporarily use a mini font #endif _printMenuText(X_BOWSER_ICON + (BowserIconInfo.width/2), Y_BASELINE, msg, false, eCentreJustify); } void CDetailedScreen::showRunState(int runstate, int errstate) { static bool toggle = false; const char* toPrint = NULL; int yPos = 25; _display.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); if(errstate && ((runstate == 0) || (runstate > 5))) { // an error is present in idle or states beyond running, show it // create an "E-XX" message to display char msg[16]; sprintf(msg, "E-%02d", errstate); if(runstate > 5) yPos -= _display.textHeight(); _display.setCursor(_display.xCentre(), yPos); // flash error code toggle = !toggle; if(toggle) _display.printCentreJustified(msg); else { _display.printCentreJustified(" "); } yPos += _display.textHeight(); toPrint = getHeaterInfo().getErrStateStr(); } else { // no errors, heater normal toPrint = getHeaterInfo().getRunStateStr(); } if(toPrint) { _printMenuText(_display.xCentre(), yPos, toPrint, false, eCentreJustify); } }