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2018-11-26 11:58:15 +00:00
* This file is part of the "bluetoothheater" distribution
* (
* Copyright (C) 2018 Ray Jones <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "TxManage.h"
#include "../Utility/NVStorage.h"
#include "../Utility/helpers.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
extern void DebugReportFrame(const char* hdr, const CProtocol&, const char* ftr);
// CTxManage is used to send a data frame to the blue wire
// As the blue wire is bidirectional, we need to only allow our transmit data
// to reach the blue wire when we actually want to send data.
// At all other times we are listening to the blue wire, receiving any async data
// This requires external circuitry to toggle the Tx/Rx modes.
// A "Tx Gating" signal is used.
// when high, transmit data is sent to the blue wire
// when low, transmit data is blocked (Hi-Z)
// Ideally the circuit also prevents feeding back our own Tx data into the Rx pin
// but the main software loop handles this situation by only accepting Rx data when expected.
// Timing diagram
// ____________________
// Tx Gate ____________________| |___________________________
// _____________________________________________________________________
// Tx Data |||||||||||||||
unsigned long CTxManage::m_nStartTime = 0;
int CTxManage::m_nTxGatePin = 0;
// Timer callback operates at ISRL
// this means we should avoid any function NOT in IRAM.
// Sadly digitalWrite falls into this category, so use a FreeRTOS queue
// to push the end event handling into a non ISRL task
CTxManage::CTxManage(int TxGatePin, HardwareSerial& serial) :
m_sysUpdate = 0;
m_bOnReq = false;
m_bOffReq = false;
m_bTxPending = false;
m_nStartTime = 0;
m_nTxGatePin = TxGatePin;
_rawCommand = 0;
m_HWTimer = NULL;
// static function used for the tx gate termination
// must use IRAM_ATTR being a call back called at ISRL
digitalWrite(m_nTxGatePin, LOW); // cancel Tx Gate
m_nStartTime = 0; // cancel, we are DONE
pinMode(m_nTxGatePin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(m_nTxGatePin, LOW); // default to receive mode
// use a hardware timer to terminate the Tx gate shortly after the completion of the 24 byte transmit packet
m_HWTimer = timerBegin(2, 80, true);
//set time in uS of Tx gate from when actual tx data bytes are loaded
// 240 bits @ 25000bps is 9.6ms, we'll use 9.7ms for a bit of tolerance
timerAlarmWrite(m_HWTimer, 10000-300, false);
timerAttachInterrupt(m_HWTimer, &callbackGateTerminate, true);
timerAlarmDisable(m_HWTimer); //disable interrupt for now
timerSetAutoReload(m_HWTimer, false);
CTxManage::queueOnRequest(bool set)
m_bOnReq = set; // allow cancellation via heater response frame decode
m_bOffReq = false;
CTxManage::queueOffRequest(bool set)
m_bOffReq = set; // allow cancellation via heater response frame decode
m_bOnReq = false;
CTxManage::queueRawCommand(uint8_t val)
_rawCommand = val;
m_sysUpdate = 10;
CTxManage::PrepareFrame(const CProtocol& basisFrame, bool isBTCmaster)
// copy supplied frame, typically this will be the values an OEM controller delivered
// which means we parrot that data by default.
// When parroting, we must especially avoid ping ponging "set temperature"!
// Otherwise we are supplied with the default params for standalone mode, which we
// then instil the NV parameters
m_TxFrame = basisFrame;
// ALWAYS install on/off commands if required
m_TxFrame.resetCommand(); // no command upon blue wire initially, unless a request is pending
if(_rawCommand) {
_rawCommand = 0;
else {
if(m_bOnReq) {
// m_bOnReq = false; // requires cancel via queueOnRequest(false)
if(m_bOffReq) {
// m_bOffReq = false; // requires cancel via queueOffRequest(false)
2018-09-23 08:59:19 +00:00
// 0x78 prevents the controller showing bum information when we parrot the OEM controller
// heater is happy either way, the OEM controller has set the max/min stuff already
if(isBTCmaster) {
if(m_sysUpdate) {
m_TxFrame.setActiveMode(); // this allows heater to save the tuning params to EEPROM
else {
m_TxFrame.setPassiveMode(); // this prevents the tuning parameters being saved by heater
m_TxFrame.setTemperature_Min(NVstore.getHeaterTuning().Tmin); // Minimum settable temperature
m_TxFrame.setTemperature_Max(NVstore.getHeaterTuning().Tmax); // Maximum settable temperature
float altitude;
if(getTempSensor().getAltitude(altitude)) { // if a BME280 is fitted
else {
m_TxFrame.setAltitude(3500); // default height - yes it is weird, but that's what the simple controllers send!
