#include #include "Screen.h" #include "128x64OLED.h" #include "ScreenManager.h" // base class functionality for screens CScreen::CScreen(C128x64_OLED& disp, CScreenManager& mgr) : _display(disp), _ScreenManager(mgr) { } CScreen::~CScreen() { } bool CScreen::animate() { return false; } void CScreen::show() { } void CScreen::_drawMenuText(int x, int y, const char* str, bool selected, eJUSTIFY justify, int border, int radius) { // position output, according to justification CRect extents; extents.xPos = x; extents.yPos = y; _display.getTextExtents(str, extents); _adjustExtents(extents, justify, str); _display.setCursor(extents.xPos, extents.yPos); _display.print(str); if(selected) { extents.Expand(border); _display.drawRoundRect(extents.xPos, extents.yPos, extents.width, extents.height, radius, WHITE); } } void CScreen::_printInverted(int x, int y, const char* str, bool selected, eJUSTIFY justify) { // position output, according to justification CRect extents; extents.xPos = x; extents.yPos = y; _adjustExtents(extents, justify, str); if(selected) { _display.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE); extents.Expand(1); _display.fillRect(extents.xPos, extents.yPos, extents.width, extents.height, WHITE); extents.Expand(-1); } _display.setCursor(extents.xPos, extents.yPos); _display.print(str); _display.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); } void CScreen::_adjustExtents(CRect& extents, eJUSTIFY justify, const char* str) { _display.getTextExtents(str, extents); switch(justify) { case eCentreJustify: extents.xPos -= extents.width/2; break; case eRightJustify: extents.xPos -= extents.width; break; } } // a class used for temporary alternate fonts usage // Reverts to standard inbuilt font when the instance falls out of scope CTransientFont::CTransientFont(C128x64_OLED& disp, const FONT_INFO* pFont) : _display(disp) { _display.setFontInfo(pFont); _display.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); } CTransientFont::~CTransientFont() { _display.setFontInfo(NULL); }