/* * TELNET SERVER FOR ESP8266 / ESP32 * Cloning the serial port via Telnet. * * Written by Wolfgang Mattis (arduino@yasheena.de). * Version 1.1 / September 7, 2018. * MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution. */ /* * DESCRIPTION * * This module allows you "Debugging over the air". So if you already use * ArduinoOTA this is a helpful extension for wireless development. Use * "TelnetSpy" instead of "Serial" to send data to the serial port and a copy * to a telnet connection. There is a circular buffer which allows to store the * data while the telnet connection is not established. So its possible to * collect data even when the Wifi and Telnet connections are still not * established. Its also possible to create a telnet session only if it is * neccessary: then you will get the already collected data as far as it is * still stored in the circular buffer. Data send from telnet terminal to * ESP8266 / ESP32 will be handled as data received by serial port. It is also * possible to use more than one instance of TelnetSpy, for example to send * control information on the first instance and data dumps on the second * instance. * * USAGE * * Add the following line to your sketch: * #include * TelnetSpy LOG; * * Add the following line to your initialisation block ( void setup() ): * LOG.begin(); * * Add the following line at the beginning of your main loop ( void loop() ): * LOG.handle(); * * Use the following functions of the TelnetSpy object to modify behavior * * Change the port number of this telnet server. If a client is already * connected it will be disconnected. * Default: 23 * void setPort(uint16_t portToUse); * * Change the message which will be send to the telnet client after a session * is established. * Default: "Connection established via TelnetSpy.\n" * void setWelcomeMsg(char* msg); * * Change the message which will be send to the telnet client if another * session is already established. * Default: "TelnetSpy: Only one connection possible.\n" * void setRejectMsg(char* msg); * * Change the amount of characters to collect before sending a telnet block. * Default: 64 * void setMinBlockSize(uint16_t minSize); * * Change the time (in ms) to wait before sending a telnet block if its size is * less than (defined by setMinBlockSize). * Default: 100 * void setCollectingTime(uint16_t colTime); * * Change the maximum size of the telnet packets to send. * Default: 512 * void setMaxBlockSize(uint16_t maxSize); * * Change the size of the ring buffer. Set it to 0 to disable buffering. * Changing size tries to preserve the already collected data. If the new * buffer size is too small the youngest data will be preserved only. Returns * false if the requested buffer size cannot be set. * Default: 3000 * bool setBufferSize(uint16_t newSize); * * This function returns the actual size of the ring buffer. * uint16_t getBufferSize(); * * Enable / disable storing new data in the ring buffer if no telnet connection * is established. This function allows you to store important data only. You * can do this by disabling "storeOffline" for sending less important data. * Default: true * void setStoreOffline(bool store); * * Get actual state of storing data when offline. * bool getStoreOffline(); * * If no data is sent via TelnetSpy the detection of a disconnected client has * a long timeout. Use setPingTime to define the time (in ms) without traffic * after which a ping (chr(0)) is sent to the telnet client to detect a * disconnect earlier. Use 0 as parameter to disable pings. * Default: 1500 * void setPingTime(uint16_t pngTime); * * Set the serial port you want to use with this object (especially for ESP32) * or NULL if no serial port should be used (telnet only). * Default: Serial * void setSerial(HardwareSerial* usedSerial); * * This function returns true, if a telnet client is connected. * bool isClientConnected(); * * This function installs a callback function which will be called on every * telnet connect of this object (except rejected connect tries). Use NULL to * remove the callback. * Default: NULL * void setCallbackOnConnect(void (*callback)()); * * This function installs a callback function which will be called on every * telnet disconnect of this object (except rejected connect tries). Use NULL * to remove the callback. * Default: NULL * void setCallbackOnDisconnect(void (*callback)()); * * HINT * * Add the following lines to your sketch: * #define SERIAL TelnetSpy * //#define SERIAL Serial * * Replace "Serial" with "SERIAL" in your sketch. Now you can switch between * serial only and serial with telnet by changing the comments of the defines * only. * * IMPORTANT * * To connect to the telnet server you have to: * - establish the Wifi connection * - execute "TelnetSpy.begin(WhatEverYouWant);" * * The order is not important. * * All you do with "Serial" you can also do with "TelnetSpy", but remember: * Transfering data also via telnet will need more performance than the serial * port only. So time critical things may be influenced. * * It is not possible to establish more than one telnet connection at the same * time. But its possible to use more than one instance of TelnetSpy. * * If you have problems with low memory you may reduce the value of the define * TELNETSPY_BUFFER_LEN for a smaller ring buffer on initialisation. * * Usage of void setDebugOutput(bool) to enable / disable of capturing of * os_print calls when you have more than one TelnetSpy instance: That * TelnetSpy object will handle this functionallity where you used * setDebugOutput at last. On default TelnetSpy has the capturing of OS_print * calls enabled. So if you have more instances the last created instance will * handle the capturing. */ #ifndef TelnetSpy_h #define TelnetSpy_h #define TELNETSPY_BUFFER_LEN 3000 #define TELNETSPY_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE 64 #define TELNETSPY_COLLECTING_TIME 100 #define TELNETSPY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 512 #define TELNETSPY_PING_TIME 1500 #define TELNETSPY_PORT 23 #define TELNETSPY_CAPTURE_OS_PRINT true #define TELNETSPY_WELCOME_MSG "Connection established via TelnetSpy.\r\n" #define TELNETSPY_REJECT_MSG "TelnetSpy: Only one connection possible.\r\n" #ifdef ESP8266 #include // empty defines, so on ESP8266 nothing will be changed #define CRITCAL_SECTION_MUTEX #define CRITCAL_SECTION_START #define CRITCAL_SECTION_END #else // ESP32 #include // add spinlock for ESP32 #define CRITCAL_SECTION_MUTEX portMUX_TYPE AtomicMutex = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; // Non-static Data Member Initializers, see: https://web.archive.org/web/20160316174223/https://blogs.oracle.com/pcarlini/entry/c_11_tidbits_non_static #define CRITCAL_SECTION_START portENTER_CRITICAL(&AtomicMutex); #define CRITCAL_SECTION_END portEXIT_CRITICAL(&AtomicMutex); #endif #include class TelnetSpy : public Stream { public: TelnetSpy(); ~TelnetSpy(); void handle(void); void setPort(uint16_t portToUse); void setWelcomeMsg(char* msg); void setRejectMsg(char* msg); void setMinBlockSize(uint16_t minSize); void setCollectingTime(uint16_t colTime); void setMaxBlockSize(uint16_t maxSize); bool setBufferSize(uint16_t newSize); uint16_t getBufferSize(); void setStoreOffline(bool store); bool getStoreOffline(); void setPingTime(uint16_t pngTime); void setSerial(HardwareSerial* usedSerial); bool isClientConnected(); void setCallbackOnConnect(void (*callback)()); void setCallbackOnDisconnect(void (*callback)()); // Functions offered by HardwareSerial class: #ifdef ESP8266 void begin(unsigned long baud) { begin(baud, SERIAL_8N1, SERIAL_FULL, 1); } void begin(unsigned long baud, SerialConfig config) { begin(baud, config, SERIAL_FULL, 1); } void begin(unsigned long baud, SerialConfig config, SerialMode mode) { begin(baud, config, mode, 1); } void begin(unsigned long baud, SerialConfig config, SerialMode mode, uint8_t tx_pin); #else // ESP32 void begin(unsigned long baud, uint32_t config=SERIAL_8N1, int8_t rxPin=-1, int8_t txPin=-1, bool invert=false); #endif void end(); #ifdef ESP8266 void swap() { swap(1); } void swap(uint8_t tx_pin); void set_tx(uint8_t tx_pin); void pins(uint8_t tx, uint8_t rx); bool isTxEnabled(void); bool isRxEnabled(void); #endif int available(void) override; int peek(void) override; int read(void) override; int availableForWrite(void); void flush(void) override; size_t write(uint8_t) override; inline size_t write(unsigned long n) { return write((uint8_t) n); } inline size_t write(long n) { return write((uint8_t) n); } inline size_t write(unsigned int n) { return write((uint8_t) n); } inline size_t write(int n) { return write((uint8_t) n); } using Print::write; operator bool() const; void setDebugOutput(bool); uint32_t baudRate(void); protected: CRITCAL_SECTION_MUTEX void sendBlock(void); void addTelnetBuf(char c); char pullTelnetBuf(); char peekTelnetBuf(); int telnetAvailable(); WiFiServer* telnetServer; WiFiClient client; uint16_t port; HardwareSerial* usedSer; bool storeOffline; bool started; bool listening; bool firstMainLoop; unsigned long waitRef; unsigned long pingRef; uint16_t pingTime; char* welcomeMsg; char* rejectMsg; uint16_t minBlockSize; uint16_t collectingTime; uint16_t maxBlockSize; bool debugOutput; char* telnetBuf; uint16_t bufLen; uint16_t bufUsed; uint16_t bufRdIdx; uint16_t bufWrIdx; bool connected; void (*callbackConnect)(); void (*callbackDisconnect)(); }; #endif