float tActual = getTemperatureSensor();
int8_t s8Temp = (int8_t)(tActual + 0.5);
m_TxFrame.setTemperature_Actual(s8Temp); // use current temp, for now
m_TxFrame.setThermostatModeProtocol(1); // assume using thermostat control for now
if(!getThermostatModeActive()) {
m_TxFrame.setThermostatModeProtocol(0); // not using any form of thermostat control
m_TxFrame.setHeaterDemand(getDemandPump()); // set fixed Hz demand instead
m_TxFrame.setTemperature_Actual(0); // must force actual to 0 for Hz mode
else if(NVstore.getUserSettings().ThermostatMethod) {
uint8_t ThermoMode = NVstore.getUserSettings().ThermostatMethod; // get the METHOD of thermostat control
float Window = NVstore.getUserSettings().ThermostatWindow;
float tCurrent = getTemperatureSensor();
float tDesired = float(getDemandDegC());
float tDelta = tCurrent - tDesired;
float fTemp;
DebugPort.printf("Window=%.1f tCurrent=%.1f tDesired=%.1f tDelta=%.1f\r\n", Window, tCurrent, tDesired, tDelta);
Window /= 2;
switch(ThermoMode) {
case 3: // GPIO controlled thermostat mode
if(getExternalThermostatModeActive()) {
if(getExternalThermostatOn()) {
s8Temp = m_TxFrame.getTemperature_Max(); // input active (contact closure) - max burn
else {
s8Temp = m_TxFrame.getTemperature_Min(); // input not active (contact open) - min burn
m_TxFrame.setThermostatModeProtocol(0); // direct heater to use Hz Mode
m_TxFrame.setTemperature_Actual(0); // must force actual to 0 for Hz mode
// deliberately fall through if not enabled for GPIO control to standard thermostat
// |
// V
case 0: // conventional heater controlled thermostat mode
m_TxFrame.setThermostatModeProtocol(1); // using heater thermostat control
s8Temp = (int8_t)(tActual + 0.5);
DebugPort.printf("Conventional thermostat mode: tActual = %d\r\n", u8Temp);
case 1: // heater controlled thermostat mode - BUT actual temp is tweaked via a changed window
m_TxFrame.setThermostatModeProtocol(1); // using heater thermostat control
s8Temp = (int8_t)(tActual + 0.5); // use rounded actual unless within window
if(fabs(tDelta) < Window) {
// hold at desired if inside window
s8Temp = getDemandDegC();
else if(fabs(tDelta) <= 1.0) {
// force outside if delta is <= 1 but greater than window
s8Temp = getDemandDegC() + ((tDelta > 0) ? 1 : -1);
DebugPort.printf("Heater controlled windowed thermostat mode: tActual=%d\r\n", u8Temp);
case 2: // BTC controlled thermostat mode
// map linear deviation within thermostat window to a Hz value,
// Hz mode however uses the desired temperature field, somewhere between 8 - 35 for min/max
// so create a desired "temp" according the the current hystersis
tDelta /= Window; // convert tDelta to fraction of window (CAUTION - may be > +-1 !)
DebugPort.printf("Linear window thermostat mode: Fraction=%f", tDelta);
fTemp = (m_TxFrame.getTemperature_Max() + m_TxFrame.getTemperature_Min()) * 0.5; // midpoint - tDelta = 0 hinges here
tDelta *= (m_TxFrame.getTemperature_Max() - fTemp); // linear offset from setpoint
fTemp -= tDelta; // lower Hz when over temp, higher Hz when under!
// bounds limit - recall original tDelta was NOT managed prior!
LOWERLIMIT(fTemp, m_TxFrame.getTemperature_Min());
UPPERLIMIT(fTemp, m_TxFrame.getTemperature_Max());
// apply modifed desired temperature (works in conjunction with thermostatmode = 0!)
s8Temp = (int8_t)(fTemp + 0.5);
m_TxFrame.setThermostatModeProtocol(0); // direct heater to use Hz Mode
m_TxFrame.setTemperature_Actual(0); // must force actual to 0 for Hz mode
DebugPort.printf(" tDesired (pseudo Hz demand) = %d\r\n", u8Temp);
m_TxFrame.Controller.OperatingVoltage = NVstore.getHeaterTuning().sysVoltage;
m_TxFrame.Controller.FanSensor = NVstore.getHeaterTuning().fanSensor;
m_TxFrame.Controller.GlowDrive = NVstore.getHeaterTuning().glowDrive;
else {
m_TxFrame.setPassiveMode(); // this prevents the tuning parameters being saved by heater
// ensure CRC valid
CTxManage::Start(unsigned long timenow)
m_nStartTime = timenow + m_nStartDelay; // create a dwell period if an OEM controller is present after it's data exchange
m_nStartTime |= 1; // avoid a black hole if millis() has wrapped to zero
m_bTxPending = true;
// generate a Tx Gate, then send the TxFrame to the Blue wire
// Note the serial data is ISR driven, we supply all 24 bytes to the Tx buffer which is then drained automatically
// the Tx Gate is closed shortly after the last byte is completed.
2018-09-23 08:59:19 +00:00
CTxManage::CheckTx(unsigned long timenow)
if(m_nStartTime && m_bTxPending) {
long diff = timenow - m_nStartTime;
// dwell since OEM exchange has expired ?
if(diff >= 0) {
// begin front porch of Tx gating pulse
digitalWrite(m_nTxGatePin, HIGH);
if(diff >= m_nFrontPorch) {
// front porch expired, start actual serial transmission
// Tx gate remains held high
// it is then brought low by the timer alarm callback, which also cancels m_nStartTime
m_bTxPending = false;
m_BlueWireSerial.write(m_TxFrame.Data, 24); // write native binary values
timerWrite(m_HWTimer, 0); //reset tx gate timeout
timerAlarmEnable(m_HWTimer); // timeout will cause cessation of the Tx gate
return m_nStartTime == 0; // returns true when done